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About Jeremy007

  • Birthday 11/04/1976

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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. Thanks so much for the info and reply. I am definitely going to try those out. I was going to use tamiya JN green but its a bit too green….the green needs to be green/gray or green/blue in my opinion so your mix sounds perfect.
  2. Beautiful work. I am going to start my artpla ingram soon. What colors did you use?
  3. It looks like its made from really poorly designed zoids.
  4. Reactive Armor Ingram unit 1-3 up at bbts: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?HideSoldOut=true&PageSize=50&SortOrder=New&Brand=886&o=1
  5. Also, this lion voltron (5.6inches) is listed for $219 at bbts and the mini action vehicle team voltron from the same company, which is 7 inches is listed at $65.99…?
  6. Is Action Toys doing more than one lion voltron? The specs for the one above say it is 5.6 inches tall but in this video from wotafa at summer wonderfest, it is clearly larger than that. i know there is a mini action lion voltron in the works but this one is not labelled mini action anywhere. here is the vid. 5 mins in, wotafa talks about the action toys voltron
  7. The stand does not come with the Japanese release. It is sold separately.
  8. Are you talking about the Japanese exclusive release of the blitzway voltron? If so, its 380mm/14+ inches. Its the same figure as last years release with an exclusive blazing sword accessory. I cannot find any info on a blitzway release that is the same size as the threezero voltron also, it does not cost more that the original release. The figure itself is almost $300 less than the first release. It can be preordered for a little over 55,000 yen which is about $375.
  9. I would love for it to be a non combining, show accurate Golion… or a modern updated Machine Robo Puzzler but i know neither are at all likely.
  10. No QC issues with my copy. No cracks, breaks or anything else. Super solid all around. Looks and feels great. Very satisfied with the purchase. I don't think its better than the SOC…just different. I love both.
  11. Amiami has mp-56 for Y15,200. $116 US. Roughly the same price as terraegis https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-139752
  12. I emailed two retailers in japan about the upcoming aoshima airwolf kit with clear body. They both told me that a non-clear body is also included.
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