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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Last night was Six Degrees of Separation.
  2. Actually, I was rather surprised by that. Normally it is that the AI goes rogue on its own without any outside influences. Skynet, HAL, Sharon Apple... the list goes on and on, so I'm rather pleased that Stealth isn't going with that over-wrought route and is going for something a little different. And yes, those specially designed T&A flightsuits are annoying, but they're not nearly as bad as they could have been and they're uniform across the gender board. I'd be having a much more ranting time if they'd given Her Albaness a special, womens-only flightsuit that had the midriff showing... Or the Ai goes rogue because it finds out they are cancelling the AI programme and scrapping him etc etc... I think the Lightning strike thing has been done before. Some 80s robot on treads. He had a number for a name. Can't recall the shows name. What made edgar (from electric dreams) go rogue? Champagne or coffee? Are you talking about Short Circuit? Johnny 5? With Steve Guttenburg and Ally Sheedy? And that El Debarge song? I forgot all about that film...it was pretty funny for the time. As for this movie...it might be one of those guilty pleasure films...plus it's not like there are a whole lot of aviation films out nowadays.
  3. Seriously...who the hell would want that giant toy and what the heck would you do with it?
  4. Why do I always hear this? Why is it so hard to believe that some of us actually have some taste, and don't waste our time with crap like this? Ya know, some of us actually do have IQ's above 80. And its a real shame to see Jamie Foxx flushing his new found respectability as an actor down the toilet with a shitty film like this. Because you do not represent the majority. I agree with the Foxx thing. And...smilies are for sarcasm
  5. You know all you people who say it's gonna suck are gonna see it.
  6. Fox does not necessarily treat their money making shows well. Look at the history and especially the final season for Married with Children, which helped establish Fox as a network. Information on the Production of Married with Children Yes, they bit the hand that was feeding them then. And they've done it ever since.
  7. While I never saw SAAB, I've heard that that show somehow wasn't liked by one of the execs up there for some reason...not sure if it was some grudge against one of the creators, or producers, but that's also the reason the show hasn't been sold for syndication, or released on DVD yet. This was rumor of course, but with Fox, I wouldn't doubt it. They do treat shows like bastard children, even the ones that do well for them. Thank goodness this show isn't a Fox show...it'd probably do well, it'd fit into the Fox "look" for their promos (how they like to push their shows with "sexy" people with their hair blowing in slow motion in blue...they'd have a field day with Tricia Helfer), and then they'd kill it for a reality show featuring 2 geezers trying to score with lesbian bar maids or something. End Fox Rant.
  8. Yeah she is. http://imdb.com/name/nm0661825/ 6 March 1979 Seoul, South Korea Hmmm....not that much younger then me....she's fair game! hmmm... must rent.... Supposedly she has a "wardrobe malfunction". Third hand info but what the hey if it keeps you entertained.... I have that movie...it's not her that shows off the nipple..it's the girl she dances with.
  9. All I can say after tonight is: Adama kicks ass!!!
  10. If Grace Park worked my shift, I'd be in trouble. Rawr.
  11. She's recently married.
  12. Can't wait for tonight's episode. DVR and VCR set!
  13. Article from the Hollywood North Report: Battlestar Galactica Renewed For Season Two SCI FI orders minimum 13 episodes of the smash series! February 9th 2005 05:28pm | Posted by: Robert Falconer HNR Senior Editor The ascending ratings made it a practical inevitability; steadily increasing with each episode, Battlestar Galactica has quickly distinguished itself as the new standard for television science fiction. The most recent episode, “You Can't Go Home Again,” scored the series’ best ratings yet, with 3.2 million viewers. Sources for HNR tell us that the major cast members—including Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell—are contracted to return, though additional casting details were still being ironed out at the time of the official announcement. We can also tell you that SCI FI Channel has committed to 13 episodes, and is actually considering a 20 episode order! Information has not yet been released regarding premiere dates, nor is there any word yet as to whether Britain’s Sky One Channel will be involved in co-financing a second season. With the network’s announcement comes much anticipation for where the series will go next creatively. Galactica canon is rich with possibilities, to be sure, but creator/executive producer Ronald D. Moore first hopes to resolve the multiple cliffhangers that will end season one, as well as delve deeper into the show's religious themes, including a look inside Cylon society. Once production dates are announced, we’ll let you know. 20 Episodes a possibility...
  14. You got that right! The only import games I have ever bought were the PC Engine Gunbuster games when I still had a working system and Typing Gunbuster for the PC, but this new game has prompted me to buy it, and a compatible system to go with it. I can't wait until I get it! Give us the lowdown when it arrives. I need a PS2 that plays imports again.
  15. Good thing this isn't a Fox show. Fox is now known in the industry as the most impatient network in all history of television. Cancelling good shows is a Fox specialty: Family Guy, Firefly and the most recent glaring one being Wonderfalls.
  16. Yep, like was mentioned nothing was "official". The six additional scripts were ordered, and the ratings announcements pretty much guaranteed a second season but, even those "in the know" couldn't say officially. Once they start releasing press releases, it's considered a "go" for sure. Many of the cast were being approached with multi-year contracts prior to the announcements, the additional scripts ordered so if the go ahead given could "head start" the process. One interesting rumor was that NBC/Universal who owns Sci-Fi was so interested in the show running on NBC that they were delaying the works by wanting it to shift into their hands. It still could wind up running on both NBC and Sci-Fi much in the same way some shows like Monk are being handled. Universal HD is going to show the mini in high def and many speculate the series soon after once it airs on Sci-Fi, giving their HD station a show no other stand alone High Def station has. Another was the possibilty of USA network also showing the show (Also owned by NBC/Universal). That being said, I think we may see this show around for awhile. The last episode saw another ratings increase. I wouldn't be surprised if USA or NBC also started airing the show. Only thing I wouldn't want is NBC to have first "run" since my local digital cable NBC station is of crappy quality picture wise. The other thing was that Sci-fi was trying to work out that should the production go the same way as the 1st season (with UK's Sky One footing about 1/3 of the costs), Sky wouldn't get the exclusive "shown first" rights like they did last time eliminating people scrambling to see the UK broadcasts before they aired here.
  17. Some Great News!!!! From the SciFi Wire: SCI FI Renews Galactica SCI FI Channel has ordered a second season of its hit series Battlestar Galactica, which has aired five episodes its first season of 13 episodes. Details of the renewal—including which cast members will return, how many episodes will be produced and when the second season will commence—were still being worked out at press time. Battlestar Galactica has been a ratings winner for SCI FI since its Jan. 14 premiere. The latest episode, Feb. 4's "You Can't Go Home Again," scored the show's best ratings yet, with 3.2 million viewers. For the show's second season, creator and executive producer Ronald D. Moore previously told SCI FI Wire that he has already been working on as many as six new scripts to resolve the multiple cliffhangers that will end season one. Moore added that he wants to delve deeper into the show's religious themes and open up the Cylon world a bit more in the coming season. Moore continues to post his thoughts on a personal blog on SCIFI.COM. Battlestar Galactica airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET/PT, part of the channel's SCI FI Fridays lineup. We get another season!! Woohoo!!!
  18. Not likely at all. But how would we really know? Universe is huge...maybe their system is the size of a hundred Milky Way galaxies.
  19. Possibly. Plus, I'm sure the Cylon War put a damper on them venturing much.
  20. Wow. They showed maybe 3 secs of fly over. Dammit. Grrrrrr. Arrrgh
  21. I sleep on a 45 min. inter-island flight. I'd get more rest on those long ones.
  22. Well put. What fan boys actually fear is that the reimagining is actually successful, and their beloved franchise is loved by the mainstream, and is different from what they know....further distancing them from society. Look at the new Galactica. Loved by many who don't watch Sci-Fi, or seen the original series, and on the opposite end you have those that are devastated that their beloved 25+ year old show is possibly being overshadowed by a new one. Like you mentioned..they'll still have their old DVD's to watch...there's no problem...though admittedly, most remakes suck.
  23. She used the same yellow tape on the Raider that she used on her busted knee, presumably done before she went inside. As for the suit thing...not an astronaut so can't say but assuming that the suit was large enough, I can suspend it not being completely sucked through.
  24. In response to the original post that started the thread. Who cares? Macross fans won't accepty it, mass public could care less. Wasted money unless the story is changed completely which would of course cause fan boys to throw down their toys in disgust. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I wouldn't green light it for the US. Anime DVD's fine..live action Hollywood film? or even cable mini series? Kiss your money goodbye.
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