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Everything posted by wakobi

  1. It's a bootleg, but does anybody know anything whatsoever about this? http://www.animeniacs.com/index.php?action...em&item=DVD1210 It's not part of the Gundam Evolve series is it?
  2. If the New one is closer to Shirow's original vision I think that'll be the one I go for. Again thanks for the responses Drew, Jeff, EXO and everybody else as it is much appreciated!
  3. Hey gnollman thanks for the insight dude, I appreciate it a lot! So that said, is New Dominion Tank Police the sequel to the original anime?
  4. Try Import-Anime.com, they have a healthy stock of live action Japanese horror movies not to mention 'other' stuff
  5. Hey people, would those of you in the know be able to tell me what the differences are between Dominion Tank Police and New Dominion Tank Police? Also whats the difference between these two sets? http://www.dvdboxoffice.com/images/90040124.jpg And http://www.dvdboxoffice.com/images/10015448.jpg Thanks!
  6. I was gonna buy it, but i've been playing Call Of Duty solid for like the past week, so I feel a little spoiled...
  7. Hey no problem! The next time I get anymore (old) news i'll be sure to pass it along! As far as the arcs go the only thing I know (and everybody else apparently) is that the second season will feature stand alone episodes and compex episodes (story arcs) hence the title.
  8. According to an article posted on ANN a few minutes ago, Production I.G has officially confirmed the existence of a second Ghost In The Shell TV series. Is this quick or what? and moreover, they should get the damned first season out in the U.S first! ANN: GitS 2nd season news
  9. Thanks guys for the feedback on Bubblegum Crash! I just need to get around to buying the original Crisis DVD releases. Thing is, i'm not really sure about it seeing as a lot people said it was a flawed release (horrid menus, VHS quality video etc...) As far as Kenichi Sonoda goes, didn't he do Riding Bean after GSC?
  10. Out of interest, how do you BGC fanatics rate Bubblegum Crash? I gotta know since I just picked up the Manga UK DVD for like ten bucks.
  11. Thats true. If there's one thing I will say about Manga, it's that they give us a sad idiots in the UK the best prices: Macross Plus Ultimate Edition Boxset (Macross Plus OVA+Movie) 9.99 (GAME price) Virus Buster Serge Complete TV Boxset 15.99 (GAME price) Import it from the UK, it's yer best bet if it's what you really want.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if it is him, as the guy who does the voice acting for Max Stirling does a whole load of voices for different games. Games such as Metal Gear Solid, Knights of the Old Republic, etc...
  13. Bang on! That is correct and those of us who had the mental/physical stamina to sit through the Enter The Matrix game will know why the Oracle in Revolutions will look and sound like the one from the game. B)
  14. November for Vol. 3? That isn't *too* far away I guess <_< What I wouldn't give for a new Macross TV Series........ Ahem! (sorry just thinking out aloud )
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