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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. All of the OT's fights are very poor IMO. Mark Hamil looks like he's swinging a baseball bat and almost loses his footing everytime in ROTJ. I always thought it was odd, because in the extras and stuff, you see him practicing choreographing moves and it looks fine, but onscreen, it's wild "I'm 4 years old and can swing!!" type stuff. Makes me wonder if that was on purpose (George wanting him to look "untrained"), or just....I dunno. I'm glad the prequel's fights are better (well they're supposed to be, they are all "trained well" in the prequels). Though AOTC Hayden was horrible too. His Dooku fight was just close ups of his face more than half the fight with him following the glowing light like some kid at a rave. The Maul fights win IMO.
  2. Good point. If they do Yoda, hope they make the blade shorter...who the hell has a 36" blade?
  3. Some of the world's most evil people think they are righteous. In their mind, they aren't the bad ones at all. In fact, they think they're good. This stems from the common thief up to the crazed dictator. When I interview perps for minor things like theft and assault, many in fact think they did nothing wrong at all. The more serious ones are worse. And, there are the people who are not criminals, but just a prick in everyday life to everyone..they think they are the second coming of good in the world. More often than not, the whole good and evil thing walks a grey line.
  4. Actually, its on a state-by-state basis. Age of consent varies from 14 to 18 in the US. keeping my daughter away from you for knowing that LOL, I draw the line at 25. Chicks younger than that are generally as dumb as a bag of hammers. Seen the dumb on both ends. At least the young ones have an excuse.
  5. Mace isn't the only one with a purple lightsaber. I got one too.
  6. There are two "Sneek Peak" clips Sci Fi showed recently regarding season 2 of BSG below. While not really spoiler heavy, I should warn you there are some minor spoilers to be seen though it's hard to say as they're all out of context. Nonetheless for those who just want a tiny glimpse, here ya go: http://www.pegasusgalaxy.com/ Just scroll down for the second clip. 40 more days...
  7. I'd pay to see old Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil in 15 years as geezers go at it with lightsabers in wheelchairs.
  8. No, you're not the only one. While I actually play much less nowadays and enjoy the "quick fun" game too, I don't feel compelled to spend $50 for a really short game anymore.
  9. Me too. I guess Tigh's in charge now...his wife must be thrilled....hmmmmmmm.
  10. Funny thing about the casual gamer and the driver example. MS spent a large portion of their E3 time trying to get the casual and non gamer excited about 360's Live online "store" where people who don't care about games will be peddling their virtual wares for your your virtual game characters.
  11. I think the world is coming to an end but I actually want to see this. I don't know comics, but I know I like Chiklis and Alba. Crap movie be damned, I support them.
  12. Just spreading the wonderous tales of Agent ONE. He's like a modern day myth. One day when we're all dead and forgotten, maidens will sing songs about his greatness. ...and use doorknobs when they need preasure. Your Governor has an accent too ya know. I thought I was reading a script for a Team America 2 film with Kim Jong Il for a second.
  13. But what IS the harm in having the option to do so? Most games will be on DVD, but if the need arises, they have the option of a higher capacity disc. Might seem to be overkill and something the consumer won't want to pay for but, for me, I want the High Def Player (admittedly, prob a mediocre one but, until they are mainstream I prob won't buy one right away). There is nothing wrong with having the option in the future as we cannot predict it. When I'm off duty, I carry extra ammo on me and, I may never need it. But I would never say I would never need it. I'd rather have it and not use it, then not have it and need it. And after the PS2 was announced with DVD capability, it was said again that few games will be on DVD; that most could fit on a simple CD. While many can, many today do not and use DVD. With more powerful and complex systems we'll see games with longer cut scenes (I have this eeeeeery feeling FMV will come back in the form of High Def cut scenes from films), more "extras" (Some companies are thinking of doing more DVD movie like things for games like extras not on a seperate disc...lame but you see where this market is going)etc. Sega going with their Dreamcast 1GB GD-ROM would have been sorely lacking for many titles if they had stayed alive(and I wish they still made hardware too). All I'm saying is that it can't really hurt and when prices begin to drop, the drive cost becomes a more moot point (DVD faced the same argument). They were firm on DVD only until after E3 where, Steve Ballmer addresses that they "haven't announced anything yet". Like I said, I believe DVD only too, and smell smoke being blown up our butts on that front. This interview has XBox fans in heaven for some reason. I don't ususally take Ballmer for anything he says but with the 360, I wonder if they really are going that route in the future...a second 360 with an upgraded drive which would piss off a hell of a lot of people. http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000597043723/ And I agree with the backwards compatibility statement...just the fact that the average consumer will take that info as being able to ditch their previous system and play the old games on the new. You know I'm right on that count, there are people out there that will complain if it isn't even if it says it will only work with 10 games, because they will make a marketing point out of that fact, like at their E3 press conference (and is it just me or was MS's press conference really boring with the "Velocity Girl" non gamer designing shirts and skate park levels & selling them on Live announcement...they spent a large portion of the conference making that point). Having the staged crowd didn't do anything to inspire confidence in me either. As for Sony, tech demos are tech demos...they show off what the console can do, but it's not a game. If their trailers even look remotely close to what they showed, I'll be very happy indeed (hopeful but not counting on it).
  14. My bet: It'll be DVD-ROM for it's entire life, estimated at 5 years. No big deal, really. Most current games aren't using half the capacity of DVDs anyways. Why use a more expensive disk and then HOPE that it's the one that becomes standard? And upgrades tend to not go over very well. Even when they ARE commercial successes, people look back and talk about how horrible an idea it was. Often the same people that were, at the time, complaining because the competition wasn't releasing similar upgrades. True, most games don't use a full DVD, but that doesn't mean future ones won't. When CD-ROM came out, it was said by developers at the time it would never be needed (600+ MB's!!), and would only be good for redbook audio. Xenosaga 2 was 2 DVD's, Ace Combat 5 was crammed to capacity...having more won't hurt in the long run. True, it won't mean better games, but if you give them more than they need it's better than them having to cram, cut, or take out stuff in a few years. Dual Layer DVD's...sure, but even nowadays, some movie studios try to avoid them and go for 2 discs. I agree 100% on the upgrade path...which is why I think MS is just blowing smoke on the Blu-Ray/HD DVD support.
  15. I'm betting that it's built-in emulation, and while it will accept all games, they're just only GUARANTEEING it will run the best-sellers(to avoid the sort of complaints that dinged the PS2 early because some games didn't run and others ran but had sever glitches). Well, I hope so because they really didn't sound too hopeful. Same with the HD DVD/Blu-Ray format. They said, "we haven't announced anything yet". I'm pretty sure they did. DVD-ROM, nothing else. Since there's no one HD standard disc yet, I understand the statement, but the console will launch in November. I don't think they will add this and keep it at $300. Or am I to believe that once whatever format emerges, that all of a sudden my 360 will be able to accept an add on to take advantage?( not likely) Or that once it's a standard, all "new" 360's will have a new drive. I've been told by Microsoft fans that this is the best way to go...and they "applaud MS for doing it like this... upgradeable console...umm, I'm not buying a PC, and I'm not buying a new drive for the console. I don't know how they would implement future HD DVD/Blu Ray into your DVD 360. I'm not bashing MS, just that their post E3 comments raised my eyebrows a bit. You can promise the world, but this isn't even like tech demos that show off what a machine can do (and is up to developers to duplicate). This is cold hard stuff that is either there or is not. It almost sounded like, " Huh? Oh yeah...well...yeah we can have that too, sure!!" As for the backwords compat for PS2...very few PS1 games had problems running on it so I was happy.
  16. Season 2 in less than a month and a half!
  17. By the time Gunbuster is released, it may be on Blu-Ray/HD DVD.
  18. Dolores was actually pretty cool. I like how it tied in with the games(though her personality at times was grating).
  19. Actually, MS has been vague about the backwards compatible portion. First it was no. Then after Sony announced back catalog of PS1 and PS2 with PS3,at E3 they were "pleased to announce" backawards comp with "the top selling XBox games". So, I assume that means Halo and Halo 2...maybe a few others. Until they announce exactly HOW it will do it I'm skeptical on that one. Out of the box or add on like Bleem(which does not define backwards compatible with me).
  20. You forgot Dirk Benedict and Matthew Perry. No matter where they go, it's Starbuck and Chandler Bing in whatever you're watching!
  21. Why do people want a custom anyways? If everyon had customs they'd just be mini sigs.
  22. Holy flaming assgoblins, Batman! Sheesh, the battle wasn't even SNES VS PlayStation. It was PlayStation VS Saturn. And the PS won that battle PRIMARILY on price. Edit: Bovine U's alumnus is back? Color me dissapointed. True, the Saturn's US launch was screwy. BUt even after, Tom made weird choice after bad choice. And the advertising didn't help...Coneheads? One of the Saturn's primary problems was price, though. Sony launched a hundred dollars cheaper, and Sega couldn't really afford to keep up, though they tried. The PS1 was cheap hardware, the Saturn was dang expensive hardware, and Sega was bleeding red ink all over the place trying to keep pace with Sony's rapid-fire price cuts. At one point, they actually asked retailers to sell the decks at a loss, in an attempt to stem the gushing flow of red ink. That's when the Saturn lost most of it's shelf space, not surprisingly. True on the price but, the surprise launch alienated retailers not included. Some vowed not to even carry Saturn afterwords like KB Toys. They cut their market at half at launch by not including half the retailers out there, and the higher price when PSX launched helped no further.
  23. Holy flaming assgoblins, Batman! Sheesh, the battle wasn't even SNES VS PlayStation. It was PlayStation VS Saturn. And the PS won that battle PRIMARILY on price. Edit: Bovine U's alumnus is back? Color me dissapointed. True, the Saturn's US launch was screwy. BUt even after, Tom made weird choice after bad choice. And the advertising didn't help...Coneheads?
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