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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I actually thought this thread was about someone who might be one. Looks like a funny flick.
  2. I never believed they would launch at $300 with all the bells and whistles. Though I never expected them to take them OUT to make $300...I figured they would have an expensive "standard" and a super duper deluxe one with the works (2 controls, Live Gold, Larger HDD or something) at a higher cost. And I agree totally with the wireless being alluded to being standard...Allard specifically said the 360 controls were designed as wireless from the ground up, they were the new standard controllers etc. The wired ones at all public appearances were said to have been optional ones and only at the shows as a security measure (so no one would walk away with them). That said, I am dissapointed but not really surprised at the pricing (well, except the accessories...$40 wired control...$99 WiFi...c'mon!!). To be totally honest, I wouldn't get a 360 yet if I didn't have HDTV...I'd wait for PS3 but I need more High Def sources... PS3 looking mighty fine if they keep everything in...BluRay, WiFi, Bluetooth controls, etc. Btw, have you had your high def experience with any of the high def stations in your area yet with your new set? Again, it's painful to watch SD TV afterwards....well not painful but just knowing and seeing the difference between SD and HD shows is such a huge step forward made a true believer out of me. High Def TV totally rocks. Can't wait for BluRay movies....the difference between HBO HD Spiderman 2 and my Superbit Spidey 2 DVD is quite noticeable(even with an upconverting DVD Player)...more than I expected since I think Spidey 2 was shot on film.
  3. Dude...why so many threads about the same thing everytime? It's popping up more than...Stealth.
  4. No, they went to new connectors so they could sell new cables (bastards). I'm more and more beginning to think that the PS3 with wifi and bluetooth controllers, BluRay, the old legacy Playstation connectors( so you could use your old component or S Video), and HDMI is starting to look pretty damn good if they actually release that at $399 as is the rumor. I'm still buying a 360 to take in the High Def games (once you go HDTV, it's really painful to play 480i interlaced on one of those sets), but I'm really waiting this time around for PS3 (I skipped PS2 at launch because the launch games were blah compared to Dreamcast stuff I had). Perhaps we'll see unlicensed 3rd party connectors for $15 or so...
  5. MS's core system is both a PR move and a way to sell accessories at rape me prices. I'll pick up the $399 pack as it's a pretty good deal and the "true" 360 (not a dumbed down version). PS3 at the rumored $399 with Sony eating $100 looks pretty good with blu ray and wifi out of the box..no HDD but if they keep that price down, they may come out looking not bad at all.
  6. Other than a HDD, what other equipment doth you speak of?
  7. Fox didn't know how to figure Wonderfalls into their "lineup". The didn't have their trademark "sexpot" actors to flash, and it wasn't a straight up sitcom so they did what they always do..throw it on Friday night and if it didn't get 8 bajillion viewers the first 2 weeks, they canned it. Wonderfalls is a great show...the DVD's sold very well for a show that only aired 4 eps. Tim Minear of course, worked on both FF and Wonderfalls.
  8. This next ep is a 2 parter and we'll see the "end" of the arcs from last season (well, some supposedly).
  9. Jewel, Nathan, and Joss post every so often on the browncoats board. They are pretty cool. They even drop by chat once in awhile.
  10. HELL YES! I want to see that resurrected. I could hear Capcom and Konami crying from halfway around the world at the mere thought. 320763[/snapback] Hey I just remembered that! The dwarf MegaMan ruled. Nintendo had 2 shows thoguh, they also had Mario Bros, live action, which was horrible, then every Friday it was a Zelda cartoon hosted by the Mario Bros. I thought Zelda was kinda cool only because when I was a kid I wanted to kill people with swords. 320767[/snapback] Funny you mention that...I had plastic katana whenI was a kid and used to jump around the couch watching Kikaider when I was 4 swinging at anything that moved. In fact....I do that now..except watch the Kikaider thing.
  11. I'm ignoring this thread...yup, not listening or looking...not one peep i
  12. I doubt you'll see 21 games on launch day. Especially some of the titles mentioned. MS has made it clear that "launch" means launch window of 90 days after the system releases. So I'm guessing half will make the cut at launch day. If 20+ titles ship with the system, it will be a worthy launch indeed. For me...I don't know what I'd pick up yet. Ridge Racer 6, PGR3, & Full Auto are supposed to make launch for sure so at least racing's covered. Kameo I suppose. DOA4....not really but it has pretty backgrounds so possible. I'll make the decision closer to launch when we know what's coming for sure on launch day. $60 games where I live means $65-70...ouch.
  13. Yah. They're using a proprietary comm protocol and encrypting it, as I understand things. Any attempt to break the encryption puts you n the wrong side of the DMCA, and MS sues you into oblivion. Hence, no unlicensed peripherals. Funny how everyone gets bent out of shape when MS does it, but no one cares that Sony's been doing it for 5 years with PS2 memcards. 321245[/snapback] That's been a Sony complaint as far as I can remember...but I suppose it's a fact of life for everyone now. I wasn't asking about the unlicensed stuf though ..I thought I read MS wouldn't be allowing 3rd party licensed stuff at launch that would interfere with their 1st party stuff like av cables and controllers.
  14. Though you can argue the 360 $399 package is not bad. The core one is set to rape people on extras which is the way I figured they would...gotta recoup the losses somehow. Was it true about MS giving 3rd party periph makers a hard time so they could be the only game in town on the extras the first coupla months? I thought I had read that awhile back but I wondered if it was true...if the pricing is true it seems like it, since no 3rd party stuff will be that high except perhaps Logitech's wireless stuff. With the core unit you get wired controllers and are restricted to 480i output unless you shell out $40 for either VGA or the component cables. Silver Live but no HDD ...you'd need those $40 memory cards. The core pack is the money maker. I wonder if the HDD model skus will be in "short supply" forcing people to buy the core and shell out for the extras?
  15. Who was it that sent the message though? It was never very clear, Baltar knew I think since Six told him, that's one possibility, the other was Boomer was the one who made the transmission. Not at all obvious, don't think they ever put that up. I don't think Adama told anyone else either did he? It was unconfirmed information from unknown source. 321126[/snapback] It was never made clear who left that note.
  16. Core system with no HD cables is big no no for me. $40 for Component or VGA? No HDD means no *ahem* "backwards compatibility with top selling XBox games"... $399 for me...so I get the component cables, wireless control (that aren't rechargable unless you shell out for the pack, 20G HDD, and headset. With a game and extra control, you're looking at $510. PS3 at $399-$499 seems fair play now with Blu Ray. Damn I'm going to be spending a lot for gaming.
  17. Today I watched Sin City on DVD, had lunch at Subway, poisoned the weeds in my yard, worked out this evening, and cleaned my kitchen and master bedroom...it was the best day ever!!!
  18. My point is that the tactics displayed aren't logical in keeping with the tech level. FTL means that the Cylons can show up any moment. If there is not standing intelligence that the area is clear then it can't be assumed to be clear because a scout report from several hours ago said it was clear. It's been shown that the Raptors are capable of making continuous jumps. The fact that they were not prepared to jump back immediately is lack of logical tactics. Being surpised is one thing, being caught unprepared is unforgivable. Another thing that really bothers me is that the reason the ammunitions depot in Ragnar was there was because it is known that the radiation affects cylon technology. Considering that Adama is aware of human form cylons, why didn't he just hang out in the nebulae for a bit to flush out all the infiltrators. Such nebulae aren't exactly difficult to find either. They tend to be large after all and broadcast distinct powerdul radiation signatures that surely the BSG can detect. vinnie 320981[/snapback] You just missed the entire point of the show. But you don't care for it anyways, so...why watch and analyze? The Ragnar thing...they would have gotten clobbered by the Basestars and Raiders that were searching for them. It wouldn't take long for them to be destroyed there.
  19. Fox TV (not 20th Century Fox) holds the rights to Firefly TV for 10 years. Unless Fox decides to bring the show back, you won't see Firefly on TV again unless either: 1. It's 2014 AD 2. Someone purchases the TV rights Joss has closed up TV though...Mutant Enemy is no more, and I think he wants to go the movie route. TV studios have messed with him so many times. If Fox decided they want the show back, I don't think Joss and co would do it. I kinda doubt Sci-Fi/NBC/Universal/USA would pick up the show...it was rather expensive to produce as a TV show and if the movie does well, Uni will want the movie mileage out of them instead of TV.
  20. I never understood people buying toys to collect. 98% of my weaponry is functional. I have a couple wallhanger props/replicas from films but that's about it. I don't consider using a sword as practical for defense in a home, exception being maybe a Wak. Some of us have martial arts backgrounds, some of us are Asian and some of the swords have family ties...others are as mentioned for MA use or a hobby. There are still sword arts practiced today. Those people who buy crap SLO swords to hang them on the wall and not do anything else with them would fit your comment. For that matter so would "lightsabers" and all the other lil toys.
  21. Thats one of my favorite lines in Ghostbusters. 319392[/snapback] BAH! That line is nothing without "MASS HYSTERIA!" following. 319469[/snapback] I thought I had...I must've wiped it before I posted somehow.
  22. Won't be reading those but I know who it is .
  23. That's just the thing that makes the show real. People are stupid. People are scared. People place faith in things they believe in. People do the wrong things even when they know the right answer. Anyone else in the military or law enforcement will tell you that people on the whole, never do the correct things even when they know how or what to do.
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