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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Show was shot in High Def but even then, DVD is still 480i or 480p...even upconverted will not give you true HD res...have to wait till Blu Ray/HD DVD for you to be wowed even further. But HD mastered on DVD looks much better than Sci-Fi channel lol. Those with Universal HD are lucky since the show is run on there.
  2. What the hell? From Gamespot: The side of the Xbox 360's packaging listed the accessories that will be included with the console: a hard drive, wireless controller, Xbox Live, headset, and Ethernet cable.No cables for hooking up to a monitor were listed. Article The accessories list also shows component and S video cables, along with VGA...I thought Component cables were coming standard. Think they'll pop in composites still or nothing at all? What struck me was the blib about VGA being the only way to get HD out of the 360...I hope they didn't restrict the console to using that as the only HD output and limit the Component to 480p.
  3. Waiting for my set to come...no Best Buy where I live so had to get it from a pal in the mainland.
  4. Like the 1978 Battlestar Galactica.....loved it when I was 5...seeing it in 2004 was....painful. Long live the new one.
  5. Also is a NEW trailer that will be shown for Serenity. This will be shown only on TV and then the internet and theaters afterwards in the same way that Episode 3 was on ...The OC. From the Browncoats site: New Serenity Trailer to Debut on SciFi Tune in to SciFi this Friday night to see the world premiere of the brand new Serenity trailer! The final domestic trailer for Serenity will premiere on the SciFi channel, Friday, July 29th between 7:45-8PM EST during the airing of "Serenity Part 2". It will have its Internet premiere shortly thereafter (more details to come) and will be in theaters in August.
  6. If you want just the show and don't care about the extras then sure. But the Us version will have an extra disc with extras galore and the mini series to boot. Uk Version has original opening music and a special preview disc of "Serenity" so it's a nice collector's item. I'm getting both....decided I want the UK versions just to have, and the Serenity disc is a nice bonus. 314212[/snapback] Are the US version editted? Or are they the same as the British? They're gonna have the mini in the disks too? 314217[/snapback] US Version Sept release has: 5 discs US intro Music (The same theme overall as the Funeral theme and the one that sounds mor military like) Mini -Series Commentary Tracks: Feature Commentary on "The Mini-Series" with Director Michael Rymer and Executive Producers David Eick and Ron Moore "Pilot" Commentary with Director Michael Rymer and Executive Producers David Eick and Ronald D. Moore "Bastille Day" Episode Commentary with Executive Producers David Eick and Ronald D. Moore "Act of Contrition" Episode Commentary with Executive Producers David Eick and Ronald D. Moore "You Can't Go Home Again" Episode Commentary with Executive Producers David Eick and Ronald D. Moore "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down" Episode Commentary with Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore "The Hand of God" Episode Commentary with Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore "Colonial Day" Episode Commentary with Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore "Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 1" Episode Commentary with Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore "Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2" Episode Commentary with Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore Behind the Scenes (presumed the 12 documentaries online on Sci Fi) Deleted Scenes (presumedly the ones that were online) Battlestar Galactica Series Lowdown (the special that was aired before season one began on Sci-fi...very good stuff to see) Sketches and Art (also possibly the online site stuff) An added bonus item listed is "1 of 3 Collectible DVD Exclusive Trading Cards" (your guess is as good as mine) Nothing was cut from the US airings and this should be the same. This is the best deal for the series as it can be pre-ordered cheap and has the whole kitchen sink. UK version of the show sometimes featured some scenes that were cut/shortened on some airings (re-runs later at night supposedly feaured them un cut)...Six's ass on the table while she was bent over in a suggestive position in Ep 9 gone, the banter between Starbuck and Flattop in the ready room about umm...using his hand for something gone ,among other things...but they were restored for the UK's DVD release supposedly according to people who have the R2 UK set. It has the deleted scenes that will be included in the Sept release. It does have 2 things the Sept release does not: The UK (or rather true ) intro music before Sci-Fi changed it to the one used throughout Season one in the US...and then changed back to for Season 2 albeit shortened without the familar pre cap taiko drums. and 2: The Serenity Promo disc. Not sure how long this one will last but Universal was surprised at how much of a following FF had...and after the screenings did so well, they realize they have something of a possible huge sleeper hit. I'm certain this is the reason behind the inclusion of the disc with the BSG set. People on the Serenity movie site are going crazy trying to get this disc...I suppose we'll see them on ebay...or copies of a promo disc on ebay soon enough. So...US version, no cut scenes, tons of extras, mini series included to boot on 5 discs Sept 20 release Best Buy UK version: UK music intro...Serenity DVD promo, presumedly restored scenes and an earlier release date..Tomorrow!!
  7. If you want just the show and don't care about the extras then sure. But the Us version will have an extra disc with extras galore and the mini series to boot. Uk Version has original opening music and a special preview disc of "Serenity" so it's a nice collector's item. I'm getting both....decided I want the UK versions just to have, and the Serenity disc is a nice bonus.
  8. Duke hates everything...
  9. Wonder what Treasure has in store for the 360.
  10. That would be classic.
  11. I agree it should have been something else...but then again, they were driving them around in ep 4 last season (Act of Contrition) too anyways. Moore stated they just didn't have the time to dress up what their cars should look like. It doesn't bother me so much.
  12. I want to go to the bar Grace Park hangs out in. Looked pretty cool.
  13. Mine covered the Nintendo Power(but very few of the games in it). I bought each and every Gamepro I own. Mmmmm... *fondly remembers the RoadBlasters in the grocery store* 313827[/snapback] My Roadblasters was in a 7-11...ahh, the memories, "Catch Special Weapon to Increase Performance". For me, the pinnacle of video game journalism was Next Generation and GameFan (the old Die Hard store employees). Never cared for Gamepro. I remember too, when Game Informer was like a 20 page crap magazine.
  14. Wow you guys are young. I had to hike 17 miles in snow and then swim in a lake of lava just so I could play Pong at Pizza Hut.
  15. 313575[/snapback] Yeah it's true (I thought I posted this before but I may have forgotten about it). Season 2 will take a break after 10 eps (the cast will take a shooting break) and then the remaining 10 will be seen afterwards. The UK starts the season later than us, but will get them all in one long block and finish the season a bit earlier than us. Official US release now up for pre-order at Amazon too for $41!!: BSG Season One
  16. I doubt they'll do that (Baltar as Cylon). Loopy coward that slowly becomes ruthless and powerful as time goes by is a better choice...and more interesting than the Baltar of old with the "I'm just evil because" attitude.
  17. Action-ADVENTURE. It's got as much RPG in it as Metroid or Megaman X. Which is to say, not one byte. 313528[/snapback] Unless you mean Command Mission. 313531[/snapback] Bah. 313538[/snapback] Second that.
  18. So Myriad, you gonna give it a shot?
  19. The upcoming Best Buy exclusive of the UK version of Battlestar Galactica Season One is going to have an exclsuive Serenity previews disc. Just when I thought I'd wait for the Sept. release...now I guess I'll get this set too afterall. The thing I do for Firefly/Serenity.
  20. True... and false. While it is true that optical discs cost nearly nothing it the way of materials, development costs are on the rise. The more advanced the hardware, the more staff is needed to crank out your average game for said hardware to release the game in a timely fashion. Likewise, while I didn't own a Sega CD or a Saturn and can't really comment much on the prices of those games, PlayStation games WERE cheaper. $50 for a PlayStation CD-ROM was less than the $60 SNES and $75 N64 cartridges that were competing for shelf space. 313346[/snapback] If I recall, the usual SNES game was 50, though. Saturn prices were about even with PS prices on the software side, as I recall. I'm PRETTY sure SegaCD games were similar, though I was a Nintendo fanboy at the time. And the N64 prices I've always chalked up to Nintendo trying to get something approaching the profit margins their CD-based competitors were getting. As I recall they gave it up and went back to 50$ games fairly fast. 313385[/snapback] Sega CD Games were in the $50 range. Ah, Sega CD...mine still works and it had some of the coolest games surrounded by some of the crappiest fmv titles around. Final Fight CD is a gem...though the upcoming capcom collection will have it so maybe I can finally get rid of it.
  21. Won't the count go back up once the Pegasus appears? 313465[/snapback] Yeah, I was wondering about that too..
  22. I noticed they also had the survivor count down by one this week in the opening credits...wonder how many will be there next week, since it seems like a lot of people got mowed down.
  23. In a sense yes, but that doesn't mean that we see the savings....it means that smaller developers can use a better engine than some cracker ass one they made themselves and that means theoretically a chance at a better game. I think we'll see $60 360 and PS3 games though...if people buy 360 games at $60 this year, then people will pay $60 PS3 games next year. **I recall $100 + Super Famicom games as well as $99 Virtua Racing and Phantasy Star IV in the US. It sucked but, I also used to drop $250 for Neo Geo Carts (and even though it's crazy...that Neo was one of the most fun systems I had...everyone loved it).
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