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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Well, I'm sure Caprica Boomer has quite a bit to go through yet. I loved this episode.
  2. OKAY!!!
  3. Ellen made him drink again. I think the bitch is worse than the Cylons.
  4. No one knows...but I do know this:
  6. Which is why I think the writers of this show should have left the original show's methods of measurement alone (centons, for example) and used them instead. While I have fell in love with this new series after originally hating the miniseries, some of things they do boggle the mind. 317121[/snapback] I never liked centons and yaren...but the 9mm thing did strike me as odd too. Anyone notice that they'vd added FN five sevens with the same underbarrel launcher thing as the original sidearms that the others were using?
  7. Or if the Cylons inhabited Earth now...
  8. Depends who you ask. Majority opinion seems to be that the larger models are more reliable, though. (I wouldn't be surprised, given there's precious little room in the slimline for heatsinks or fans). 315843[/snapback] I have em both, they behave the same. I'd say the slim one is easier to drop or knock off of something as its light and small, that is why people think it isn't built as well. 316505[/snapback] Yah. I can see arguments either way, really. Long-term, the slimline should have a more reliable drive mech. One moving part to wear out instead of 3(raising/lowering the mech and opening/closing the tray are elminated, so you only have to worry about the laser tracking). But the older models should cool better. May be offset by more efficient chips, though. Less heat to start with. 316558[/snapback] yeah but who has these things long term... As soon as the PS3 comes out, I am going to can both my PS2s. 316591[/snapback] Me, for one. PS2 hasn't replaced the PS1 because, among other things, it isn't 100% compatible. There's slight glitches here and there, and exacerbations of other glitches, resulting in some game-crash issues. Are they uncommon? Sure. But they're there. And not everyone wants a PS3. Particularly if Kutaragi's ramblings about it being not affordable for households are accurate. 316684[/snapback] True...but a lot of people do ditch their systems when new ones appear. I used to keep them all but, I wound up with way too many... Who said everyone wanted a PS3?
  9. ditto....
  10. Try discussing politics with Adam..I hear he really gets the rest of the cast going with those discussions.
  11. That's precisely WHY he should be..if you want to stir emotion in your audience, you kill someone they like and are invested in. That said, I hope they don't...but if someone likeable had to go he'd be a prime choice...
  12. *sits and eats popcorn*
  13. More Kaylee is always good.
  14. There is no Sci-Fi HD. There is Universal HD which runs the show regularly and of course NBC every so often.
  15. Very similar to the full size LE. In fact, they look identical side by side in person. *Stares at the two in his hand*
  16. 47,862 Survivors..... Less people died last week than I thought.
  17. The one on TV is a new one. The one on Apple's site is the new and the previous one. There is also an international one (th best one IMO) that was linked ear;ier with real and wmv versions of it.
  18. Waiting for US release.
  19. Cool. I wish my cabl;e company had Uni HD.
  20. If so, that's good news about HDMI. Which model Toshiba are you getting?
  21. Me too but, they can sell more accesories if it isn't. We can hope.
  22. A. it's only the first mock-up package. B. Maybe they use standard AV ports? (I can dream, can't I?) I'm sure it'll come with some form of AV cables. As for the VGA HD fuss... I'd bet money that Gamespot misunderstood something. Now, onto more important questions. Like when are they gonna do HDMI/DVI out. Digital signals, kthx. 314697[/snapback] I figured the early package but they list component HD cables as an add on. People have said composite and component are pack ins..so I'm confused as to why Component cables are listed as an add on unless they pack in composites only...which while most people still use that, seems odd. I thought MS was firm on no HDMI or DVI. Why I don't know...I suppose to keep the cost down. If they do offer it I'll need an HDMI switcher since I only have one free one to spare.
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