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Everything posted by Exsedol

  1. Aye, they are overlapping eachother on Opera too.
  2. I liked all the dubs better in macross than RT. In RT they all sound childish and minmay makes me want to pop my ear drums. I think glovals english/italian accent is better than russian too. In the ADV dubs they made it a goal to make gloval sound like he was an italian that learned english in england so he has that british twang but you can still pick out a light italian accent.
  3. That's exactly what I said...
  4. This site wouldn't be here if we didn't. Macross would be dead by now if it never made it over seas so keep up the robotech bashing Kieth. It shows your age.
  5. Haha I agree. Without Robotech, Macross would never have lasted this long. Macross owes it's life to Robotech and Americans. Like it or not it's a fact. I learned to like Macross better though cause I didn't like Masters and New Gen that much. Macross is god and Robotech is it's prophet here on earth Without it I'd have never gotten in to Anime.
  6. Isn't Eureka an Irish word?
  7. I say "Mac-u-rose" when I'm singing the theme song on the shitter
  8. LoL thank you. That's my point. Thing is the macross universe might have some wierd Ray style lasers that actually impact, but that is what plasma does in a condensed form. Lasers are the ace in the hole for cartoons because they don't have to explain them lol
  9. Obviously you didn't see "Starwars: behind the magic" and missed to point of that reply....
  10. hehe I'd have watched SDFM then 2012 and then DYRL. Then M7 I'd have understood things quicker that way but back in those days there was no internet and VHS was the only way lol
  11. Milia Fallyna Jenius
  12. They aren't lazers, they're plasma. Lazers don't have a solid form
  13. LoL can we just settle this once and for all? It's Milia not Miria. Miria was a translation error which led to her name being Miria in Robotech. Asians pronounce their L's as R's. It's not stereotyping, it's fact. There were a few other names that were mis-translated in the M7 subs to. Whoever did those subs had obviously seen robotech before macross. I mean, they called me Exedore for pete's sake!
  14. http://images.google.com
  15. Yay! Now if they could remember about the rest of the world that doesn't speak japanese I mean come on, we made Macross famous now atleast give us some optional official sub-titles....
  16. Umm Macross had a resolution. They wrapped up the love triangle and explained what they needed to do next in like a 15 minute bout of "Stfu and grow up minmay". Then the book closed. That is an ending.
  17. There's a reason Encore and Dynamite were created Still no real closure of an ending though
  18. If anyone should have died it's Basara LoL
  19. I like both equally. I grew up with robotech. It got me in to anime. I knew it was a compilation of 3 japanese series but back then it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to find english subtitled versions of the originals so my adulthood has been a nice rebirth in to the original macross and southern cross and mospeada shows, which are cooler than the robotech versions but robotech is sentimental. I even picked up SD: Orguss on the way so I owe homage to Robotech
  20. Yes I remember that. In Robotech that guy became Vince Grant.
  21. Hahahaha you should have started shaking and yelled "PROTOCULTURE!" and ran out of the delivery room.
  22. Awsome, Glad to see another Misa style bridge bunny again....if she is a bridge bunny Looks like a good mix of m7 and mplus style art too.
  23. Kick ass screenshot work Haha totaly. Best Macross battle EVER
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