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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. The english dub is fine. I won't go off on my "english speaking people watching subs" rant this time
  2. I like the OVA best. They left out the opening battle in the movie version and that was one of the coolest Macross battles I've seen.
  3. Why do zentradi even have reproductive organs?
  4. Haha all I know is, if there's a comet next year, which is what the government will call it, I will be there packed and ready to go Plus, it's believed that the world "as we know it" will end on december 21st 2012. Coincidence? I think not.
  5. I've always wanted to see a skull squadron spin off
  6. The only thing I liked about M7 was the carnivale where everyone brought their mecha pet projects and the old guys blasted the building with the monster.
  7. Hehe True. You can tell they were drinking from the DYRL well during the entire production
  8. DYRL was the movie version of macross released within the macross universe. I've heard Macross II is a sequel to that movie also within the macross universe. I've also heard it takes place in another dimension which is just a lame way of dismissing it as nothing. The reality is it was released for fun and I believe it hit the mark.
  9. Hehe yup that's the one.
  10. Frankly I think Macross II makes more sense in the Macross world than M7. Official or not, it felt more like Macross than M7.
  11. In Japan children are viewed differently in film and anime. What appears to be pedophelia to us is "Cute" to the Japanese.
  12. Screw em, macross is still alive because of over seas fans like us. They can't stop the internet. Plus the old idiot in charge of Harmony Gold is like 1 week away from death so hopefully his death will lead to a new rebirth of Macross here in the states.
  13. I'll try to rip it sometime. I still watch it atleast once a week hehe
  14. Clash is a the cut version. The full version was released on VHS entitled SDFM. Same voice actors.
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