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Everything posted by wakobi

  1. I live in the UK and this is where im getting my set from: Euro Zeta Gundam Boxset Order Hope that helps buddy! Just got mine for $125 shipped too
  2. Um, hang on. The 3 disc UK boxset DOES have the dub for the OVA just not the movie, which the US doesn;t have a dub for either. How do I know this? Because I OWN it
  3. Kristanna Loken in a tight leather getup = Good movie
  4. Yeah Drew it DOES work wonders, I just forgot to use it is all Ah well...
  5. This is the single, funniest thing I have seen in some quite some time! A word of warning though, the content is midly political (in a very funny way) and there is some bad language, but man is it hilarious!!!! The end is here!!!
  6. Hmmm, how strange. What I did though Nor, was to simply click the second link you posted (the one that ends in music videos) and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Download Now' part of the Linkin Park movie. Be patient though cos the D/L takes around 20-25 secs to start, but you'll be glad once you've got it as it's one of the best AMV's EVAR!
  7. Dude, thats just sick.
  8. Man, i'm SO praying that Max's Avatar (A.K.A Mr BadAss) Uchiha Itachi appears in the next game. That said, Gamespot have said that the third one will be largely based on teams (e.g. Team Konoha, Team Sand etc...) so it will be interesting to see how they all fit in. As long as Itachi is in it I don't really care Still, can't wait to play as Jiraya or Tsunade, hehe cos then it would have Orochimaru and be Team Sannin! The Third would be cool as a secret character too! Ok, i'll stop going on now.
  9. According to that guide, it even looks like Geforce 3 owners get a good piece of the action!
  10. Don't they number eight? I thought they used to number nine only when Orochimaru was with them, but after he left they split into two teams of four and went gathering techniques and stuff. I believe Jiraiya mentioned it.
  11. I'll certainly be buying it. Simply because it's gonna be the de-facto test for streteching my PC's legs. Not only that but it looks like an awesome game to play too
  12. Just out of curiosity, what do Garaa's attacks look like? I mean, are they faithful to the anime, y'know with rushes of sand everywhere, armor of sand etc....?
  13. Waits for the inevitable Naruto game.... And then cheers! I need a DS! Yesterday dammit!
  14. The path that I shall take is laid before me! Thanks Max!
  15. Hey Max, on a somewhat side note to Zabusa, is the second Naruto game for the GC worth the greens?
  16. Gotto go with Max for best death, since Zabusa absolutely rules. And for Max (and other Naruto fans) here's a Zabusa tribute vid i'm pretty sure you'll appreciate which completely reaffirms the AWESOMENESS of his death: Zabusa Tribute Video It should be under the Music Vid section and it's the one at the bottom on the right.
  17. Another versus thread? Great. And there's me thinking this thread was just put up to discuss the PC requirements needed to play DOOM 3 on a computer rig... Ah well...
  18. Hang on a DARN second! Must be my eyes or something but doesn't Superman look like AgentOne?!?! Seriously look at the dudes face when he gets punched by Robin! You kept that quiet dude
  19. Maybe so..... BUT! A) I can assure you that if you spent 150 bucks on a PC it sure as hell wouldn't run it to the same standard as an XBOX if at all! B) The XBOX version has system link co-op which is NOT in the PC version at all C) Todd H (Big Cheese at ID) said he was overseeing the conversion with John Caramack (The guy who helped build the engine) and V.Visions (The guys who are converting it) to ensure it's as stable in terms of frame rate as poss D) The natrual aliasing effect done by NTSC/PAL TV's will ensure that what you see doesn't look as harsh as that screenshot from an unfinished version since PC resolutions are so sharp that they bring out every little imperfection For all those folks who cant afford a powerful enough PC, an Xbox + DOOM 3 is still a VERY worthwhile alternative.
  20. Well I think I should be clear too: AMD Athlon 64 3.2Ghz Processor 1GB 400DDR Cosair RAM Radeon X800 256MB (12 Pipelines) Can't wait for Doom 3! Like someone else said in the thread, bring it on ID! Best. Graphics. Evar.
  21. Now THIS is a funny AMV! Scroll right down to the bottom of the page and it's on the left. I dig it, do you? Ninja Of The Night AMV
  22. Thats not to say that those HG fools might make something of it, check on AX 2004 when all is said and done
  23. Yup thats the one Isamu. Is there anything in particular that stands out, I mean i've heard it's not a particularly hard or long game.
  24. Well I had a spare few bucks to spend on a game this month and was looking at the mixed reviews that the newest Castlevania game on PS2 got. I'm a semi-fan of the series and I absolutely love DMC, just curious what the MacrossWorlders had to say about it. Feel free to chime in!
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