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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. If it has 5.1 in Japanese then the original did not have it. It was in Pro Logic.
  2. Since games are pretty much now mainstream in the US, this is the direction consoles will go. It is a slow integration of the "black box" that everyone since the 3DO has wanted to produce. The current gen systems are hints of what's to come, the next gen is more so.
  3. 10 to 1 there will still be threads about it though with titles like, "LOOK! A live action Macross Plus!" "Hollywood Rips off Macross!" "Stealth Movie looks like YF-21!" "Hey, Look I hate 'search'!" ...and so forth.
  4. Design sketches for movies almost always look nothing like what appears on screen in the final. But yeah, I know what you mean.
  5. Sorta related...I was sorting those DVD's out today, and noticed that my DVD case inserts are fading...not a lot but slightly. I thought that was odd, since they are shielded from light being in a box.
  6. I bet they're Robotech fans and don't know the difference.
  7. I'm trying to do it! If it were, I'm sure it would have been brought up in the Japanese gaming magazines...which to my knowledege never has. I think they just figured, all hell, we have enough already.
  8. I never even noticed I like hot dogs until you pointed it out. I prefer chicken katsu or shrimp tempura over a dog anyday if you want to know though.
  9. I see it says Japanese 5.1 Audio...if that's truly the case, I'd consider it and ditch my originals.
  10. Firefly and Family Guy have been revived (FF in movie form), it was about time Futurama did also. Maybe we'll see Wonderfalls as well some day too.
  11. Does Nintendo own the rights to the Rogue Squadron games or something? I'm out of the loop these days. Wouldn't Factor 5 prob do them instead on PS3 since they ditched the 360? I'm thinking that with the increased costs of next gen development, even more smaller studios and companies may decide to go with one console instead of developing multi platform. We already saw this happening with the current consoles...it will prob happen a lot more. I'm thinking that there will be more exclusive titles to each system this gen than last with the exception of the big name movie licenses and sports games. The game industry is now in the mainstream in the US, and we take the bad along with the good.
  12. Got my copy today. Good ol' 2D lives on.
  13. I sense the whining of people with like 17 posts in the future longing for custom titles... "How come I can't be 'Super Valkyrie Rider 97X'?", or "Macross Uber-Genius" or "I like Hot Dogs"
  14. I remember that show...I liked Blue Thunder better for some reason.
  15. Just got back from seeing a matinee...well...I guess it was ok. Maybe I just had too high an expectation, or because I'm not that much of a Star Wars fan. I thought it was only slightly better than Ep II. Oh well, I have Serenity to look forward to.
  16. Boo...where's my Mother of all, ultimate fighting, Super Ultra edition SDF-1?
  17. Quite a few actually. I've been avoiding them. The Official Sci-Fi boards have a few threads on them. This show is too good to read spoilers.
  18. Only System I ever bought just because it had a single game was the Super NES for Street Fighter 2. And that was a long time ago....on an island far away...
  19. Wasn't the MOD-Files a spin off of that X-Files show starring AgentONE and his quest to destroy communist computers around the globe using spyware or something?... Do I get to be naked? Think we're saving that for the DVD release...
  20. Umm...they are called FAST packs in real life. Fuel And Sensor Tactical It's the other way around...Macross uses something we'd recognize...or not.
  21. Wasn't the MOD-Files a spin off of that X-Files show starring AgentONE and his quest to destroy communist computers around the globe using spyware or something?...
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