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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I heard it was a great game too...and supposedly the Flightstick works with it.
  2. Nerv Logo....
  3. I've heard that too...it locks people's Live accounts or something.
  4. All that was said already for AC6...and I want online squadrons dogfighting!
  5. She looks more like Reiko Nagase from Rage Racer/Ridge Racer Type 4. Reiko was Namco's "poster girl" and was quite popular...she even had calendars. Incidently, speaking of Ace Combat and the PSP...RidgeRacer for the PSP will feature Reiko again....
  6. Okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah, Halo was very accessible to the console gamers, hence it's popularity. There's a lot more to compete with out there on PC. Still, Halo has a certain charm to it... the way the names of the levels come up, the interaction with the Marines ("Purple Hearts for everyone!"), etc. It might not have been hailed as highly as, say Half-Life, but I'm sure it would still have gathered a fanbase. Anyway, since I finished Halo, I need something to play until KOTOR II. I might pick up Killzone, or NFSU2. Can't go wrong either way...or wait till MGS3. I haven't played my Halo 2 much...just purchased an HDTV so am waiting to play it on that. On the last level of Killzone for me...fine ride it's been so far.
  7. I loved the music in 5.
  8. Nail on the head. And it may just be the box art, but I'll say the preferred plane for Blaze and Wardog squadron is the F-14D...I mean, they really seemed to give it a bit more attention this time. You see Tomcats in the commercials, most of the promo art, seemed to be prominent in the trailers etc. Least that's what I'm sticking to. And I needed a new memory card so I wound up ordering the Hori AC5 one with dogtags...gotta have the AC5 swag!
  9. Sega did have great console names. I really liked their hardware.
  10. The accolades I were referring to was the fact that released for a console, it like Goldeneye was the FPS for the masses. If released on Mac or PC back then...sure terrific and what not...but being released on console at that time in the videogame industry...right product, right place, right time. And now back to the show...
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=11813&st=0
  12. Ok, got it. Only had a few mins with it but seems pretty good so far.
  13. It's a video game...relax. Relax? You guys have been hyping this stupid game for months and it turn's out to be a freaking disappointment. Never again will I waste money because of you "experts" I could have bought Halo2, Transformers, or Star Wars III for that $45 bucks. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahha.... Anyways, I also own all 3 consoles (and quite a few more...'cept the PCFX and Supergrafx consoles) and I like AC5 most right this moment...yes, even more than Halo 2 and Metroid(loved the 1st but am kinda luke warm on Echoes for some reason...may not even get it).
  14. 1st Place: Gunbuster 2nd: VF-1S
  15. Holy smokes, it's Leb!
  16. Was wondering when the little bugger was arriving. Congrats!!
  17. Though supposedly Bungie is through with Halo...if this is true...who will take up the reigns? And most likely on the next gen console. Almost finished with KZ so...Halo2 here I come.
  18. It's a video game...relax.
  19. That's pretty funny.
  20. Hey...that's the guy from...NIP/TUCK! lol
  21. Cool. Picking up my copy this weekend. This has been a very expensive video game splurge lately...AC5 Bundle, Killzone, Halo 2, Neo Contra, and Metroid Prime/ MGS3 soon..
  22. Hmmm..level 8...the laser designator is wicked cool. How many levels were there supposed to be?
  23. That forum is larger on a Macross site because...there is no real new Macross to talk about.
  24. Oh, I don't know about that. It probably would have released a lot sooner, and not looked so dated by PC standards. Also, Bungie would have done it right. The mediocre PC version of Halo was mediocre because it was a port handled by some third party. i've read a few more posts from you man, it doesn't even sound like you have an xbox. actually play halo sometime and i think it'll change your mind. Boo hoo,...Dude, I have the Halo Xbox bundle. I like Halo and have played through it when it came out and then when I bought the green Box. But I'm not into the FPS as much as most( it's rare that I play FPS's so for me to play HALO and Killzone is an idication of how much I like them)...where did I put it down? I only stated some facts.
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