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Everything posted by sbarrett4

  1. to add to the topic, what color(s) would you use to make a low-vis valk? I was thinking of just using Rustoleum grey primer that I already have as the base/primary coat and adding any detail work over that. Is there a better color to use?
  2. Guess I have sensitive skin My hands were peeling for a good 5 days after I tried not using gloves just once. Also, I have noticed Goo Gone will damage some softer plastics - I tried to remove paint from a G1 Sideswipe roof and wound up with a very ugly windshield from the Goo Gone "melting" the plastic. So stay away from clear plastics with that. Works great on taking off stickers from diecast and hard plastic though. Kanata, check your PM. I have good news for you after all this time.
  3. Pine Sol! I got an Elintseeker that someone painted red. I dissasembled it and let it soak for a few hours in Pine Sol and 99.9% of the red came off with just a little scrubbing with a toothbrush. Works on plastic and diecast, and did little damage to stickers. Make sure you wear gloves as the Pine Sol will do a number on your hands.
  4. I have done it for some smaller parts, but never on an entire figure. I wouldn't see the harm in doing it as long as the glossiness (or lack thereof) is not a problem for you.
  5. I'll buy at least two. Shan
  6. those low vis decals look awesome. Any chance of scaling them to the 1/55's?
  7. I probably didn't stir them enough. I was concerned with the short potlife so I mixed them for maybe 20 seconds and began to pour. I'll try again and stir it longer. Thanks
  8. Well, My first mold came out okay, my first cast went well until... I demolded it. The shape is fine and there are no airbubbles, but it didn't fully cure, part of it is still wet - I even waited twice the recommended time before demolding. Will it eventually cure fully? Or stay perpetually sticky? Any help/tips appreciated. FYI, I am using Smooth-On's Smooth-Cast 300 liquid plastic.
  9. I just bought this today, figuring I could create my own decals. Well, the hook is, you can but only if you buy the upgrade CD for 10 bucks. I will probably get it after I try out the whole system.
  10. I have seen other Galaxy Defender products at Walmart, but no valks. I am hoping they show up, though. Its not a bad bootleg, really.
  11. I got the Smooth-on sample kit to try my hand at casting. My question for all you experts out there is, what type of item should I try first? Should I try a small item or large? By small I mean a leg clip from Jetfire, which I think would be fairly easy, but I have no clue. Basically, I don't want to get frustrated right off the bat because I tried to cast something too complex on the first try. Shan
  12. I tried to email Chris in late July about a 1D head and got no response. One of his emails was no longer active, also. Luckily Mylene hooked me up with one.
  13. Sent a PM. Shan
  14. Thanks, I appreciate the response
  15. I got a Bandai Strike valk I won on eBay today, and I was surpised to see that the head antenna were the same ones used on the later issued Jetfires. I assumed the antennae would have the ridges like the super. The eyeport is green so its not a complete Jetfire head swap. My question is, did the strike valk have smooth antennae or did someone replace them?
  16. Looks interesting. I love a good ("bad") bootleg. Could someone hook me up with a pair of these guys? I would appreciate it Shan
  17. Awesome, I am about ready to make my first attempt at casting. This should be helpful.
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