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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Yes I think so too. And I can say from past experience that it's easier to give a hard order or do something harsh for the greater good requiring sacrifice to most people when it's not your own loved ones. It's human nature.
  2. Happy reminds me of Edo for some reason. No one is forcing you to watch. Pop in some movie with laser beams and digital clocks only when it's on if it bothers you so much. Bet you won't. You'll keep watching the show and complaining. Personally I think that's f*$ked in the head but, hey it's your time. If I didn't like it, you can bet I wouldn't waste my time tuning in every week. Don't like it fine, there's many other things to watch.
  3. Saw 5th episode. Damn. Though it's overall in some ways the weakest IMO of the 5 shown so far, it also had some of the absolute hardest hitting moments between the characters..Adama and Apollo, them with Roslin. Gold. The "We'd never leave" line almost got me all teary. That and the "Guess you'll never find out if she's a real blonde." That one had me rolling. Thought it was ironic that a "toaster" gave away Helo to the "Toasters". Awesome.
  4. After seeing the trailer for the game, I'm seriously debating on getting a PS2 capable of playing imports again... seeing the RX-7's do Inazuma Kicks, The 2 Buster Machines with their beam lasers sweeping aliens, and the Gunbuster doing Buster Beam and scoring 1419 hits against enemies, Homing Laser doing 225,417 hits and counting (with Noriko screaming out Buster Beam and Homing Laser just like the anime), seeing the Buster Tomahawk and Home Run in action, plus Super Inazuma Kick with accompanying screaming at the top of their lungs by Noriko and Kazumi...oy. Wonder how much of the game is "digital comic" and how much is action. I want it.
  5. I'd buy it but, my new PS2 can't play imports. Alas, my Macross PS2 has become shelf space stealer.
  6. Whoah...can I get a ride in that Time Machine too? since I think the Super Bowl has to actually appear before most people see the commercials...plus it's sorta way ot .
  7. Well, the whole Gunbuster OAV was sorta based on the assumption that there was also a tv series with so many (i don't remember how many )episodes. Which of course didn't actually exist. So we get al the other "Buster" weapons and moves. Doesn't the new PS2 game use these, as I think it was to take the place as an interactive version of the series which doesn't exist but, you have to pretend that does?
  8. Beat me to it.
  9. We should get word on season 2 any moment....
  10. Boy, you're in for a treat... we get so see a lot of Boomer... lots and lots... SAWWWEEEETTTT!!!! Woohoo!! Let's hear it for our fave Cylon!
  11. Awesome! I can't wait til you guys see Fridays ep. cuz I have this question i wanted to ask... Also, if you like the effects now, wait til you get to later eps. 4 more daaaaaaaaaaays.... Looks pretty cool though. For those that wanted more behind the scenes, SCI-FI has a few videos and Ron Moore's blogs on the show as well. Video features Ron Moore Blogs
  12. Awesome, I just ordered it! Thanks David!
  13. Works fine for me.
  14. From Mediablvd's Galactica board, article from gateworld: http://www.mediablvd.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23127 SCI FI Friday nudges up in ratings MONDAY - JANUARY 31, 2005 The January 28 broadcast of The SCI FI Channel's new primetime line-up improved on the premiere week's ratings, with Battlestar Galactica once again leading the pack. All three original series -- including Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis -- turned in improved numbers for the night, with Atlantis posting the biggest gain. Stargate SG-1 led off the night at 8 p.m. Eastern/Pacific with "Prometheus Unbound." The episode, guest starring Farscape's Claudia Black, drew 2.5 million people and earned a 2.1 average household rating, up one-tenth of a point from last week. The episode even beat a new episode of UPN's Star Trek: Enterprise in total viewers, SCI FI reported -- despite the fact that the cable channel is available in fewer U.S. homes. Black will return for the first five episodes of Season Nine, premiering this summer on SCI FI. Stargate Atlantis made a strong improvement over the previous week's numbers with a 2.4 average household rating -- three-tenths of a point better. The 9 p.m. broadcast of "The Defiant One" drew 2.9 million viewers, up 12 percent from the mid-season premiere. Finally, new series Battlestar Galactica took the top prize for the second straight week at 10 p.m. "Act of Contrition" earned a 2.5 household rating, up one-tenth of a point from last week. Three million viewers tuned in for the episode, making it SCI FI's top-rated program of the week. The strong numbers made The SCI FI Channel the number one cable channel of the night among viewers age 25 to 54 and men 25 to 54, and second among viewers 18 to 49. More brand new episodes of all three series continue this Friday at 8 p.m. Eastern/Pacific on SCI FI! This means season 2 is almost a sure thing.
  15. DVD of the mini series is out already. Since the show is on it's first run in the US, we won't see the US release until sometime late 2005. UK'ers will get the first season DVD's sometime mid year. It's been speculated that the US release will likely to have more in the way of more extras just like the mini series (UK release was a bare bones release, US had full length commentary, 40 plus minute lowdown featurette on the mini, as well as a lot of interesting deleted scenes). Part of Sci-Fi's way to keep people from importing the DVD's possibly. The 3rd episode was cut in the UK (the scene in the briefing room between Starbuck and Flat Top's masturbation innuendo was cut) but aired in it's entirety in the US. Also, lots of scenes were cut from the broadcast episodes for time constraints. We might get those on the DVD release hopefully. One important one dealt with the picture the pilots tap on their way out of the ready room. That picture was a Colonial solider looking at all the destruction on Caprica, a sort of nod to the iconic 9/11 fire fighters raising the flag at Ground Zero as a "we shall never forget" type icon and was supposed to have been given to Roslin in '33' and spread throughout the fleet. Would have been cool, and prevented people asking, "what is that picture?"
  16. Now I'll have to re-watch that episode...don't recall that though.
  17. Zoic's CGI always looked more "real" to me than any other studio. They also did Firefly.
  18. Supposed to be just old technology hence most of it being in the "museum" but some are just odd nods to the original. It's kinda cool. And yeah, an old Base Star with Lucifer would be pretty funny.
  19. It was mostly in the mini-series, but they do appear in the show. Apollo was flying one in "33". On a side note: There's even a "Land Ram" from the original series in the "museum" that can be seen just before Adama's speech during the de-comissioning ceremony(with the Viper fly over).
  20. In the mini-series, you can even see a Cylon Centurion's sword hanging in Adama's quarters. In the mini-series, you can see an original Cylon in the museum, they built in the Galactica. Blink, and you'll miss it. As well as the original Base Star.
  21. Oh no! Doom movie...they are raping my early 20's!!
  22. In the mini-series, you can even see a Cylon Centurion's sword hanging in Adama's quarters.
  23. Last bunch for now: The painting in Adama's Quarters MKVII rear Another MKII shot Galactica Bottom Another Zoic CGI of Galactica
  24. Base Star art Colonial One Raptor Art Cylon Raider Bottom (check the doored missile bays)
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