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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Don't have more equipment sketches but: Centurion Viper MKVII Viper MKII Galactica Rear (I love Zoic) Galactica Top View Battlestar
  2. Yeah...the Mateba look to the next level. I got a bunch of art from a friend. What else would you like to see? Galactica? Viper MKII?
  3. So...the choices of the two are...the cockpit design with different spines.
  4. Just saw the 4th episode...terrific! Edward Olmos is awesome! Thanks to the people who have seen the whole season for providing warnings before the spoilers...this is one show that deserves not to be spoiled. That being said, reading this thread is still dangerous. Don't want to accidently read something. All indications is that is the second season is indeed a go, the UK won't get the series first like this time, no matter how much of the cost they share. On a side note, I love their new side arm...a revolver all "dolled up" to make a fine looking "future gun".
  5. If DYRL ever winds up in US theaters someday, I'll double the pineapple juice drunk every day for the women in town.
  6. I like the stick figure one...no one else will have it. I still like #3. but if we're going with the cockpits, it looks ok. Alpha, don't trash the #3 art yet...I have a PM for you.
  7. All this voting, and most of the people who input don't wind up buying the case. I like #3 from , I can't remember how far back. At this point, I'll buy a case with magic marker scribbled on it and a stick figure Isamu and Myung on it.
  8. That article's translation was just like FX's recent translations!!
  9. Overnight ratings for this past week's episode no 3. "Bastille Day" went up from the previous week from a 3.3 to a 3.4. Not sure what the national ratings were but this is good news. Sci-Fi makes the official decsion on Feb. 1st. on whether season 2 is a go. Tomorrow night's episode looks fantastic. On the game side...finally got around to finishing it...in the ending they show the Original Galactica and as they mention the "forty years" of peace, cut to the new series Galactica showing the retro-fit update.
  10. The FNC is based on the AK as well. There hasnt really been an original idea in assult rifle design since Stoner croaked. Agreed.
  11. I ordered them all. If this sounds like a good idea to you...perhaps I could lend you those shirts for your relative to use to make larger ones for those interested. If she could do that, you know make a few for those interested... What do ya think?
  12. I just ordered the large shirts. Woohoo.
  13. Has to be 21....for all the rest, it's true the line art on brushed aluminum will not come out as you expect.
  14. Just saw the 3rd episode. Woo hoo!! I love this show.
  15. OK, now that I've seen the UK music shown along with the opening credits I echo the comments that it fits the show better. Thay are very similar but, the UK one with the voices seems more in tune with the show. Still love the taiko drums in both though. UK Intro US Intro I hope they change it back. And I can't wait to see the third episode Friday.
  16. OK, apparently there was a 1967 Hanna-Barbera FF cartoon, which was quite faithful to the comics and featured pretty good art for that time. This did feature all 4 FF members. Then there was a 1978 FF cartoon, which featured lousy art and replaced the Human Torch with a Robot called Herbie. I've read some stories that say there were concerns about children setting fire to themselves, which lead to the Human Touch being replaced by Herbie. Other stories say that it was beacuse the Human Tourch rights were held be another company for use in a possible live-action movie or TV series at that time, so he could not be used in the 1978 cartoon. Graham OMG...I remember that. I didn't remember it was Fantastic Four but I remember that little robot dude lol....
  17. DYRL is not a mass market film. Don't think it would fare well. Sadly...if they retitled it...you know what...it would fare better.
  18. Ratings are in. 2.6 for a cable show is very good. Keep it up and we'll get a second season. Febuary 1st is when Sci-Fi makes the "official" decision. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?id=30212
  19. Looked ok enough for me...but I'm in the "general public" category on that matter. Don't read comics and know very little of the characters...which for comic movies, is an advantage actually.
  20. Should see the "additional items" I and others have recommended to go along with it. And I did a "review" too.
  21. Older PS2 and older gameshark allowed DVD region free.
  22. Agreed...this Baltar is a coward. And I really expected him to take the old lady's number back on Caprica (anyone thought it was funny that she didn't realize her glasses were on her head?). If the Cylons needed to mind f*$k a man, he sure is the one to do it to. I like it.
  23. A very interesting article: http://www.syfyportal.com/article.php?id=1685 One thing a lot of people don't know: many cable(via DVR's and digital STB's) and satellite companies also collect data on what is watched and or recorded on their DVR...not just nielsen and tivos. While they don't show in the nielsen ratings, broadcast companies do look at the info. This is a big secret in the cable/sat industry because lots of people feel if their cable co. knew that they know what they watch feel like they are having their privacy invaded. So...yes, watching the show when it airs may impact the decision, even if you don't have a Tivo or are a nielsen family. If you have basic cable with no STB or DVR, then no they can't get the data...
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