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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Oh. Ok. While I agree new Tigh is an ass, it does make him a more interesting, believable character. Sure we all liked the old guys, but truth be told cardboard cut outs of "good guys" don't make for as good story telling. I have superior rank just like Tigh. I hate 'em too. Makes it a bit more realistic for me...same with Starbuck and Boomer...I work with women who are like that on the job...guess that's why this show strikes a special chord for me.
  2. What about Duella and Elosha? They don't look white to me. This show has an asian and a hispanic as well...why do people look for this kind of nitpicking? The original show never had asian or hispanic people...should we condemn that too? Some people think racial diversity isn't there unless the one they favor is prominent above the rest. Sure, he coulda been a black dude but then, someone would grumble that they made the black dude an alcoholic.
  3. I've hooked up my Powerbook to my TV through the VGA inputs on the set (no DVI but HDMI...go figure) ...but still not a fan of watching things on the TV with my computer when I can just watch it via Cable. Guess I'm old fashioned.
  4. But that's no fun.
  5. Theft is Theft...there is no grey area...
  6. Thought of going the projector route at one point too...but the TV route was easier (and cheaper). Ratings for the new show appear to be good. Can't wait for next week's episode.
  7. Takes the fun outta seeing the show on TV for me...but I don't enjoy watching stuff on my computer. I like sitting on the couch for that stuff...plus it would make my 50" LCD lonely.
  8. I wouldn't say the old series blows...just that it was fine for it's time. Galactica 1980 was an example of something that blows...I was 7 years old at the time and thought it really really sucked...the flying motorcycles did nothing for me (and I was 7), the stories were laughable and the Super Scouts just made it into super cheese fests with the exception of that "The Return of Starbuck" episode...in which we don't even see the Troy and Dillon goofs, nor the crappyness that go with them. New Boomer's hot.
  9. Hell, he could even say... "Your call sign is Starbuck?!! Hell, when I was a young Viper pilot, they called me Starbuck too!!" That would be pushing it, LOL. I would say that borderlines on being fay. True....a more fitting line would be him poking fun at it... "Starbuck?!!? ...what the frack kind of call sign is that?!" I'm tired.
  10. Hell, he could even say... "Your call sign is Starbuck?!! Hell, when I was a young Viper pilot, they called me Starbuck too!!"
  11. And what VHS copy of DYRL was this btw? Clash of The Bioroids? BTW, if Strider declines, I will gladly offer the use of another sword.
  12. Moore has stated that the Pegasus is a very big possibility for the future.
  13. Just finished watching... It goes the way I expected...like Firefly, the sci fi is really just backdrop and the story does focus more on the characters and drama. Kudos....I can live without all the techno babble gobbledy gook of all the other sci fi out there. TOS fans can gripe but this is clearly superior and not in the "hey we're new and hip" way.
  14. Muahahahahahah!! Watching the first airing of the lowdown now...!!
  15. This is just too friggin funny... <---*is in heaven living in HI*
  16. Season one has 13 episodes to be aired. There were six scripts already ordered, which most likely means they will turn into 6 more episodes for a second season...already done well enough in the UK, but since the US airing will bring the final decision, that will be the final word whether the second season is"officially" given the go ahead. Word is that Sci-Fi suits are extremely happy with the buzz, including the negative buzz from the TOS fans...it actually has turned into publicity for it. Based on the positive reaction from the UK, people are betting the US airings will solidify the show. Having not even aired yet, the show is really getting positive support from the network. Universal HD (The old Bravo HD) will likely add the show to their High Definition line up soon shortly trailing the Sci fi airings. This is a big move as HD content starved tv set owners are always looking for more up to date content (wish my cable co had Uni HD...grrrr). BTW, the whole downloading doesn't affect ratings may be true for the big 4 networks...but in a less ratings cable area it theoretically could (though not likely)... and while I don't think Uni was wise in the way they are handling the DL'ing they do have a concern (too bad they didn't figure out that if you have a hot show...and show it somewhere else a few months before...it will be file traded). Edit: one other thing...TOS fans still bitch and moan about this show, but yet they still watch it... the NBC reairing, the Sci Fi reairing of the mini... if I see something I don't like...I turn the channel. Be sure to watch the "Lowdown" before teh series starts...it's a new one about the series and not the one about the mini like on the DVD release. My DVR is set.
  17. I think you answered your own question with that statement. Lowest common denominator stuff always gets released in a hurry in order to capitalize on the baser entertainment appetites of the dumb masses . It appears that way.
  18. Thought this thread said something else lol....I was gonna say...well, congrats!
  19. Because these aren't on DVD? Show me where they are. I can't believe they would publish them on DVD before they've even aired. Sorry...for some reason, I thought you were downloading the original series. On a side note, DVD plans are in the works already...Uni and Sci fi already knows they can sell the first season (after they air of course) and six scripts ordered for the second season before US air date of first is almost unheard of.
  20. Ain't that the truth, people in movies are truly stupid of course...like when you see people in a house and the walls start bleeding...they go upstairs and look around. Get OUT Fools!!!!!!
  21. Not available in your country or something? Just curious, as I never got the downloading thing. Usually it's just teens who want everything for free.
  22. Why DL something you can see on TV or get on DVD?
  23. Yep, Jane Seymour was gunned down early in the series start. Fred Astaire was cool too.
  24. Please, not C.O.R.A....
  25. Italian exotics are nice but, I still love American muscle cars.
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