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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Sofar, it seems those who got to see those advance screenings liked what they were shown, including some people who had never seen the show before. One person who went to one of the Vegas screenings said Joss outdid himself this time. C'mon September!!!
  2. I can't completely remember what I did, I think it's just rapid firing and use an occasional missle. I think I boosted pretty far ahead to by a little more time. Chris I can't remember what I did in that level either, because I went through it only once.
  3. Oooooh...you said lightsaber[. Umm, no I don't have those things. Got a buncha Sure Fires like Graham though.
  4. So this is similar to Cowboy Bebop? I remember someone posting on here that this show's creator was influenced by anime. Sure sounds like Cowboy Bebop though...which isn't a bad thing. Usually people who say it's like Cowboy Bebop or Outlaw Star have A: Never seen Firefly B: are too young to recognize anything else that came before anime It's hardly like those shows, except for the fact that they take jobs and they're in space. Having seen Bebop and liking it, comparing FF to that is a slap in the face. Firefly is a many times better...but then again...they are different.
  5. For the more technically inclined, Zoic did the visual effects in Firefly, so you new Battlestar Galactica fans can see some of their earlier CGI space work. The space scenes are done the same way, "documentary style".
  6. I just used the lasers, in short bursts. The first time I played, I forgot and let loose with missiles.
  7. That level wasn't too bad...the only one that gave me trouble really was the Cobra bomber level. Just blast the recon probes with missiles and when the light tankers appear, blast them when they are away from the Galactica as if you hit them too close, they drop their fuel pods which does major damage to the Galactica, and is what usually causes you to lose the level. After that, just concentrate on the Marauders with fully charged missiles and the level will end.
  8. Firefly is like was said..about the characters and the drama/relationships/interaction between them. Don't get me wrong...it's not some cheesy soap opera...it, like Buffy and Angel is about people...the space setting is just backdrop. Joss Whedon understands emotion in people better than anyone else when doing TV. I suggest maybe renting the discs if you don't want to spring for them. By disc 3, you'll return them and buy your own set. IT did start off rather slow, but trust me, it's all worth it. Best TV show that never got the chance.
  9. People who have attended the screenings have reported that the no sound in space is preserved. Cool.
  10. Ill laugh on the dvd a icon pops up saying press mute on your remote to have realistic non sound mode in space.
  11. Yeah, the doc (Simon Tam ) was River's brother... The episode when she took out the 3 guys on Niska's station without looking and then telling Kaylee "No power in the 'verse can stop me" was awesome...and now we see her going all out in the trailer....Wooooo hooooo! On a side note...after being number one when released for awhile, the Firefly DVD sales rank at Amazon has crept back up into the top 20 DVD's again, since the trailer was released.
  12. And the special advance screenings are already all sold out...
  13. The 1st episode that was aired or the actual pilot that Fox showed...last? The show started off slow (magnified by the fact that Fox did not like the pilot which introduced everyone and explained everything forcing Joss and co. to redo a new one-hour one in 2 days), but try the DVD set...by the 2rd disc you'll be cursing Fox for cancelling this more than Family Guy, Futurama, or SAAB.
  14. It continues a few months after the series...though I suspect we'll get slight rehashes storyline wise to bring the people who never saw the show up to speed... River kicking ass looks damn cool!!!
  15. http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/serenity/ Hoo boy. Must. See. SCREW YOU FOX TV!!!
  16. Just saw it...was pretty good...liked Bruce Willis of course most of all. Going in, I had no clue as to what it was really about or who the hell Frank Miller is (OK, now I know, but I don't read comics so sue me) , and I enjoyed it.
  17. The CGI in the game looks like neither, sounds like neither either. You can choose if you want it to be Mr. Greene or Mr. Olmos .
  18. The game seemed tough to me at first...but if you change the settings of your missiles to cause large splash damage, it came rather easy...the only part I did not like at all was the stage where you fly the bomber...it was horrible. The Cylon Raider stage was kinda tough at first, since they make you fly in formation for so long but after a couple times, I got it. Since the game is cheap now, I'd say it's worth it...it's no AC5, but is does have some fun moments, and being able to do the 180 and start shooting Raiders on your rear is cool. No clue about the show (thinking it is internal), but it was strange in the game to see huge Sparrow like ones underneath the Vipers in the opening CG!
  19. In the video game, they showed missiles being carried right under the Viper's wings...they looked huge though, like Sparrows/AMRAAM's. Don't think the show will follow that though.
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