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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I'm sure there are a lot of TOS fans out there that will appreciate those.
  2. The special edition Top Gun is well worth it...the original release was poor. Plus the new special version's DTS track is mixed so hot, you're neighbors will hear Maverick and Goose singing 'Great Balls of Fire'. Seriously...the DTS track is mixed extremely loud.
  3. Friday's coming up.... First 2 episodes and a 30 min 'lowdown' for the series. Also, some new videos on the main site: Sci-Fi Site videos
  4. From TV Tome: Attention Canadian Fans: The new series will air every Saturday at 8pm ET, beginning January 15 and repeats Sundays at 6pm ET on Space: The Imagination Station. Just like the US, you see it the same day we do. NBC only showed the mini series cut down to fit a 3 hour time slot (NBC...Universal Pictures). It airs "regularly" in the US on Sci-Fi, Canada on Space, and Sky One in the UK. Well, for the US and Canada, will soon air regularly. The main US site now has a ship gallery if you're into that. Galactica Ship Gallery
  5. When saving Paulus, boost to where he is, and keep track of the cylons around him. There are only a few to shoot down. Configure your missiles for power and blast radius (keep some speed though).
  6. It seems kinda hard at first...but once you configure your missiles correctly and learn to keep track of the main targets, it's not that bad. By using the data tag, you can keep track of the objective targets. Where are you stuck at?
  7. Was it this one? Macross Zero DVD I hope so...I bought this one today...looked like a fan sub that actually has decent subs. Based on his/her feedback I'd guess that I'm correct.
  8. Of course, 45 mins was cut out of the NBC version....3 hour mini series cut down into a 3 hour time slot with commercials... Sci Fi will re-air the mini as well, on Wed before the Friday US premeire.
  9. At least we get Firefly at the theaters come September.
  10. ...eww This coming from the guy who named himself after the Macross character who is hot for a homicidal AI hologram. Holograms aren't tangible. I wonder how well the Cylons can imitate body heat They are synthetic humans...basically, with organic body parts and blood...
  11. I think if you can let the old show have it's place and let the new show be what it is, most people would wind up enjoying it quite a bit. I went in with an open mind so that helps...also...Booooooomer.
  12. edit: beat me to it. I like how in the press kit/DVD of the series there's a Boomer picture...with red eyes.
  13. Hmmm....both Sci-Fi & NBC will be re-airing the mini-series though the NBC version will be cut down for time. Also, Universal HD (The old Bravo HD) will air the show as well...grrrrr, no Universal HD on Time Warner Cable. Wish it was on a High Def station I could catch...Sci-Fi analog station on my digital cable looks like crap.
  14. Found a clip of the music...similar to the Mini with the Taiko drums. Hope it stays intact for the US.
  15. I heard that the opening music will be changed from the UK ones. Having not seen the UK ones (and don't care to watch TV or movies on my computer anyways), does anyone know if this is going to be the case? What IS the opening music in the Skyone versions?
  16. Mmmmmmmmmmm...Grace Park.
  17. Mega CD. Cool.
  18. There were some trailers for the series and a short clip of Helo (Boomer's co-pilot that got left behind) being chased by Cylons in a forest. Boomer teaser Season 1 Trailer Preview Clip Cylons Chase The season 1/Boomer trailers for the series already show the "paranoia" and fear/anger of the crew of Galactica over the fact that there may be Cylons among them. I'm looking forward to it.
  19. edit: never mind.
  20. Happy New Year...
  21. Sorry, I thought that was very very lame-o. Kudos for the skill but....for making video game characters dance?
  22. After watching the new mini-series (a year after everyone else), I have high hopes for the regular series.
  23. whoa.. whats that smooth one with the weird head? Not the bulldog one but the silver one? I think thats a custom or prototype.. I've been stalking used Aibo ebay auctions for a while but haven't been able to find one thats in my budget yet. The one with the two red eyes? That was a prototype.
  24. Kawamori did the ERS-220.
  25. Out of the price league but Sony AIBO's are cool.
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