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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I'll get this one.
  2. The forum home should be the home page for MW now anyways.
  3. Anyone in Vegas? We're planning on a huge ass Browncoat shindig for the premiere. Ordinarily not the kind of thing I'm interested in but since I know a lot of the people...and every major name Browncoat is going..what the heck...and it's Vegas too. The Casino Job
  4. It's only been a few weeks since the end of the mini...they're still picking up the pieces and haven't really had time to di much of anything.
  5. Cut 'em open with a big pair o' mother frakkin' scissors!!
  6. The 1st 7 episodes this season are basically wrapping up the end of last season. There are supposedly new arcs/plot lines starting with Ep 8...and especially...Ep 10.
  7. Lee's mom's alive. She was there at Zak's funeral and Adama asked his son about her at the start of the mini...divorced probably. I doubt Apollo's a toaster. Laura still isn't comfortable entirely with the religion prophet role...remember how she was hesitant at blessing people? The ships leaving the fleet...well no one said they were smart. They are follwing their faith and hoping the Pres has the answers...
  8. Listen to the podcasts from Moore on that...the prophet thing is going to come back and bite her in the ass he says.
  9. For $1...can't be too hard to find out yourself.
  10. No it doesn't, but it wouldn't warrant a new one either.
  11. ...dogs and cats living together....
  12. Those are nothing new.
  13. Sorta late but the Shuttle's launch is an High Def on demand thing for Time Warner Cable...pretty cool in high def.
  14. Don't you have your Hot Coffee thread already?
  15. OK USA!!!! I loved Bloodsport.
  16. Posting a thread about it only reaffirms things to some people.
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/sivart54/Saber.gif Obi FX is 2006 btw.
  18. That's because they in a sense truly were born yesterday and don't know any better. Ah, the youth of today....
  19. So are people not returning your messages? Maybe they just don't like you. Don't take it personal man... People are fussy on this board. I can name 10 people who wouldn't likely return a message from me, but thats because they are pussies. Maybe thats your problem too, maybe you PM pussies. 318004[/snapback] I am adopting "PMing pussies" as the latest euphemism for heterosexual intercourse. 318009[/snapback] Thats cool, and by 'cool' I mean totally sweet. 318012[/snapback]
  20. As The MW Turns.
  21. Myth: New Colombia Flick is based off Macross Plus Fact: Who gives a rip if it was.
  22. I lost the pic to my filmstrip. It was the scene where Misa is drinking in the bar.
  23. Well, it is an XBox mag...
  24. Loved Armageddon too. The Last Starfighter. So many chambara films. The newest guilty pleasure is the one that will get you banned for 3 days.
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