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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Speculation but, maybe the Cylons prob didn't even bother with the virus and just nuked the shipyards as Cain had said, not thinking one of them could escape through the normal means and if they had tried, they'd disable the ship then. I'm really betting on Cain's story being mostly true, but having just watched the episode again, at the very end when Cain and Adama are squaring off, she does hesitate before launching her Vipers...almost as if she is afraid, since she's seen that Adama and the old Galactica has survived just as long as them with less supplies, inferior ships, etc. She's weighing the options and I think she knows that Adama and the Galactica with the rest of the fleet is a bigger threat to her than the Cylons. I think she's really afraid of the war, and has covered that up by becoming the tyrant to hide the fear... that and she likes to wear an eye patch and run around her quarters yelling " Ahoy Mateys!!....I will take yer gold!!!"
  2. Cain makes Ellen look like Santa Claus on the Bitch-O-Meter.
  3. I'm on board with the Pegasus pillaging any ships they came across or were with at the time of the attack....remember the Pegasus' civilian deck chief? He seemed to want to tell them something. I think Cain took what she could from whatever they came across in order to stay alive but quickly became ruthless....she's turned it into a pirate ship!!! Arrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
  4. That's so true...even though the Galactica's crew is so screwed up...the things they've done you view like stuff your family did and so you accept them...then you have Cain come in and she points out how screwed up you are and you hate the bitch for it even though she's right...but she's talking about the people you've bonded with and you wind up hating her more. It's an interesting take on TOS Cain... will she still go out in a blaze of glory fighting the 2 Basestars trying to destroy that strange target (Baltar's Base ship in TOS)??
  5. Mid season finale..the season is 20 episodes, the final 10 comes back in January. I still liked it although it was much too short...without seeing the other half , it's hard to say how it would pan out. The episode was supposed to be a 90 min one but Sci Fi said either 2 hour show or 1 hour one...so they had to trim it back, cutting 13 mins from it. January.........so far away.
  6. It is funny about the people who complain about the show week to week....but watch it week to week anyways...if I truly didn't like a show, I wouldn't watch it. This generation truly amazes me. Just a few hours away!!
  7. The DC was next gen...it just launched so early that people now view it as "mid gen". And it had a stronger launch title lineup than the PS2 did...what the PS2 had was the loyalty they had gained with PSX and a lot of people not "trusting" Sega after the Saturn and 32X. The DVD aspect of the PS2 was a big selling point for people too. Too bad, the DC was a terrific system that was a little too early/too late. I played mine far more than my PS2 until PS2 software finally caught up.
  8. Some great scenes from the Pegasus episode and Eick's video blog on the set of the Pegasus...nothing really spoilery: http://television.aol.com/feature/battlestar_galactica_tv http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/bts/videob...deo_08_320.html ALERT: The mid season Finale Episode "Pegasus" will run at least 2 minutes longer than usual so for those recording the show, adjust your TIVO's, DVR's, DVD Recorders, or VCR's accordingly.
  9. MW seems to be one of the fastest forums around for me.
  10. And they quickly used up that space it provided. True most do not right now. But right now, the cost of 2 dual layer DVD's is equivalent to the cost of a single Blu Ray disc...(actually almost close to $2 at this early stage and expected to be less than $1 by the time next year rolls around). Cost will pay for itself in the long run...and the other reason BluRay is excpected to do well with the game industry as well is the increased security over DVD's. Which is a big thing for the film and game industry whether we think it's a problem or not...they do and they will do everything they can to protect their content. Audio quality can be improved as well (which anyone with a HT system knows is sorely lacking in console and PC titles today). Bottom line is you are correct in your arguments, however the industry will move on. Avg Joe won't really care or know anyways...but what I'm saying is there's really nothing wrong in having too much capacity available, however not having too much certainly can be at times. 330741[/snapback] Let me start off by saying that I have nothing against having more space. Space is fine. And, if Blu-Ray really takes off, as it's poised to, then I have no problem with future devices using Blu-Ray discs. The main point of mine (and, at least I think JB0's) argument, though, is that a lot of people are simply looking at it as BD-ROM = 50GB, DVD-9 = 9GB, therefore BD-ROM is better and the Xbox 360 is a dud for using dual-layer DVDs... and that's simply not the case. Microsoft was committed to getting the 360 out in time for the holiday, and they simply didn't have the luxury of waiting to see who the winner of the next-gen format war would turn out to be... especially when, maybe not all, but the majority of next-gen games will fit on a single dual-layer DVD. If 95% of the games you buy come on a single disc for both the Xbox 360 AND the PS3, does it really make a lick of difference that the PS3's chosen medium has that much more empty space on it? Especially given that the 360's drive will be 12x, and the PS3 will be likely have a 2x, and that will likely translate to faster load times. Blu-Ray has plenty of potential, but it's not necessary yet. 330759[/snapback] Who says did the 360 will be a dud? This has nothing to do with the 360 or MS's choice of DVD. Again, I'm saying it doesn't hurt right now and leaves potential. Most firefights in real life never go past 2 or 3 shots. When I'm on duty will I carry no reloads just because in all reality I'll 99.99999% never need the extra rounds? Hell no. I'd prefer to carry them anyway. It's not a good comparison but, it just illustrates my point about I'd rather have more than not enough.
  11. And they quickly used up that space it provided. True most do not right now. But right now, the cost of 2 dual layer DVD's is equivalent to the cost of a single Blu Ray disc...(actually almost close to $2 at this early stage and expected to be less than $1 by the time next year rolls around). Cost will pay for itself in the long run...and the other reason BluRay is excpected to do well with the game industry as well is the increased security over DVD's. Which is a big thing for the film and game industry whether we think it's a problem or not...they do and they will do everything they can to protect their content. Audio quality can be improved as well (which anyone with a HT system knows is sorely lacking in console and PC titles today). Bottom line is you are correct in your arguments, however the industry will move on. Avg Joe won't really care or know anyways...but what I'm saying is there's really nothing wrong in having too much capacity available, however not having too much certainly can be at times.
  12. If they were trying to duplicate the old Cain then yeah...but they aren't rehashing the old completely...they're re-imagining everything. We'll know for sure how well it works on Friday....I like the majority of what they've done so far with all regards to TOS so I'm confident.
  13. I think going from a 6GB PC game to a 20GB console game is quite a stretch. I don't doubt that games will get bigger, especially if they have a lot of pre-rendered cut scenes and high-def video. But I'll point out again that 99.9% of the games being released on the current hardware do not extend beyond a DVD-5. Even some of the biggest games you can think of, like San Andreas, come on DVD-5s. X-Men Legends II (PS2) doesn't even reach 2GB (throw it in a DVD-ROM and have DVDecrypter take a peek at it). I'll even point out that some games, like Lego Star Wars (PS2) are still shipping on CD-ROMs. If the average current-gen console game is around 3GB, then the average game size can TRIPLE and still fit on a DVD-9. Sure a few games will wind up being two discs, just like a few current gen games spill on to DVD-9s. But there will be plenty that have room to spare, too. And, while I respect a lot of Mark Rein's opinions, especially about the pricing of games and how used game sales can have a negative impact on the industry, I sincerely doubt that console games will hit 20GB any time soon. As JB0 point out earlier, just rendering a cut-scene in-engine instead of using a high-def prerendered video can reduce the size of a game. 330428[/snapback] My main point being was the argument earlier in the thread about Blu Ray being an un needed cost as well as pretty much pointless. Just because some games fit on CD's today or don't fill a DVD doesn't mean that there is no point in having the capacity. Some games will need them..not all but some will. The 360's DVD dual layered discs will only hold 7GB total 3.5 GB per layer...the extra space is being used for "Security purposes". And while that might suffice for a lot of games...what about the ones that won't? The other thing with the increased capacity that has some people excited is the module that the UMD discs are starting to emerge with..game and a movie on one disc...if this applies to BDRom with PS3, the avg joe will eat it up. A few years ago, 200GB HD's were considered excessive...hell, remember when people thought 10-20GB's was crazy? And while doing things to cut the size of the game makes sense to us...when have the game companies ever done things that made sense? All in all, it's not a bad thing to have the extra capacity. If they did, we'd have never bothered with going from Carts to CD's to DVD's....
  14. Hmmmm...interesting: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/news/...p(que)id=125925 Quote: Unreal Tournament was 6GB compressed. Next Generation games are going to be 20GB plus, and how we're going to fit them on DVD9's I don't know, they'll probably be a few of them. On the PS3, we're going to be using the majority of the space on those Blu-ray disks. Sure multiple DVD's on 360 will come into play but, I wonder if we'll see it become more of a problem down the road. PS3's Blu Ray beginning to look real handy as I predicted.
  15. Bravo. My feelings exactly.
  16. For the non believers that think the trailer was just CGI: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3143916
  17. I'm never giving mine up.
  18. Good episode....looks like the big G is gonna duke it out with the Peggy next week!! Pegasus looks larger, more streamlined yet taller, and modern...wonder if it has more advanced Vipers than the MKVII aboard. Teaser pic from the teaser trailer below...don't click if you don't want to see it. Battlestar Pegasus
  19. This is all in the Next gen console thread...
  20. While certainly innovative and different, it's going to be hard to get people to change their ways. This will be a very interesting next gen indeed. PS3 and 360 duke it out in the ring and Rev offers a very unique twist on gaming as a whole. Though I'm afraid, I see people complaining about how they somehow got carpal tunnel playing Super Mario Revolution in the near future.
  21. I will have this title...
  22. And the drop your jaws trailer for MGS4: http://tallah.org/video/mgs4.wmv
  23. I agree. The title of this thread has "Close me" written all over it. Oh, and by the way. Grow up. How old are you anyway? Getting intimidated by a 12 year-old. And a fat one at that, according to you. If you want to look for some way to harrass your brother, go on over to the forums at AnimeNation and bitch to the other teenagers. I'm sure one of those chuckleheads over there will be glad to help you. Geez... 328815[/snapback] Well isnt this in the "Off Topic Forum?" Since it does say it and no other forum fits the category. I realy wanted to post since he was realy realy blowing me off. But this is a Off-topic forum isnt it? Sorry if I pissed anyone off though he realy just kills me...I'm 15 by the way. 328847[/snapback] Never would have guessed.....
  24. I can't believe I actually read this thread.
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