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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I've just finished level 5...damn those docks were long. I think Luger and Rico are the most interesting to play as. Templar seems blah, and Hahka is interesting but, not in the vain as "SnakeEyes/Sam Fisher" Luger or "Drake/Vasquez" Rico. Love the rocket launcher on his gun. Maybe it's because Luger and Rico have specialized weapons unique to them that makes them more fun. I'm really starting t o like this game's storyline...it's nothing novel worthy but...I'm sucked in...
  2. I agree. Bring 'em on.
  3. But that's the brilliance of it! I'm not just logging into some server to get raped by some middle-schooler who does nothing but play Halo in their free time... I've got my best friend down in Virginia, two more local friends, plus three guys from work on my Live Friend List. Then, I only play with them. With voice chat enabled, you still have all the smack talk, plus the usual "So, how's your wife?" or "Do you want to get a beer after work tomorrow?" I kid you not, it's seriously as good as if they really were there with you. Before voice chat we played PSO with Cell phones...
  4. Not likely. Halo was made by Bungie and was originally going to be for the Mac and then later, PC...MS saw it, liked it, bought Bungie and the rest is Console FPS history. Wonder if Halo would have gotten the accolades had it been released for the Mac and PC only...I'm thinking no.
  5. Bought it as well. It's terrific, the only thing that bothers me is the occasional framerate drop.
  6. Deja vu...
  7. Not I. AC5 and Killzone stealing up enough game time for me.
  8. I'll pick it up later...I'm having too much fun with AC5 and Killzone.
  9. Shizzler, huh? That's the first time I've ever heard the Cyzlar referred to that way. I generally go by the romanized Sizzler as used in the US Renditions tapes because it sounds closer to the original. Sorry, I'm being picky. I belive the katakana is シズラー which reads Shizura-... I could be wrong but it is something close... so I've always romanized it Shizzler or Sizzler... mind you I've played Super Robot Wars Alpha a lot more recently then I've seen Gunbuster so my more recent exposure is to a source in Japanese. Didn't Gainax eat a lot at Sizzler's hence the name? I always heard that and never bothered to find out of it was true.
  10. Do they even talk about Macross in Japan anymore? I know people there who say it's sorta there but...not. No one really mentions it. Don't think we need that here.
  11. Mine's is so tight, I have trouble bending the joints. Better than him being all wavy army.
  12. No problemo. Flightstick 2 rules in flying game. If only it worked in AFDS (I never finished AFDS, so I was looking forward to maybe completing it with this stick, though my desire to do so is less now that I'm playing AC5 )too. But, at least it works for AC4 as well.
  13. The Flightstick is made by Hori, which is itself is basically a Saitek stick. It works great with AC5, and I know jack about the drivers for the stick for the PC. I know it can be done, as people on the AC forums on both AC net and the official site have used them. Yes, it's pricey, almost $80...but nothing beats it if you want to play AC5 (or AC4). If you think it's too pricey, just get the game and use the Dual Shock. Haven't seen anyone who bought the bundle gripe about the stick though...you get the game, stick, and a huge Wardog squadron flight patch big enough for a jacket. (If you pre-ordered you got the tin with patches and preview DVD).
  14. I wish the stick worked with AFDS as well...funny though because NCS when they sold the import Flightstick said it worked with AFDS...maybe only the import stick...or import game. Oh well.
  15. Lots of young kids play soccer. And as for this thread overall...there are worse things for people to be worried about then seeing an SUV on the road.
  16. The stick works with AC4 but, the vibration feature does not. The Flightstick is great...how I'll ever play Ace Combat with a pad again I don't know.
  17. Why don't you just return it? It's not supposed to fall off.
  18. I bought Robocop...mine's is fine.
  19. Good luck and be safe.
  20. It works with AC04. Tried it and it works...haven't tried it with AFDS but I recall the NCS stated that the import Flightstick worked with the import AFDS...
  21. I don't think that'd be a popular choice for anyone 'cept an otaku purist. Never said it would be...and I'm anything but an "otaku" purist. Just don't like the dub of SAC.
  22. Bah, not impressed with the dub...does CN ever show anything subbed?
  23. And if ya read the article, it states in Japan, the "Value Pack" is $232 and normal at $185...
  24. If it's something I really like...and I didn't have it in 5.1...yes. For me sound is even more important than visuals.
  25. That's one freaking large animal there.
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