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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I don't think you CAN delete files on the Ipod. You just make them available for overwriting. Strange. 324245[/snapback] You delete them through iTunes. Your ipod has a separate library playlist than your itunes one when it's connected. Unless you have the autofill checked off, you can just delete them when you have it hooked to your computer(the ipod's one not your library). And now back to the thread....
  2. Yeah, the podcasts are very cool...lots of insight on the show. And yeah, only from ep 9 last season.
  3. People in love do strange things. None of it is ever rational.
  4. I'm debating on this one...I hear both good and bad about the show. The fact that Fox cancelled it prob means it's good though...
  5. I know in the final duel, Obi and Anakin switch sabers for a scene too. Forget any kind of continuity when it comes to that stuff...I think it's just "here, here's a saber hilt...start swinging like we showed you" during filming.
  6. Well, if Billy was a Cylon, the writers prob didn't even consider it really yet (the pod casts even state the actor was thinking of leaving the show, thus they wrote him "out" of a few eps by not having him go with the Pres. He decided to stay or didn't get his other job or something, so he's back. And he said he knew about her Cancer because of things she said before. Billy being a Cylon would prob suck. I'd rather have some new faces rather than more main or secondary cast members being sleeper agents. But we'll prob get one... Billy...Dualla...Gaeta...Cally...??? Six and Baltar....the whole he's just plain nuts works because basically everything Six told him he could have figured out anyways...except for the religious angle about God and not "gods" the Colonials believe in. So it's still up in the air. Six and the Cylons seem to be playiing the whole scriptures out for the Humans. Wonder if they're just trying to emulate by their own doing the events of the human's religion and scriptures for their own reason. Sharon stated that the Cylons believe in one God, and Six many times referred to there being one true God (like our beliefs or a Cylon one?), stating the ol'Peter Pan line "all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again" thing all the time, and also letting loose that of course, humans are the masters of self destruction. So...maybe the Cylons know that humanity will repeat mistakes and destroy themselves (Six and Doral talk about this in the 1st season) but are taking what they "want" from humanity and then break the cycle by wiping them out... So far, best lines this season: "Bitch took my ride." "Adar was a moron" (Was supposed to be Adar was a prick but the censors won despite being on cable) "Will you stop going crazy in there?" "You can't take it back...there are no take backs!!"
  7. So XBox 360 Core System is $299.99 and comes with 2 controllers (one wireless, one w/wire). While the XBox 360 is $399.99, comes with one controller (wireless), and a hard drive. The HDs being $99.99, the wireless controllers being $49.99, and the wired controllers being $39.99. From the looks of it all, I'll probably be going with the XBox 360 Core System. It comes with two controllers instead of one...and I could just pay $100 and get a HD (for a total of about $400). If I went the "XBox 360" route, I'd have to pay about $450 just so I could have two controllers and the HD. On top of that, I don't have a HD TV or anything of the sort so I don't need those HDAV cables. And the headset that came with XBox Live should be able to work with the XBox 360...right? So yea...I think I'll save myself $50 and go with the XBox 360 Core System. 323136[/snapback] That brochure is wrong. Core has one wired controller. That's all. 323200[/snapback] You have an XBox 360 Core System? How would you know if the brochure is wrong? Maybe it's part of their marketing ploy....who knows. ...If it is wrong, I'd probably go with the full thing then. I'm going to be paying $450 by the end of the day either way I go. 323225[/snapback] Because every other press release, pre-order, photo of the boxes, etc. indicate otherwise. The photos of the final packaging has been released as well. Core has a wired controller. One of them. If it was indeed sold the way you describe in the brochure then yes, it's a better deal...but it isn't. Core packaging Fully Loaded Package
  8. I missed that day. I only heard the aftermath. I swear I've seen posts sometimes that are highly like his though. 323106[/snapback] I think that was 4 or so years ago. 323107[/snapback] Yeah, around there.
  9. So XBox 360 Core System is $299.99 and comes with 2 controllers (one wireless, one w/wire). While the XBox 360 is $399.99, comes with one controller (wireless), and a hard drive. The HDs being $99.99, the wireless controllers being $49.99, and the wired controllers being $39.99. From the looks of it all, I'll probably be going with the XBox 360 Core System. It comes with two controllers instead of one...and I could just pay $100 and get a HD (for a total of about $400). If I went the "XBox 360" route, I'd have to pay about $450 just so I could have two controllers and the HD. On top of that, I don't have a HD TV or anything of the sort so I don't need those HDAV cables. And the headset that came with XBox Live should be able to work with the XBox 360...right? So yea...I think I'll save myself $50 and go with the XBox 360 Core System. 323136[/snapback] That brochure is wrong. Core has one wired controller. That's all.
  10. I missed that day. I only heard the aftermath. I swear I've seen posts sometimes that are highly like his though.
  11. Here's the very first session of those...it's definitely Summer and Joss: http://www.theidlekind.com/session1.wmv
  12. Both of which are fine systems. The VB in particular is a system that desreves far more respect than it gets. 322668[/snapback] Gimmicky doesn't mean horrid. But neither are genius. The VB hurt my eyes though.
  13. Everyone's curious about it. That's the main draw for the Rev right now. It will either be genius or gimmicky (Virtual boy/DS).
  14. 322623[/snapback] Both have those.
  15. It depends on where you live: I live in HI and ship a lot for ebay and I order a lot too. USPS: Best results for the price. Friendliest people work at my local post office and mail carriers are way cool. UPS: Also excellent but of course pricey for outside the cont US. Tons better than Fed Ex for me. The drivers are cool and friendly. Fed Ex: Well, usually ok...but their 2 day and next day for me means 4-5 days sometimes..and they are always late. Drivers are ok...they tend to just leave stuff right up against the garage door where anyone can take it if I'm not home though. Fed Ex Ground: Ummm....well, the package gets there. They do ship through to here though. DHL: So so
  16. Sad..of him...who the hell wants that many posts that long? Did he ever type any post that wasn't at least half a page?
  17. Wow nice.
  18. The CAG entry for the Viper roster hasn't been updated since Eps 10 "The Hand of God". We see Lee back with the MKVII at the end of last season, so we prob can assume that a good deal of those were put back into service.
  19. I remember Edo with his 275,000 word posts about dyrl was stupid(and he never watched it ), xenogears, and Hikaru truly still loved "mingmei".
  20. It's kinda ironic don't you think? The chanting in Kobol's Last Gleaming and what they've said many a time: (Latin) Omnia illa et ante fiebant omnia illa et rusus fient. Ita dicimus omnes (English) All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again. So say we all. It's all a Disney plot for Peter Pan sequel.
  21. I wouldn't watch something I didn't care for much. I'd watch something I did like. I don't understand why some people who dislike the show, still say they will watch it every week.
  22. I got mine long time ago....just like Ico...
  23. Perhaps, but I am willing to bet that of the two of you he is not the one who will actually end up being a 40 year old virgin. 321702[/snapback] Homosexuality does not count, so please keep what happened between you and Agentdumb to yourself. Btw, I lost it a long time ago and it was with a girl, biotch. Exo, be quiet little boy. oh, and dogs don't count either, so don't even get involved, you freak. 321714[/snapback] haha... if it was between A1 and trueblueeyes, then how could it be homosexuality? Idiot... that's a woman you're talking to... 321721[/snapback] But if he's a 40 year old virgin he won't know the difference anyways right? OK, I'm done...
  24. 1. If Moore and Eick decide to...sure!! 2. See above 3. Good point. I personally want to know why they have switched to those FN's instead of the revolver based ones. 4. You'd be surprised at how many people look good on paper and in their work, only to totally frak up when they're given supervisory or command positions...I know I've seen good guys that were very solid...but fell apart when in charge. One guy even forgot how to do some of the basic things we've done everyday for years. Pressure I guess. So I can relate to that being a realistic plot point since I've seen it happen. 5. Well, Boomer did have morning sickness and Ron Moore has stated she's indeed preggers!
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