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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. The game was alright...but kinda hard.
  2. Thinking of getting this myself as I really liked what they did with this mini-series. Any good extras within the set? No real extras other than a making of that was not bad (they talked to Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict about their feelings on the new show and altering of the original), and a commentary track along with some deleted scenes. Pretty much that was it. It does have a Dolby Digital 5.1 track which was ok. And the video was in 1.78: 1 widescreen so it fits perfect on my 16:9 LCD TV. Video quality was ok but still pretty grainy. Think that was mostly intentional but who knows. All in all, I enjoyed it for what it was. I'll watch the series in Jan. Wish Sci-Fi channel was in HD...SD shows look like crap on an HD set.
  3. Reviving old thread...bought the DVD today of the mini series and finally watched it in full. I liked it. Loved the Serenity cameo. Looking forward to the series in January.
  4. Nothing new to the automotive world really..Bose has been doing development for awhile.
  5. Hmmm...science fiction?
  6. The door swings both ways. Reach a mutual point and you'll both be satisfied. This requires sacrifice on BOTH parts. Her and you. On a small side note however...I'd never choose something such as anime over making my partner po'd.
  7. I don't really miss it.
  8. They are fine for a knife but far from good enough to be used in a sword. Just like stainless steel, too brittle to be used in a sword. And I wonder who that sword smith was...if he used tamahagane or more modern swedish powdered steel.
  9. That was awesome. And the blade proved more than ample strong enough to take abuse. Wonder how a Howard Clark L6 Bainite blade would fare.
  10. Gaijin

    Macross PS2 Game

    It's a fun game, Macross or not. I'd say you add a point or two if you're a Macross fan. It's Sega AM2, what more do you need?
  11. I too, love Working Designs' Deluxe editions of their games...they are great. And I loved Growlanser...but I'm so busy with the silly season, I haven't had time to pick it up...maybe after Xmas.
  12. How about a couple Banpresto Perfect Transformation valks? Look great in the box....you can even hang 'em from the tree as ornaments since the box has a string.
  13. MSG = Monosodium Glutamate iPod? Graham I thought of that too...an Ajinomoto iPod.
  14. Nice but I was hoping it'd be like the U2 one with the black and red. Then I'd buy one.
  15. I played the Saturn and PS2 Gun Griffon's. They were enjoyable.
  16. I wouldn't be caught dead in those. If I saw one of those going down the street, I'd shoot at it.
  17. Thanks...for some reason, after signing in I couldn't post, couldn't start a topic, couldn't PM, or email anyone through the board when I changed my email and was supposed to get the "re-validation email". It never came for some reason. Whenever I tried to post or start a topic, or PM someone it would say I don't have permission to do that. And I was in the "validating" members group for days even though every time I clicked on re-send validation email it never came. Thanks to Myriad, Chowser, and UNN Ghostrider VF0 whom I contacted outside MW who contacted whichever mod fixed the account...everything's ok now.
  18. Ouch...finally got to playing and finishing it. Ending....ummm...the first point where I begin to get excited as much as the 1st game and then....hey it's the credits! Oh well. Too many cooks spoil the soup. I'll give it props for what it is but...some minor annoyances here and there.
  19. Horned Owl was fun...as was Omega Boost. For PS2, ZOE, ZOE2, Front Mission 4 were my faves...Macross PS2 was a great Mecha romp, and yeah, even Battlecry was fun for a bit.
  20. Oh well...it's not bad. Tomcat still looked better but, hey what ya gonna do?
  21. Ooooohhh...they messed up big time with that one....
  22. I haven't heard anything either...but I hope it's true...
  23. Of course I pulled the card out. But had I not been warned....
  24. Holy crap! I was gonna play the VJ demo...(loved the first). Thanks a bunch!!
  25. I've heard that too...it locks people's Live accounts or something. It's happening but I don't think people know how they're detecting it. Some people think it is HDD related but that doesn't seem to be the case (I've got a friend with a 120 GB HDD and he hasn't been banned). I chose to get an extra Xbox specifically for modding to avoid crap like this. I just went and got a modded PS2 instead. Everyone talks about how great the Xbox is for emulation, but I've burned myself plenty of PS2 emulators. Besides, there's more good games worth importing for the PS2. PS2 baaaah-looooowwz. i was staring at the skinny PSN last night at my local gamestore, i even had $150 in my bank account. but after pondering for a few minutes i couldn't think of one damn game i'd buy for it. theres nothing i can't live without or get a huge boner for. MGS3? *snooooore* Killzone? i heard its a mess. i got Halo 2.. FF? uh.. no thanks, I got a little game called Fable where you actually swing a sword. and GTA? most of my buddies have gotten rid of theirs cause they don't have the time or patience for it. graphics blow anyways. The Armored Core series does look very tempting and so do the Gundam games which i've played before. i love battling in space. those would be what i'd play on PS2. but unless ones given to me for free i'm gonna pass. I like Katamari too. and what controller is better than the S-controller? none my friends. and whats more fun than XBOX Live? nothing. If you don't like a console, fine. I own all 3 current gens, and have owned most every system released, including cart Neo, Neo CD...it'd be easier to name systems I didn't own...3DO...Virtual Boy...PC-FX...SuperGrafx...no console will appease EVERYONE. I play my PS2 more than my Xbox and GC right now(this changes every now and then)...currently, it's got stuff I want to play... Heck, I like old Mattel handheld Baseball.
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