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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. In the case of the US Mini DVD, we got more features than the Brits. All of the deleted scenes in the series will also likely make it to the US DVD's though some are hoping for the scenes to be edited back into the shows. Sci-Fi's website has a multitude of videos/features on the show and it's hoped that they will find their way onto the DVD's as well, along with Ron Moore's commentary "podcasts" on the shows. The UK version is expected to get the deleted scenes but nothing more. And Friday's episode was great...as about as humorous as you could get in their dark crappy world I expect. Anyone notice that this episode containd the disclaimer 'not for younger viewers' message before the 1st act started? I suspect it was the Baltar/Six scene...and the legs/her bent over the table shot. I'm told the last 4 eps are super kick ass....can't wait.
  2. Bah, it's a message board. More than half of the people arguing with you in general are passive people in real life that run at confrontations. Why be upset? Talk is cheap. Screw 'em and have a beer.
  3. Cool...you can listen to Ron's commentary on each episode from now on. http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/downloads/podcast/
  4. There's really no doubt the scenes will be in the US release...they're already on Sci-Fi's website. What would be interesting is if they were edited back into the episodes as a sorta "Director's cut" version of the show. The UK release of the Mini did not have deleted scenes...the US version, with more time and of course, as incentive to purchase it in your country did. Since the UK release will come out before the US one, the US one will probably have a few things the UK one won't... And... season 2 shooting starts end of March...first 10 episodes start in July 2005, then next 10 a lil later...I believe that Stargate show uses this broken in half type scheduling/shooting as well.
  5. UK DVD Release will have 46 mins of deleted scenes for 1st season...we can assume the US release will feature the same.
  6. A lot of DVD's have this problem...it's mostly noticable with certain cases, as the hub is what causes the cracking. Most notorious is those double cases (Standard Amaray with the extra holder for a second disc), especially the Colombia releases like Spiderman.
  7. That was cool.
  8. Yes, Snatcher was a great game. I should have never sold my copy. There was a "Metal Gear" in it too, in the form of your lil robot sidekick...it's more of a digital comic style game than what all you kids are playing nowadays.
  9. After watching whole thing....I decided I really didn't care for it much. Just couldn't get really into it at all. And I liked Arjuna even.
  10. Bah, Star Trek needs to die. Give that money to me instead...I'll make good use of it. 3 million would make what...2 episodes anyways? Baka.
  11. It's a prequel.
  12. Yeah it nods to both with elements of both as prequels to both...more so to the new show with most obvious being: we created the cylons for 40 years after the end of the game there isnothing heard from the Cylons while throughout the game, the "old" Galactica design is used, at the end of the game, they show a transition of the old design, retrofitted into the new design and the old....some lizard creature in charge of the cylons, Vipers can light speed/jump(well in the new show they cannot), the old King Tut Viper helmets, etc. It's an odd hodge podge with both...you can pretend it's either...whatever floats your boat.
  13. In response to the thread question...not. What language is that? I feel like I'm reading MacrossWorld engrish board. Hmm...gay MW, engrish MW...what else?
  14. Yes, the UK won't get it first for the 2nd season. The clips are interesting...and they usually are so brief anyways. Besides, it's just like the previews for the episode...you see things but most are not major spoilers(though the airlock one was the worst offender). As one of the people who hate spoilers, I thought that I would hate the clips when I first saw them at each episode, but it hasn't bothered me at all.
  15. Got my soundtrack the other day...awesome!
  16. Hatch's tone in the mini series lowdown (on the DVD) was that they were messing with a sci fi "classic" in changing the tone and characters and that he wasn't exactly pleased...but he did have an open mind in wanting to see what was actually done...I know he didn't agree with Starbuck and Boomer being changed to women, saying somewhat that women shouldn't be in those roles because those characters weren't women( well, they are the same character in name only since this is a re-imagining). His tone is somewhat changed, being now on the show; he is still trying to get some kind of continuation project going, banking on the success of the new show allowing him to bring to "a close" the original series. Galactica 1980 is considered non canon by everyone. As for Dirk's take...while his basic message is somewhat true...the new show isn't a case of change for the sake of change and it turns out crappy but you'll like it because it's on TV...it actually is superior. So...while normally, re-doing things turns out crappy...in this case...it's really not.
  17. She's thinking: "I'm hitting them both!"
  18. The clock on this board is always off...I think it should be a new time zone...Macross World Time.
  19. 1000 PM's...that's a whole buncha mail for a msg board.
  20. I got the 3 shirts from HLJ. I ordered Large...and..they're...larger than a medium...but slightly smaller than a large...it's more large than medium. Works for me.
  21. I'm not keen on Dirk coming back. He wrote a nasty column about the new show...while some of his statements are somewhat true...it comes off more like sounding he's sour he's not in it as Starbuck again. The Mini-lowdown with him and Katee (Starbuck & Starbuck at Starbucks)... he did it but was really not pleased doing so... Hatch opposed the direction the new show was taking too...but seriously...what else has he been in? He still wants to do a "continuation" of the old show...possibly in a mini series or movie format. In the series lowdown, there's a clip of him practically begging to be in a scene with the ladies. And on the other side: For those without Cable, Sci Fi channel, or whatever...Sci-Fi is now showing the 1st episode "33" online...through their own website. And there's a new video feature on the high/low tech of the show...pretty interesting. http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/bts/video/
  22. Some great news: Galactica Returns This Summer SCI FI Channel announced that the second season of its hit original series Battlestar Galactica will premiere this summer, with 20 new episodes. The channel added that the entire ensemble cast will return for season two, including Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Tricia Helfer and Grace Park. Also resuming their roles are executive producer and writer Ronald D. Moore and executive producer David Eick. Galacticar will resume production in Vancouver, B.C., in March and will again anchor the channel's SCI FI Friday block of prime-time original series. The series, which premiered on January 14, has been averaging over 3 million viewers per episode and has quickly become SCI FI's highest-rated original series and has received unprecedented critical acclaim. Galactica airs Fridays at 10 p.m. ET, part of the channel's successful SCI FI Friday lineup, which also includes Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. Galactica ends its first season with a finale episode on April 1. 20 more episodes...starting in summer...didn't think they'd tip the hat so soon. Bet Zoic and co will be working overtime come March.
  23. She's been in a few TV shows. In that pic she looks like Ming Na though.
  24. I'm pretty sure that game is SLAI: Phantom Crash. It's on the March OPM disc.
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