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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Interesting...
  2. All of it is included in the developers kit...this means small companies won't have to pay extra to use these engines, and the support that comes with it. Aegia has a chip but it's the software that was licensed (that basically make up the Unreal 3 engine) and will be in the SDK...along with Havok's and SN systems software makes a nice suite of stuff available to developers right as soon as they get an SDK. There are 360 games that use Aegia's software but each developer pays out of their pocket to Aegia for it. Sony is including this in the SDK so they have it to use without paying extra for it (and for all the PS3 games sold, Aegia is going to get a royalty...if someone doesn't buy them now, they'll be worth a LOT more in a year or so). Bottom line means even the smaller, poorer, or ahem (crap) developers have a shot at making a better game than before using the "good stuff". This is very promising news...better than any specs battle.
  3. Wow. This should mean all the 3rd party developers will have access to all that right off the bat. http://www.tomshardware.com/hardnews/20050721_140938.html http://ps3.ign.com/articles/635/635492p1.html And this doesn't hurt either: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/635/635494p1.html http://ps3.ign.com/articles/635/635488p1.html Makes for a tasty SDK that will help the smaller companies make better games and survive, and less money spent on licensing engines and what not. And...check out Factor 5's footage of Lair which they have labeled as "entirely in game footage": http://ps3.ign.com/articles/635/635510p1.html The next gen of consoles is gonna be good!!!
  4. Is it me or do the red eyes in Six look weird in this shot: [
  5. Doh! is right...coulda sold the gold!!!
  6. Wonder if it will look different from the Galactica...a more advanced Battlestar would be kinda cool since the Galactica was a ship that was about to be put to pasture....and I wonder if we'll see additional Vipers/Raptors or different ships in service as well... or... in another direction entirely...make the Pegasus an even older Battlestar than the Galactica using the original series design.
  7. Isn't that just the signature studio scale one they are talking about? Yours is a studio scale already.
  8. Gunbuster : Kazumi And Noriko's fight getting the Exelion to make a black hole. OR End of Evangelion: Asuka's Unit 02's fight against the mass production Evas.
  9. I have yet to see a trailer for this one on TV.... 312825[/snapback] No trailer has appeared on TV yet for this...too early. But theaters have had them. And even Yoda has sprang some subliminal force advertising for this film :
  10. I thought about that for awhile but not sure if I want another DVD set with just the UK intro...though it is a nice collector's piece.
  11. *Using mind control* You will move to the United States, so you can own all these wonderful things... 312764[/snapback] lol
  12. On a more dismal note...I have yet to see a trailer in the theaters where I am...damn Wallace theaters!!
  13. Screw the UK Best Buy set. The US set has been announced!! Battlestar Galactica US Release Season One Extras disc including the Miniseries!!
  14. Thanks, I was waiting for the high quality version.
  15. I'm betting that too. Would be cool if the Original Buster Machine design somehow was brought back...
  16. That would depend on a lot of things....
  17. Some early pics of Resident Evil 5 supposedly for both the PS3 and the 360.
  18. It's getting so close to the release date though..might as well see the finished film...or this new trailer!!! Serenity International Trailer
  19. This was a speech by Joss Whedon before one of the advance screenings of Serenity: Hi, my name is Joss Whedon. Before we begin the special screening, I have a little story I want to tell you. It's about a TV show called Firefly. Firefly went on the air a few years ago and was instantly hailed by critics as one of the most canceled shows of the year. It was ignored and abandoned and the story should end there, but it doesn't, because the people who made the show and the people who saw the show (which is...roughly...the same *number* of people) fell in love with it a little bit...too much to let it go, too much to lay down arms when the battle looked pretty much lost. In Hollywood, people like that are called 'unrealistic' ... 'quixotic' ... 'obsessive'. In *my* world, they're called 'Browncoats'. Whether you've watched the show, or saw the DVD's, or whether you've never set foot in the Firefly universe before tonight, the fact that you're here means that you are part of something...something that is a little bit remarkable. This movie *should not* exist. Failed TV shows don't get made into major motion pictures unless the creator, the cast, and the fans believe beyond reason. It's what I've felt. It's what I've seen...in the DVD sales, the booths at the cons run by fans, the websites, the fundraisers... *all* the work the fans have done to help make this movie. It is, in an unprecedented sense, *your* movie...which means, if it sucks, it's *your* fault. You let us down, but let's not dwell on *your* failures because the work is not done. I have to finish making it. Obviously not *quite* the final cut and you will notice some placeholders in music and effects, but we're very close. Once we are finished, we have to get people to see it. Now, obviously the studio is going to do their thing. There will be ads and trailers and all that joy, but this movie doesn't have stars and it doesn't have a giant mega-budget or even a simple salable premise. What it has is *us*, the people who believed unreasonably. If this movie matters to you, let somebody know. Let *everybody* know. Make yourselves heard. If you don't like the movie, this is a time for quiet, silent contemplation. But, when the unfinished credits roll, if you still call yourself a Browncoat, remember the millions of people who don't...who *might*. I want us to do this together. The cast is going to be appearing wherever they can. I'm going to be blogging and stumping and whatever I can think of. We've got Can'tStopTheSignal.com up and running...I'm fairly certain. We're all doing everything we can to make this the event that it should be. Just remember, they tried to *kill* us...they *did* kill us...and here we are. We have done the *impossible*, and that makes us mighty. Thank you for helping to get this movie as far as it has gotten. Welcome to Serenity.
  20. Sci-Fi now has a page dedicated to Firefly: http://www.scifi.com/firefly/ It's not that bad.
  21. Nice pics EXO!!
  22. St......st....st.....st...stealth!!
  23. Well, in the mini, it was established that the newer ships being all networked and loaded with Gaius' program enabled the Cylons to simply say, "Hi, we're home, shut down!". They can't transmit something to those ships that can't receive it (in the BSG world). The Galactica and the older Vipers were "on their own so to speak and the Cylons had no way to "communicate with the computers on those ships". That said, it's still a bit of techno babble albeit very minor.
  24. Just got back from seeing it...I give it a "not bad". Fun for what it is...
  25. Heeeey... taking a wild guess here; but maybe that's why they didn't send anyone in to investigate. They may have ran a scan of the hangar and saw nothing (as a result of the hack) and figured not use resources (spacesuits and grav boots, etc) to check it out themselves. Just wild speculation 311563[/snapback] Could be. I'm thinking that since that flight pod is basically unused, and they are fighting with the fires and what not form the fight, the crash there was considered "low priority". I remember reading somwehere that they had actually de-pressurized that pod and thus, they'd have to suit up to go in there now. Can't recall where I heard or read that...might have been on Moore's podcast for the episode. Of course, I'm sure we'll all see the results of that next week...maybe the party that goes checking(just because it's not in this episode doesn't mean they won't do it) gets gunned down by a troop of Centurions
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