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About nectarsis

  • Birthday 02/11/1977

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    Madison, Wisconsin

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Pobably mostly the same stuff, but... http://www.the-magicbox.com/0907/game090726b.shtml Here are some new images of Namco Bandai's PSP anime action shooter Macross Ultimate Frontier, in this game the original support characters such as Minmei, Elma and Sara Nome will be playable as pilots.
  2. I hate to resurect a dormant topic...I didn't see a need need to post a new thread. A newb to newer Macross (just finished all series post SDFM/DYRL in the last 2-3 weeks). Where is the Macross Cannon class from?
  3. Site wouldn't load from 10AM-12:52PM Central time today.
  4. 8GB (Sony/Sandisk) memory sticks are regularly $40-65 at Best Buy/Newegg, etc. If you look/wait for sales they get even better. 16GB are $99 or less these days. Buy.com had 8GB Sony for les than $40 shipped/16GB for $73 shipped..def dropping price wise.
  5. Just finished all of Macross 7 (and all the extra eps/movie, etc.). All I have to say is BOMBA!!!
  6. Lodi, Wisconsin USA
  7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Star Ocean games...2 is a top 5 rpg of all time for me, follwed by 1, and 3 (prob won't ever play the 360 game sadly). P.S. I actually enjoyed the Star Ocean anime (based off of 2) quiet a bit to.
  8. Yet SDFM: Remember Me is from the NEC PC9801 is a computer not a PC Engine
  9. Armageddon 2 LOL
  10. Total agreement SO bad it must be owned even if for the sheer laughability.
  11. Actually just put this back in my psp. Going to take a little bit to get back into it as Class of Heroes has owned my soul for awhile now lol. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO can't wait for the sequel latter this year.
  12. DEF would buy this....a new Koenig would be hella sweet to.
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