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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. This paragraph is self-contradicting. 336428[/snapback] I was gonna say, all I heard him say was "PS2 PS2 PS2." As for the XBox beng a Sega Saturn repeat... I wish. This next generation has left me wanting a new Sega system really bad. 336433[/snapback] Ditto. I miss old Sega. The Gamespot article only points out the obvious...most launch games aren't the greatest...you're lucky to get a couple true gems in there. The Dreamcast had the best launch line up ever.
  2. Was that destroids rage or something like that? I must be getting old because i can't remember things.
  3. Um... Why would you announce such a thing to the board? ((trying to convice us or just enjoy bragging?) I don't see the big deal over RR6. Unless you are personally working on the game, I see no reason for all this excitement. 335658[/snapback] Some people juggle geese.
  4. Ypu played the Xbox version which is also coming out for both 360 and Xbox...
  5. I'm not a professional but I have spent a lot of money and time over the last few years drag racing, and because of the crowds it seems many do find it exciting. So what O Great One qualifies as exciting racing to you? I may not care for NASCAR either, but I am getting sick of your..."If joo don't drive a Japanese car or truck, joo suck!" attitude. 335625[/snapback] My thoughts exactly.
  6. And back OT : Looks pretty damn good. Hmmm...looks like Ridge Racer may be on my launch list now...
  7. I'm confused...what disc is this from? Must be gameplay movies of 360 stuff...because you'd need a 360 to play any 360 demos. Or you played the XBox version of Need for Speed which is aloso coming for the 360.
  8. MGS4 was done with the in game engine...if anyone wouldn't pull wool over people's eyes it's Kojima. Wait...so you mean to say you believed we'd get Toy Story level graphics from the PS2 and Xbox back then? The tech demos are just tech demos...the same for this gen...only this time around, we are seeing what they are promising. And I'll say that PDZ, while looking great...does not look "next gen" to me, looking more like a great PC FPS so far. PGR3, NBA, and Gears of War look next gen to me on the 360. I never bought into the PS2 hype(I loved my Dreamcast)..but after the MGS2 trailers, which were delivered upon, I was satisfied. This time around....I expect no less from all developers. And so far...things look like they're on the right track (graphically at least)...both consoles seem to have a lot of potential. E3...that was the whole point wasn't it? To get people excited....and both sides claimed a lot...my point being again is....this time around it seems they both are delivering.
  9. Wait...wha? 360 demos or trailers?
  10. Sorry...figure of speech... though no more false than the playable 360's on E3 being G5's and Xenon development units.....point being is both make claims and this time around both appear (so far) to be delivering what they showed before.
  11. Just FYI....the MGS4 trailer was realtime with the in game engine...they even showed a real time demo with Kojima controlling the camera angles and zooming around at TGS. Unless you're thinking pre rendered as being not something you control...in which case all games that use in game engines for cut scenes to you would be defined as pre rendered. To most of the industry pre-rendered stuff is done off the normal hardware...FFX cinemas, original Resident Evil backgrounds, etc. E3 trailers of PS3 games might be suspect, but after seeing MGS4 for PS3, NBA Live 06 for 360, Gears of War 360, Fight Night 3 both, Resident Evil 5 Both, Devil May Cry 4 models with PS3 hardware....how are people on both "sides" still doubting this stuff? 360 is ready to go in a few weeks...and PS3 is around the corner...do people want these to be pre rendered bull or something? It just screams to me of what people are accusing each other of...Console superiority bragging rights or whatever you kids call it. The MS faithful point to PS2 Sony's Emotion Engine and "Toy Story" graphics promise...while they forget Gates made the promise of "Toy Story 2" level of graphics from the Xbox etc. All companies make huge promises. The difference this time around...at least in the terms of graphics...both seem to be pretty right on the money. Any of those titles I mentioned earlier is a step beyond today's consoles and most PC's (remember, most people's PC's don't have the latest video cards and they're stoked playing Free Cell on their $2500 PC ).
  12. double post
  13. Ubisoft is scared of the PS3, which they will almost certainly develop for? That makes a ton of sense... So Ubisoft wants more time to polish the game... you know, now that Ubisoft has the beta dev kits and can actually utilize the full power of the 360. I take issue with your "translation" here too. You're suggesting that Ubisoft is going to take the time to make Ghost Recon look more akin to the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer (trailer as in pre-rendered movie... again). But, in your warped little mind, such a thing would never actually be possible... so how can you be suggesting it? BTW, I'd suggest taking a look at some of the more recent coverage of Perfect Dark Zero. It most definately does look like a next-gen title now, and unlike all your precious pre-renders, you can see real gameply with PDZ. Of course, reading about an Xbox 360 game is probably against the Sony fanboy religion. 335236[/snapback] Why bother replying to fanboy bait? You're giving him excuses to continue!! Stop man, for the love of...
  14. Think I'll see it again tomorrow. I know I'm biased, but I love these characters. Maybe because I can relate to some of them...just like the new BSG....I know people like that at work (with the exception of Baltar...that cheeky monkey! ), who act the same way...and it really echoes the flaws in people that we exhibit.
  15. 32" direct-view CRT. With the scan velocity modulation disabled too, for extra clean image-ness. And the sharpness isn't high enough that it's going FUBAR(why can't it be a simple focus control? Why must they tie an edge enhancement circuit to it?). It's just that most of my PS games EXPECT the blur. Especially the 3D ones that are desperately trying to get around how badly the PS1 sucks at 3D. They use checkerboard shading to fake translucency, dithered colors to fake a deeper color pallete, and such. Get the sharper display going and it becomes painfully obvious that they're "cheating." Even some of my pretty sprite games, like SotN and Valk Profile, looked better in composite. Only PS game I tested that I genuinely think looks better with s-vid is Mr. Driller. I've noticed the blurry text, but shrug it off usually. It's the lesser evil, IMO. Sad sidenote: My Genesis is running on RF. I grabbed the connector to make a video cable, then realized I was out of AV ports. ... I need another switch. It's a damn shame what they did to that. I really need to replace my VHS tape, but I just can't justify paying the price the DVD goes for given the lack of quality. 335213[/snapback] OK, I get what you mean about the PS1 now...Most of my Saturn games were the 2D fighters and stuff so it wasn't as noticable but even then it didn't bother me as much...as for the PS1, I guess I got used to seeing textures that way on the 32 bit systems and missed the sharpness too, because I even had a modded Genesis for S Vid (very similar to the Neo Geo Mod). I remember the Genesis having very crappy RF quality, much worse than the SNES. Off the subject...but I miss my old PS1 with the regular S Video and RCA ports....I remember when buying it thinking...hey!! I don't have to buy a Sony brand cable. That's another reason I'm excited over the HDMI output for PS3...I already have the cables. Yes, the Macross Plus Movie DVD actually looks semi decent through composite...sad.
  16. I'd go as far to say composite was only barely ok for the 32 bit era. 335181[/snapback] I can't speak for the Saturn, but for the most part the PS1 looks better in composite than s-video. Most games are too reliant on dithering and checkerboard transparency to look very good when you remove the blur. ... I should stick my SNES on my 'Cube's s-vid cables again and do some more comparison. I'm not really sure which way I'd vote on it right now. Set it's currently hooked to doesn't go past composite and is in need of a tune-up, so it's a moot point. 335194[/snapback] I might be biased...I've had large screens so the blurry composite (especially text) was irritating to me. My old SNES looked a tad sharper as well with Svid...as did my Jag and modded Neo. Saturn looked great with S vid and my PS1 did as well...maybe you had yor TV's sharpness up too much? The only time composite ever looked better to me was when playing the Macross Plus Movie edition DVD on a small 20" TV once....without component or s-video the crap transfer was almost unnoticeable. Almost.
  17. The Zoe losing it is very true...I've seen it happen to people...and in my job, I'm not in the movies. Though I suppose people might think it was, since most people never experience or view things like this first hand.
  18. I'd go as far to say composite was only barely ok for the 32 bit era.
  19. Actually, insiders say the opposite is true...that they are moving to one format after weighing everything. Once Universal makes their announcement all the major Hollywood players will be backing BD. The HD DVD titles alsothing is to "save face" but many believe that they are back peddling and will release only a few if any titles at all. Warner was HD DVD's biggest supporter (in form of titles to be released) and they dropped them prior to the announcement of Blu Ray. Toshiba President is doing damage control mentioning even theough the hollywood studios are backing Blu Ray...they have Microsoft and Intel (which announced Blu Ray support a few days ago). Umm..big companies yes...but neither will provide hardware or content anyways. If Toshiba's HD DVD player launches in Feb-March...there will be few if any discs to play on it. Here's an excellent story on the "war" thus far: http://www.businessweek.com/technology/con..._9074_tc024.htm
  20. Reiko's back!!!!! Long live Reiko!!!!
  21. http://news.ecoustics.com/bbs/messages/10381/166228.html Not directly related but close to those doubting that BD is even real after MS's announcement. Intel is also supporting BD too (though it makes no difference).
  22. I'm surprised the sets in the film so closely resemble the TV series since they were rebuilt again.
  23. HVD for the win. 334013[/snapback] The best possible outcome would be for both HD and BR come out and cause the same situation that is going on between SACD and DVD-Audio. Then HVD swoops in steals all the glory and stomps both Sony and Toshiba in the face. 334054[/snapback] Not gonna happen...but it's a nice dream. I view it as Price Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back. Sony has to AT LEAST match 300 in some fashion now. 350 if we factor in that the PS name can sell less for more. At 400, you'll see a lot of defection from Sony to MS BarginBin Deluxe Package by the ignorant masses. 334059[/snapback] Agree with that.
  24. Only if they launch at a reasonable price, as opposed to Kutaragi's "not for households." And again, 'd like to point out that the PS2 was only relevant as a DVD player in Japan. Outside of Japan, DVD had gone mainstream well before hte PS2 launch. 333962[/snapback] I doubt the PS3 will launch anywhere near the lone Toshiba HD DVD player marked for $899. Do you honestly think stand alone high def players will penetrate more than one in a console? The PC market angle also is a factor. 333994[/snapback] DVD did. And with the way Sony's been talking lately, it's hard to say. XBox360 is already launching at an exhorbitant 400$(I don't consider the "core" system an option, and neitehr should you). 334023[/snapback] DVD didn't take off until the price hit mainstream. And as was pointed out, neither HD disc will be as open to adoption by people since most people still have SD tube TV's...thus, the trojan horse. I don't consider the 360 retard pack as anything other than allowing MS to say they launched at $299.
  25. One of the other lesser known reasons the film manufacturers are looking to BluRay is because of the cheap replication of HD DVD...since they want piracy of DVD's to stop, this would put a huge dent in China's pirate DVD's...since it would take new equipment for BD. After weighing costs, and finding BluRay not as expensive as thought to be...it's a win win for the companies.
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