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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. And $50 cheaper too. Guess we're financing the 360 love for the world. Japan gets cheaper price and no retard pack.
  2. Just converted 3 of our dispatchers. Now they are amped to see the film in a couple weeks. I just noticed the trailer playing on INHD's In Theaters show recently too...looks awesome in HD!
  3. Looks good now.
  4. Devil May Cry 4 on PS3: Damn.
  5. Metal Gear Solid 4 screenshots from Famitsu...all running realtime on PS3 hardware. http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~alandaly/mgs42.jpg http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~alandaly/mgs43.jpg http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~alandaly/mgs41.jpg Looks just as good if not better than E3 Killzone. Video to be shown at TGS.
  6. Backwards compatibility? Why? The hardcore already OWN what came before, and aren't getting rid of it. 327831[/snapback] Preservation is the most important objective of what I would define hardcore, loyal supporters. No matter how good you take care of your console, it eventually goes (much like several of my SNES cartridges). Hence, legacy support or emulation is the only alternative. 327871[/snapback] What happened to your SNES carts? Only thing I can see is batteries dying in some.
  7. Stepchild was the woman pilot who kinda looked like Racetrack that dies in Hand of God I believe. Jammer was the guy Cally beat up in 'Resistance' when they were talking about the chief being a cylon (not a pilot) Karma, I believe was the Raptor pilot killed in KLG.
  8. I am getting this "Weekend at Bernies" feeling from the whole deal with Shawn. 327549[/snapback] Actually I went back in time and killed his mother before conception, so he actually never existed at all. 327652[/snapback] So this whole Shawn and Graham's MacrossWorld is a huge paradox thingy. It actually explains a lot.
  9. The maracas were one of the most fun things ever to hit a console. Loads of laughter when you have a bunch of guys and girls striking a pose with a pair of maracas in front of a large TV.
  10. Well, JB0's point about using in-engine cutscenes instead of pre-rendered is valid. More so than ever if next-gen in-engine graphics are going to be everything Microsoft and Sony are hyping them to be. And then there's your point about HD-DVD supporters jumping ship because of falling Blu-Ray costs. Microsoft definately made the right move going with standard DVD. It's no use waiting for the format wars to be settled, and running with one or the other seems a bit premature at the moment. If Microsoft would have decided to go with HD-DVD, they'd be kicking themselves just on the delay, let alone the setback in the format wars. Likewise, if something unforseen sets back Blu-Ray or gives an unexpected boost to HD-DVD, then Sony will have shot themselves in the foot. 327381[/snapback] Though possible, at this point, I'd say it's very unlikely at all that something will take over BluRay's shot at being the next media of choice. Virtually the entire Computer and entertainment industry is backing BluRay as well. Short of something disastrous, I'd say it's virtually a shoe in now. And it's not so much the costs that are making the decisions to jump as much as it is the copy protection scheme BD employs... And, I agree totally with the cut scenes...but we will still get video in our games there's no question about it, and video running in SD res on a large fixed panel inbetween HD res gameplay might look stupid. Higher Capacity discs are coming, whether it's overkill or not. Having too much is better than not having enough...*cough N64 carts*.
  11. Star Wars 32X...with Ackbar, the amazing alien from New York!! I remember cracking up the first time I heard him.
  12. I still have my Sega Dreamcast arcade stick, the ASCII fighting pads, 4 sega DC pads, 3 broken trigger Sega DC pads, the Mad Catz light guns, keyboard and VMU's up the wazoo. If Sega had waited a year, and the DC had DVD capability they would have had a greater shot at staying in the market. Oh well. Still one of my fave systems after the Saturn and Neo.
  13. Just watched it. I knew that reporter bitch would be a toaster. Interesting at just how much the Cylons really know about the fleet. More interesting was Sharon surprised that she's(C Boomer) still alive on Galactica...gues she thought they'd have dusted her ass.
  14. But the vast majority are 480p...720p tends to show up on...crappy games like...the freakin Hulk?
  15. That is pretty old news on the HD DVD front. Both actually wanted some type of internet connection by the way. The HD DVD pushback is a real blow for the camp. We'll see if they can rally but, honestly I don't see HD DVD having a shot anymore. The window of being first is gone, and the PS3 will trojan horse High Def players into homes.
  16. Resident Evil = Overrated. And I say that as someone who's got the 360 on reserve. I hadn't heard that. In fact (I'll have to dig around to see if I can find the article), last I heard, Blu-Ray discs were supposed to cost around $10 more PER DISC to manufacture than current DVDs. This is, in fact, the very central issue in the next-gen format war. If the costs were near equal, Blu-Ray would have won out on account of the fact that a BD-ROM holds almost double the data that an HDDVD-ROM. But the costs aren't similar. BD-ROMS are supposed to require new equipment and are more expensive to make, while HD-DVDs can be made cheaply and require only simple modifications to the equipment that presses regular DVDs. 327288[/snapback] You're correct on the costs being higher (but $10 more per disc is incorrect) but the studios have switched camps because the costs aren't as much as they expected. While higher than HD DVD, they want BD's attibutes, and will be willing to pay for them. Check the latest Audio Video Forums and Home theater sites etc. and the camps from both sides of the war. There's a reason WB scaled back their HD DVD releases to only 12 and that is expected to further drop...Paramount has pulled ALL of their titles that they were going to release for HD DVD...Universal is supposedly on the ropes. HD DVD had 2 things going for it: a cheaper upfront cost and first out of the gate. The first out of the gate is gone with it being delayed to 2006, and the costs are not as great for Blu Ray as was first thought as well. The manufacturers are willing to pay for the increased capacity and copy protection (without going into all the technical details). Industry insiders are betting that the war may indeed be over (before it starts), and we'll have just one new format and not two. On a side note...many japanese game companies have expressed dissapointment in not being able to have enough space on 360's dual layered DVD's for High Def cut scenes (you now own an HDTV, so I'm figuring you by now have seen the difference between SD and HD video if you have HD cable or an OTA tuner). While high def video doesn't really add anything to the game, if given the choice...I'd prefer the HD video over SD (high def video takes up waaaaay more space than SD). Difference is greater than a PS2 480i game and a Gamecube or XBox 480p one. If BD takes off (as many now believe it really may since the movie studios are slowly pulling out of HD DVD), the increased capacity of those discs may actually come in handy with the way things are going.
  17. http://www.videobusiness.com/article/CA6255709.html Ignore the title and think of the possibilities. Think Sony will do the same with PS3's BluRay? Imagine getting certain movies with the games...might give people some real incentive to get a certain game/film. Put it this way...if PS2 and XBox DVD's could hold a movie at full quality and a game as well would you buy it? BluRay could do this perfectly. With HD DVD delayed till next year, and the costs of BluRay replication down to less than $1(and will drop as production ramps up), future looks pretty bright for the BluRay camp.
  18. I love my 2 Dreamcasts.
  19. Hopefully it's a great game. I always loved Afterburner too. My arcade had the deluxe moving cabinet and it was awesome.
  20. The main movie site is fully active and there's a lot to see: Serenity
  21. Buy it from Amazon or Deep Discount DVD. Problem solved.
  22. There's actually quite a bit of expensive CGI in the show...it isn't always space battles. The scene in The Farm where Sharon is getting everyone in the heavy raider...it's all CGI. The actors were just running up a ramp. If you actually go back and compare, there is way more CGI in this season's first 6 eps than the 1st season's six. It's just that there are no battles in space since the first ep. Instead we've got Ep 1: Super kick ass battle Ep 2: Cylon Centurions albeit just a little Ep 3: Centurions on Kobol, Raptors in space and on Kobol, Centurions fighting on Kobol, Raptors evading missiles and taking out Centurions on Kobol Ep 4: Not CG heavy at all except for the Raptor scenes carrying the president and the CAP firing on them Ep 5: The Farm had Centurions, the CGI Raider, also CGI scene background. Ep 6: The CAG scenes with him screwing up. the asteroid scene and the refueling ships screw up There are of course more tiny scenes and what not...if you compare them to season one...there is more new CGI than the first so far. But the space battles aren't there....why throw it in for the sake of having them? They concentrate on the story and so far...I don't see how throwing in some Vipers shooting Raiders would add anything much to the last couple episodes. The rating drop occured among all shows...the rating system tallying underwent a change. It's still the Sci Fi channel's number one show and their biggest hit ever, and the ratings are back up since Olmos got back too so I wouldn't worry. In the podcasts, it was stated that they just didn't have the time or money to build a "Caprica car" so they just used the hummer. It doesn't bother me so much as it does others. I see Luke Sywalker and Darth Vader holding camera flash guns as swords...at least a car's a car. This show is a drama first, in a sci fi setting. If I get space battles every episode, while cool...it would really take away from the belief that they are running and winning all the time from a superior force. That's why I never believed the danger that TOS claimed it had....they won in every episode. They rarely lost anyone. Hell, they found humans almost every week on planets they could live on...why bother with Earth?
  23. Yup. I'm sure it's because the prop must be easier to work with.
  24. I have a prop of the miniseries sidearm..it's less detailed than the above image and one they used in the series. I think the original ones have all been replaced by the Five Sevens...I don't see them anymore.
  25. Some crazy rich person that wants it all....
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