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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Don't know about those. I've heard they are pretty nice though.
  2. I posted the link somewhere back in the thread but I can't find it...anyways, Mini Galactica pieces They are super tiny, presumably for those board/strategy/dice games, but they are only like $1 a piece for the fighters (got a whole bunch), and $3.50 for the Basestars/Galactica...besides the new show, he also has the old designs, and the Cylon Fighters from the game...plus a bunch of other shows. Being so tiny, it was tough to paint (I had him paint the Basestar and Galactica for me, and got an unpainted one as well to work on) but with an air brush and those tiny brushes, it wasn't too bad. Tell 'em the guy from Hawaii sent ya!
  3. Just watched the finale with the podcast from ron moore...interesting ending the first drafts were going to be. I think this finale was better.
  4. Yeah, I think she showed him the results of Helo and Boomer's...work.
  5. Got these teeny die-cast suckers for now just because they looked cool:
  6. I finally got home and saw the finale....holeeeee crap. July can't come soon enough.
  7. Cool, Graham...pics? I'm going to miss the season finale tomorrow...DVR and DVD recorder set...hope there's no power outage...I won't be back until the end of the weekend.
  8. Very Cool...but I thinbk it looks like that GI Joe toy I had when I was a kid...a Pac-Rat .
  9. You know, I looked at your quote and before I clicked it, I thought it was about Serenety the porno star...
  10. I don't care if this film will suck or not... it's not often we get aviation films, so I'm going to see it...if it sucks, then no biggie, I knew going in it's a gamble.
  11. wouldn't that be the antithesis of what a pussy would do? Nope, you wouldn't believe how many of them want to hurt themselves. It's other people they can't handle.
  12. *Calls upon every last ounce of willpower to not do something like that.* Besides, I need something to look forward to next weekend to watch.
  13. All I can say after tonight is...damn. Must see pt. 2!!
  14. OK, so tonight's the first half of the season finale......wooooooooo!
  15. I'd buy it for AC2...too bad, it isn't AC 1-3 with 3 being the Japanese version.
  16. Maybe when he finally loses it, he will...that'd actually be frickin' hilarious.
  17. Other than Spidey and MJ, I have no idea of who the people you're talking about are. I was deprived, having few comics as a kid.
  18. I knew my KFC chicken wasn't normal. No wonder they skimped on me drumsticks last week.
  19. Reminds me of an old Happy Days episode when Fonzy finds a purse from a girl in his dreams inside his car. *Flashes back to the Mini-series with the young Adama "Fonzie pic"
  20. Thing is...Six in Baltar's head may or may not even be there..could actually be his imagination. Or if she is helping him along, I too wonder if she's following her own agenda or is everything in the grand scheme of the Cylon plan. I wonder if Six really is a figment of his imagination or she stuck somethiing in his head. She says she loves him, and you kinda wonder if the Six on Caprica was upset a few weeks ago when she and Doral were talking about emotions because, she had actually felt what Sharon feels when she was with Baltar those 2 years but can't actually be with him now, or was she truly upset because she couldn't feel what Sharon feels. I don't think Shelly Godfrey was Baltar's six in the flesh, just another copy...however, it is strange that she vanished, leaving the glasses behind. Here's one to bake your noodle...what if Caprica Boomer is the one we saw in the mini-series, and the Galactica Boomer is one they switched with Cap Boomie when she was taking all those solo jumps looking for ships in the mini on her own....both Cylon, but Mini Boomer knows everything about Helo and Galactica/tyrol relationship and simply told/transferred her thoughts to the second (3rd, 4th, 5th?) copy. 2 more episodes to go, and then July for season 2!!!
  21. I thought I had washed that from my memory, along with the old lebatar.
  22. Have you tried Logitech's wireless PS2 controller? For me, it's not that I'm leary of wireless as much as I am of third party controllers. But the Logitech controller for PS2 is actually really good... better than a regular Dual Shock 2. Better, even, than Nintendo's vaunted Wavebird. I've had zero lag and zero missed button presses with it, plus it just feels natural in your hand. Does it actually do the vibrations? Wavebird doesn't. Why do we even care about someone's ideas about the systems appearance? I just wanna know if the games are going to be worth dropping about $400 for them and the start-up fees... Regarding the Logitech controller...yes it does. Keep in mind that the new "Cordless Action" one is the one you want..not sure if teh old one had vibe but, the new one does and is the best PS2 controller around IMO. I like the HDMI support, but only if the games can truly take adavantage of the HDTV resolutions...720P at least...otherwise, the Component cables are fine.
  23. I wonder if Baltar will become like the old one, all twisted and evil after Six "grooms" hm enough. I have to say though, James Callis' performance of him is so frickin' funny at times...it's great!
  24. I avoided the article just for that.
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