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Everything posted by Exsedol

  1. I could have sworn I saw the head mounts used a few times. Roy used them once and Hikaru rescued misa, the second time, with them.
  2. The VF-1 looks cooler therefore it is the best!
  3. LoL enough to know that M7 hopped on the neo-pop anime bandwagon.
  4. Then you're gonna have to brain wash him. Just pretend he's a newly cloned Zentradi.
  5. Yea, that and when the retired MAC II crew tried to help but accidently put a giant hole through a building LoL I agree, they looked like gundam mechs.
  6. Haha it's an aquiered taste.
  7. Aye, a Sivil resin statue would own. like a 12 inch statue. All the other PD looked like something out of Voltron LoL
  8. If the Jenius family and all the refferences to SDFM were left out of M7, it would have been horrible. I think they took the singing a little too far. Minmay was cool cause she didn't expect her music to free the zentradi. She just liked to sing. Basara on the other hand is a wannabe minmay with a god complex. Minmays music confused the zentradi which made them feel emotion and question their lifestyle. It didn't kill them It also wasn't just the singing that they liked, they also liked all the stuff the 3 spies had brought back. They liked our culture as a whole, not just for the music. Plus minmay and her music was like a side plot almost. It wasn't the main focus of the story which was cool. If SDFM was all about minmay, it wouldn't have been as good which is why M7 didn't blow anyones socks off.
  9. Minmay. She's hot and spoiled so she's probably crazy in the sack
  10. I'd have liked to have seen more of kakizaki in dyrl But still the bottom line is, Macross cannon fodder characters own even key characters in other series because they were key characters. That's what set Macross apart in the US atleast. Cartoons just didn't show main characters dying off till macross/robotech came along
  11. Was it Millia that nailed him or one of the others? I can't remember. But atleast he went down honorably in dyrl even though he was making fun of the meltrans right before he died LoL better than being killed by patricide
  12. They were in Macross II on a lot of valks.
  13. Yup, max and milia flew them during the badolza fleet battle. The only armored valkyrie we see is a vf-1j aswell. I'd gave liked to have seen an armored vf-1s
  14. Pretty much every character that isn't part of the story becomes an orange crescent at one point or another
  15. fan made. Some of those models used were bandai models lol. Awsome stuff but is most likely a multi-media students capstone project.
  16. Yes, I love that extra detail. It adds alot of meat to the macross universe
  17. Hmmm I think the SVF-184 scheme looks more UN Spacy style but the VAT 127 is just cool looking. I especially like the battlepod/crosshairs ensignea I also like how the SVMF-42 shows an alternate branch scheme for the Marines.
  18. You can get them all over. I found both at Bestbuy at reduced prices not long ago.
  19. That's not the fact of the matter. Do you know what rape is? Smacking someone and tearing their shirt is NOT rape. That's assault. The closest any character has been to being raped was when Akiko got Meylene drunk and tried to molest her. And that wouldn't have even been rape since there would have been no intercourse so it was just sexual molestation of a minor lol
  20. He didn't rape her. He just got to rough and smacked her.
  21. ...yes?
  22. Kawamori is a tight wad about that stuff. Like Christopher Tolkien. "IT'S MINE AND I'LL DO WHAT I WANT!" hehe actually if you think about it SK has a heck of a lot in common with Basara LoL
  23. I totaly agree 505. I got in to macross the same way. I'm a stickler for the "real" versions of everything from sub-cultures to clothes to movies so it was a natural transition. Robotech does cater to what people want to see which is why alot of the production staff for Shadow Cronicles came from the robotech fan scene. It's just a shame that Harmony Gold aka Uncle Scrooge never finishes a series unless it makes them big bucks. New macross series however don't die after 1 pilot. The series is actually finished and shipped and isn't just some lame prototype to test the market. I don't see any slow down in new macross projects, there have been way more of them than robotech projects, so I'm not too worried about them missing anything that the fans want to know about. I can almost garuantee that Macross Frontier won't be the last project of the series.
  24. Hehe I do have to admit there needs to be more explaination about the Megaroad 1. It was the first colony expedition, there's gotta be a cool story there.
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