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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Yup. So is any FPS with dual weilding weapons. And the fact you can carry a dozen weapons on your back with the ammo to boot! Fun but...c'mon! It's just what they (developers) think is cool looking or fun. I doubt many have ever seen a gun in real life, and those that do only got a one day crash course watching Marines or playing airsoft or something. That said..yes it is odd they don't have helmets. If I lived in the Killzone universe, I'd steal the helmet off the first Helghast I waste.
  2. How about we have a poll on betting how many Stealth threads will be posted before and after the film releases?
  3. Actually, a lot of people don't. Theere are tons of BSG fans who never saw Joss Whedon's masterpiece.
  4. When CD-Rom came out, everyone griped it was cartridge games with redbook audio and nothing more...which was true, but in a few years, CD-Roms began to get full. DVD's will soon be likely to use up all space as well. More storage for the future won't hurt. Blu-ray/HD discs will be needed, maybe not next week, but soon enough. On that note: You all are arguing over game consoles HA HA!!
  5. The prob withe the N64 was storage...lack of it and the cost of carts that held less. Had that been a CD Rom system, things may have been different in the 32 bit wars. And even if Nintendo is no longer the juggernaut they used to be, they are still profitable...though admittedly, they now have the rep as low man on the console totem pole.
  6. Prob wait till next week or so...as long as I see mass genocide of the Jedi I'll be content.
  7. huh? The ones from ADV are Robotech with teh exception of the Southern Cross/Mospeada sets. No ADV Macross or am I missing something?
  8. I'd buy a PS3 tomorrow if I could. I'm impressed by the HDMI outputs, Blu-Ray, and the tech demos so far. 360...well, I'm not sure. Specs look good, if there is something that I want to try besides Halo, than maybe. Just don't see anything I'd want yet. Nintendo: Too early to say, but prelim specs don't sound too good. I think Sony had the strongest 'showing' this E3, which was surprising since Microsoft and pals have 6 months to ship...I was expecting to see more than what's appeared so far. Perfect Dark Zero a no show was a given since it looked like crap on the MTV special (why show people playing an unfinished game as part of a big public event like that?). E3 is hype and that's what it's meant to generate. IMO, there seems to be more excitement in the Sony and Microsoft camps than Nintendo.
  9. Don't panic. There's a switch in the front under the loading slot. It's flush so it probably is touch sensitive. It mars the aesthetic design when you have a flip switch sticking out in the front, so they put it in the back - just like the PS2. I think Sony should've left the hard switch off entirely. No one reaches around behind their PC to kill the hard power switch on their ATX computer. No one unplugs their TV, VCR, or stereo to force it out of standby mode. Why is the PS2 special? Just leave it in standby like you do every other piece of equipment in the house. I do.
  10. Yes, games are expensive. Yes, production costs have risen too. That being said, I remember Atari 2600 carts being $45 in the days; Super Famicom carts were $75-100 US dollars. And the 'ol 200 Meg Neo Geo Carts were $250! And I shelled out for them (well, except the Atari...I was young then so I begged my parents for them). Plus, we had to buy our games at a store that was 73 miles away and swim in lava to get to the store, then jump start the console with an old car battery, and play the game using a rock and a pair of chopsticks and we had to share the chopsticks. Sorry, couldn't resist. There's always game rentals... I rarely buy games nowadays...I'll rent if anything, or wait until they go the $20 route. Last thing I bought new I think was AC5 with the stick and that was an exception.
  11. Funniest filter I ever saw replaced 'bitch' with 'pregnant dog'...it was frakkin' funny. 'You son of a pregnant dog!' ..'someone pregnant dog slap him!'
  12. Since Spiderman and the Playstation are Sony's Cash cows, it's not surprising to see Spiderman movie font on the system...and there was Spiderman music in many of the trailers.
  13. Personally I like the look...it shares the same basic shape as the PS2, offset slab on a slab but softened. Much better looking than the XBox 360. The boomerang controller looks weird, but if it's comfortable, then I'll be happy. What was even more interesting for me was the HDMI outputs and the footage of Killzone...damn.
  14. Ths Saturn was a "surprise launch" which was supposed to work tactically for them against the PSX. What it wound up doing, was upset retailers across the nation, dooming the console to half of it's market on the first day of launch. KB Toys, at the time carried everything, and refused to carry it after the surprise launch and never did. Same for a few other retailers not in the exclusive loop on "Saturnday". I remember reading a few years after that Tom Kalinske admitted it may have been premature...he was right!
  15. Yeah, I pre-ordered mine, I'm really looking forward to it. As for the DVD release, a guy at suncoast said that the reason DVD's tend to take longer to release, here in the US as opposed to the UK and elsewhere, has to do with the MUSIC rights. That the US is more strict than elsewhere. Don't know if it is true but that's what I heard. I remember waiting for the Futurama DVD's while the UK had all 4 sets already out we where just getting season 1!! AND I've heard there aren't any differences, content wise, between the sets. Chris That generally is true, but BSG only has composed music from Bear, not any licensed music. It really shouldn't be a problem unless it's taking that long for them to get rights to that. My guess is that the US release will feature more in the way of extras like the fetaures on the website and perhaps commentaries by some of the cast members in addition to Ron's podcasts. Some have speculated that the deleted scenes may be edited back into the show like a director's cut version of the season. But I'm just guessing. If all we get is an identical UK release I'll be mad that it took so long.
  16. Guess the extras will take longer than thought..or...they will prefer to tie in the DVD sales during the Holiday season after the first half of Season 2 airs. On another note: the soundtrack for season one of the show is up for pre-order and they will be autographed by the composer too. It includes both the US and the UK versions of the intro music too. http://www.lalalandrecords.com/GalacticaSeasonOneNew.html
  17. Looks like the US season 1 DVD release will dip to December...oh well....better have lots of extras.... and yeah, I miss the show too. I actually stayed home on Fridays sometimes to watch.
  18. I just heard katee Sackhoff's Telephone interview from a show a couple weeks back...it was very interesting, especially after hearing what she had to say about how Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict treated her. Hatch...cool!! Dirk...not. She said Dirk was so hostile towards them he pissed her off...and she said she'd do all his old roles in remakes just to spite him. Katee Sackhoff as Face in the A-Team movie!
  19. Ditto that...the Saturn and Genesis 6 button D-Pads were the best ever!
  20. I had my wingmen up until after the Bomber level...It does help, but I don't know if I'd start from scratch to keep them...
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