If the Jenius family and all the refferences to SDFM were left out of M7, it would have been horrible. I think they took the singing a little too far. Minmay was cool cause she didn't expect her music to free the zentradi. She just liked to sing. Basara on the other hand is a wannabe minmay with a god complex. Minmays music confused the zentradi which made them feel emotion and question their lifestyle. It didn't kill them It also wasn't just the singing that they liked, they also liked all the stuff the 3 spies had brought back. They liked our culture as a whole, not just for the music. Plus minmay and her music was like a side plot almost. It wasn't the main focus of the story which was cool. If SDFM was all about minmay, it wouldn't have been as good which is why M7 didn't blow anyones socks off.