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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Well, that was a great episode...well worth the wait...I see Apollo has his MKVII back!
  2. Nope, Season 2 starts later there this time but it will run through all 20 instead of taking the break like we will after 10 eps.
  3. You know, a year ago if you told me I'd be excited to see a new season of a Battlestar Galactica series, I'd have looked at you like you had mushrooms for ears and a pork roast growing from your hair.
  4. I'm almost tempted to take all the caps they posted and do it as a slideshow then burn it to IDVD. 310994[/snapback] EDIT: Dammit it's temp down. Hope it goes back up..I'm definitely gonna do this.
  5. I'm almost tempted to take all the caps they posted and do it as a slideshow then burn it to IDVD.
  6. I'm prob going to see it tonight. I like Chiklis. I like Alba.
  7. Yes, but I meant neither will launch at that...if MS does, it will be very interesting indeed.
  8. I kinda doubt Joss wants to go back to TV even if they offered him the world...because they have screwed him so many times, I think he will stick to films as he has stated. Hopefully, it does well enough for sequels...I mean, we get sequels to House of the Dead, and other crap....
  9. I know $299 is the price point to be in the US but I doubt either of the big 2 will meet that this time around. And HD-DVD and Blu Ray players debuting in the US for $300 would be heaven...but not very likely the first year. I agree it won't be as "hot" as DVD was but it is the future. Anyone with an HDTV is ready for the next thing, as SD DVD as good as it is, is lacking for some people. Again, this isn't something for the masses, however this is why Sony wants the PS3 and Blu ray to succeed. And regardless of the price, there are so many PS fans out there, there will be millions of blu ray players out before there are HD DVD players. That being said, I am getting them all as always.
  10. If PS3's sell at $399, they are still a deal for a Blu-Ray player. HD DVD and stand alone Blu Ray's are in the $500-$1000 range when they expect to debut soon(which worries me a lil since the PS3 is cheap compared to those, but the HT maket is different from the game one).
  11. There's also a special that will run before the 3 shows...an inside sci fi friday thingy.
  12. And now, Sci-Fi will be showing the Firefly episodes in order starting July 22, before the Stargate and Battlestar Galactica shows. For those who missed the DVD's, here ya go!!
  13. 3 Days to Season 2! On a side note: Best Buy has an exclusive on a 4 DVD set of Season one UK Edition but in R1 format. It's basically the UK set (including the UK opening theme) and no extras except the deleted scenes. "Official" US release is expected in Sept. with more extras.
  14. Saw the flick, it was pretty good!
  15. Makes you wonder why they don't stick to the sabers that wouldn't be altered much. An FX AOTC Obi Wan perhaps. Or a Qui Gon. But I guess it's to cash in on ROTS.
  16. Less than a month to go for season 2 but, Sci-Fi has a new video blog from executive producer David Eick on the set of BSG's second season. Enjoy! http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/bts/videoblog/
  17. The July 29th thing was taken back: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=10865 Still have to wait til September Unless they do more screenings that is.... Yeah, I just saw that right after I posted. C'mon Sept!
  18. I've heard that some people who saw Batman Begins in the theater saw of course the trailer that has been online on the big screen with one small change...a July 29th release date. Is Uni deciding that the film is ready to go already? They've been selling out advance screenings everywhere, and it seems odd that they'd change the release date again.
  19. Myself and my three closest friends, all of whom had multiple consoles, would alternate between the consoles. That is, sometimes it'd seem like Xbox was going through a hot streak, and a month or two would go by before we'd touch our PS2s. But then PS2 would be on a hot streak, and we'd be using it for something like 4-5 hours a day every day for a month. My brother, who bought a PS2 well after launch, found that it didn't work pretty much out of the box. He exchanged it, and he'd play for maybe 5-6 hours a week for a year. Then it died, so he bought an Xbox. Okay, so based on you and your friends experience. The consoles didn't have a life span anywhere near the length that they should. I'm interested to see what Blaine has to say, since I don't know if he has done any tweaking or how long he has used it. Of course I've noticed that most companies these days tend to make shoddy products so that people will purchase from them again. IMO I think it is kind of sad that companies that build game consoles would do such a thing since they normally begin releasing another generation of consoles five years after the previous release. Edit: Not much point in double posting Togo-I wouldn't trust sales numbers that someone throughs up on message. Unless I happened to know if the site, that the info came from, was reliable. I don't know how long they had their PS2's for, but I do have a never-ending stream of customers that want to know what to do about their PS2s when they start going. Trust me, "disc read error" wouldn't have half the meaning it does if the problem was confined to me and my friends. Can't they send it in to Sony to get fixed for free? Disc Read Error consoles are being fixed as long as you ship the console to them after you call to get an authorization number(and majority of them are way beyond a year old so, it's a good deal IMO)...they'll ship it back repaired or replaced free.
  20. Bad comparo...Final Fight was fun. Rented the game finally...it's ok. Like was said, fine for what it is, and I suppose if you like Star Wars you're happy.
  21. Slightly OT, but there was a PS game commercial once for a boxing game where people just started duking it out on the street for no reason. I particularly remember the two women standing on a street corner and just going at it. It was the funniest game ad I ever saw...anyone know what game it was for? I forget.
  22. Yes, but it's only the most insane and retarded player! ... But Gnakins? I'm pretty sure it was Jenkins... Ouch, that hurts. Never knew I came across as insane and retarded. But, whatever the mods prefer... Could be worse...you could like hot dogs....
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