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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Only if they launch at a reasonable price, as opposed to Kutaragi's "not for households." And again, 'd like to point out that the PS2 was only relevant as a DVD player in Japan. Outside of Japan, DVD had gone mainstream well before hte PS2 launch. 333962[/snapback] I doubt the PS3 will launch anywhere near the lone Toshiba HD DVD player marked for $899. Do you honestly think stand alone high def players will penetrate more than one in a console? The PC market angle also is a factor.
  2. http://www.videobusiness.com/article/CA6262261.html They'll go where they can make money...HD DVD stand alone players will not penetrate the market as quickly as Blu Ray ones will, largely because of the PS3...whether people want it or not. Soon, all of the movie studios will be releasing both or BD only (the costs and security have swayed the former HD DVD movie studios, as is the instant potential movie sales from PS3). Paramount is also rumored to be planning on not releasing their HD DVD titles in Feb as planned. If Warner follows suit as many industry birds have been singing about in the past few weeks....then the format war can end before it starts. Seriously, the only thing keeping HD DVD truly alive is Toshiba's pride. They are losing support from content manufacturers. This is the industry's way of saying they don't want a format war either. Why are people upset? Do you want 2 formats? HD DVD had a distinct cost advantage at the beginning as well as the promise of being first to market...both of these are no longer in their court, and they now are finding the limited support they had sleeping with the enemy....I wouldn't say this is the end yet, but things are certainly heading towards one format before Feb arrives. If this is what's going to keep a format war from happening I say go for it....
  3. Well, it did beat Jessica Alba in a bikini which which had the benifit of 600+ more theaters and beat it by about 3 million. Plus...word of mouth will keep the numbers up. It releases in Aus and the UK soon where there a lot of fans as well...I don't doubt the worldwide figure is doable.
  4. Think this upcoming week will still boast solid numbers...word of mouth in movies these days does wonders. Plus..Browncoats are crazy...they'll see the film multiple times and drag people with them.
  5. Rev will sell well enough for Nintendo to profit...they've always been savvy in that dept.
  6. It was around that figure...definitely less than most "blockbuster films".
  7. Overnight box office is at 4.2 million first night, beating Out of the Blue and The Greatest Game Ever Played...not bad so far...hopefully the weekend numbers stay steady...usually Saturdays are the big jump and sundays back to Friday's takes. I think a sequel will be in the cards...reviews are coming in from critics and they love it. People who never saw the show are being pleasantly surprised seeing the film.
  8. The prequel thing is highly unlikely....they already did it in the pilot and the Out of Gas episode.
  9. Saw it...loved it! Bring on more sequels or renew the show!!
  10. OK, just saw it...loved it. Things are "wrapped up" much more quicklybut that is a given since it's a film and not TV...and it doesn't really end either since I doubt they're through with River...plus there's still Inara's secrets to tell...
  11. Haha, no but I do know enough of what is going on in both camps. Microsoft was always in a position to back HDDVD because of IHD (though Disney is a BDA member). It's widely known that Gates isn't happy that the original XBox did not take the #1 position away from Sony, and harbors resentment against them for that, thus, with the PS3 using BluRay, MS is in the position of not going that route, even though they claimed they were behind Blu Ray at the beginning...all the claims that Blu Ray's discs and what not are only in the labs are just shots to try and dampen BD and create doubt... what they are failing to mention is that HD DVD was supposed to have been ready to go this year, Toshiba cannot get the players working correctly, the film studios backing HD DVD pulled their titles since no players exist to play them with any form of reliability, and the cost savings while slightly cheaper now, is not as much as thought to have been. This is why most of the entertainment studios are going blu ray. I actually don't want a format war, but realistically...Blu Ray players will penetrate the market whether the public is ready for them or not, at a rate that stand alone players cannot attain in their first few years. Most people are satisfied with DVD's (their opinions will change when their TV dies and a fixed panel HDTV enters...then DVD's flaws are magnified and the terrific picture quality you enjoy on a SD set isn't as nice)...and they won't want a new HD player...but millions will be in people's homes already in the form of the PS3 (unless Sony prices it out of this world). MS's "backing" of HD DVD doesn't mean much...they make no products that would use the actual drives...if HD DVD was in the 360, then I'd say HD DVD would have a chance for the same reason Blu Ray does...millions will instantly be in people's homes already after launch. I thought HDDVD had a chance earlier, but recent actual facts about the 2 formats (not press releases) sorta tips the favor in Blu Ray at the moment. But if you read what MS says about Blu Ray, you'd think everything about Blu Ray is vapor...when the opposite is actually more true since HDDVD is actually behind on it's launch, on account of Toshiba still trying to get the players working right and to release at $899...and getting the studios that were backing them (Paramount, Warner, and Universal), to release titles for the players in Febuary (new launch date). Not saying I actually like the idea that Sony has the muscle to flood the Blu Ray market just like the UMD one...but the fact remains is that is what will probably happen. Difference being I actually don't mind BluRay since I honestly think it has the most potential what with more backing than HD DVD. Edit: Forgot to add...like UMD porn in Japan, whichever format Porn goes with eavily will likely tip the odds a lot too.
  12. I can go in 14 hours.
  13. I never said it wasn't. Just answering the broadband question on the new players.
  14. seems reduntant and confusing it sounded better the first time they said 332730[/snapback] Both HD DVD and BD players are expected to have some type of broadband connectivity option (sorta like how DIVX was originally supposed to work, the difference being it's not necessary). The PS3 is a prime example.
  15. Fuel for the fire lol: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050929/sfth060.html?.v=32
  16. thought you would have seen it by now. 332639[/snapback] in hawaii....no where to see any advanced screenings...
  17. MS has secretly been backing HD DVD for a long time while claming to be "neutral". Fact remains, HD DVD hardware is going to debut with much less support than previously thought, and these announcements are a tool to create a lot of doubt in the PS3 and BluRay (and hope for the "add on HD DVD" for 360) which was actually on the floor at IFA being shown and HD DVD was only shown by Toshiba (with a faulty player no less that couldn't work for more than 10 mins at a time before having to be shut off to "cool down") and ....virtually no one else. Not to say HD DVD won't launch or anything but, this hardly puts any dent in the BDA group...MS was always believed to be on the HD DVD side of things. If MS pulls a rabbit out and announced the 360's would ship with HD DVD drives...then I'd say the tides just turned and HD DVD found a fighting chance.
  18. I have to wait until tomorrow.
  19. Perhaps, but I also got the impression she did it by accident too...she had never seen a baby and was fascinated by how fragile it was...after the baby dies, she really looked surprised and then upset after.
  20. Good point.
  21. 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  22. I seriously liked the music in the last episode too...the opening one was filled with hope...the closing one was tense building and then the Taiko drums came rumbling in. Must get S2 soundtrack when it's out.
  23. This show is golden in that it stirs discussion whether you like the direction taken or not.
  24. I think it would have been more of a cop out if the Pegasus turned out to be just a "feel great" episode with all likable people. The first 6 minutes of the show when they find the Pegasus, with the great music playing, it's very inspirational and touching...but then a few scenes in...something's just not right. For me at least, it makes for more interesting storytelling than to have a , "Yay, now we have new friends!!" show. The original series did that...no need to repeat it verbatim...and since we don't know how the Pegasus storyline will finally end, it could take a turn as well.
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