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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Best shot is the Wal Marts on release day.
  2. My local Wal mart 360 kiosk finally has it hooked up "correctly"...saw a kid playing COD...was pretty nice....would look great on my 50" screen at that res.
  3. Almost forgot this thing existed...
  4. Might not pick up my 360 after all. Still debating on whether to drop over half a grand on launch day to play some games or landscape the yard
  5. As I recall, they'd already worked out a deal with nVidia. Eh, it's probably a scam to sell more Xboxes this holiday. "Sure, the Xbox 360 plays SOME Xbox games, but not all. At least, not yet. And since the Xbox 360 is in short supply, why not buy an original Xbox to tide you over? Who knows, maybe by the time you can actually get a 360, your favorite Xbox game will work on it." 344417[/snapback] Yeah in June...it was just for laughs.
  6. "Top selling games" should be changed to: "Whatever works decently under emulation without us getting sued or having to pay Nvidea"
  7. Prob because they can't get them to work properly yet...it would be the most likely reason.
  8. Barbie Horse Adventures!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!! Seriously, where's my Panzer Dragoon Orta? That list is much better than I thought it'd be though. I only feel sorry for the moms who buy lil Timmy a 360 Core for Xmas and thinks that he'll be able to play his old games on it without the HDD.
  9. In fairness, Hollywood has done this for many a years. Our parents just never bitched about it as much as we do.
  10. My local Walmart had theirs set up today....in composite passing a 4:3 image stretched on the Samsung LCD most likely...morons.
  11. Almost 20 years for the original....1987.
  12. It's just not going to stop....for every Battlestar Galactica remake (that for once is done well) we'll get a million other crap remakes...hope they don't mess this up...I love Robo.
  13. Who the F is Sandman? (comic challenged here)
  14. Curious, if you know, what was the marketing/advertising/non production/etc costs? Looks to me like the way they are setting up the DVD and poster art, that they want you to believe Summer Glau is 'Serenity', assuming the strategy is to attract people who have no idea about the TV show or the ship's role on the series. Notice Glau is cleaned up in the DVD art. Looks like the 'hot chick' angle is being pushed. This might draw in casual Buffy fans out there who don't know much about Firefly but might give a Whedon movie featuring an ass kicking angst ridden Buffy clone a chance. - Space battle shown on DVD art I guess to push the action aspect of the movie. - Torres shown to add in another hot chick/draw in African Americans - Fillion shown to draw in the swooning girls and Han Solo wannabes I'm guessing Whedon knows that the hardcore fans will buy the movie even if it was in a plain brown paper wrapper. The DVD art has to be angled at the non Firefly fans/casual sci fi crowd/fringe movie renters. 342107[/snapback] Supposed to have been 6-8 million in advertising worldwide. Going on how my theater didn't even have the film poster until after...I'm guessing 6 million lol. I know what Uni is trying to do with the art...but it still is a craptacular layout and design. Looks like someone who just discovered Photoshop yesterday did it. Joss isn't happy with the art either but...oh well. Next year we'll get the "Shiny Edition" with extras galore... edit: rechecked...45 million total...$39 million production...6 million in marketing, promo, advertising, websites etc.
  15. Great...first no marketing ( the 20 million marketing figure is dead wrong btw). And now they want to doom the DVD release with this piece o crap art. Seriously...WTF is this???????
  16. Not sure if I believe it...I sure hope it'd be true: http://1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3145024
  17. Picked it up today...was looking for the regular edition but...none anywhere so I wound up with the special for $3 more. The comic is nothing to me, as I'm not a comic person and I only want the specials of films I really want. Oh well.
  18. I'm buying the DVD.
  19. Which is exactly the case in this case isn't it? It never has to do with the bands. Victor being stingy is the same as every other record co. being stingy and overbearing with music rights. Same situation.
  20. While it may not be so in this case, music rights for even songs older than you or I, can cost publishers way too much..it's why many TV DVD sets have changed music or why we may never see DVD versions of shows like The Wonder Years with the music intact.
  21. Hands on with the kiosk: from a dude in NM at a Wal-Mart 360 kiosk I just got back from my lunch break. I went to pick up Batman Begins, and was surprised to see an Xbox360 kiosk sitting there unnoticed. It contains the following content: Project Gotham Racing movie Need for Speed Most Wanted movie Kameo movie + a demo to play Call of Duty 2 movie + a demo to play King Kong movie + a demo to play NBA2k6 movie NHL2k6 movie Ghost Recon movie Test Drive movie Full Auto movie Top Spin 2 movie Amped 3 I went through the majority of the movie clips, and most of them are stuff that has already been posted on the net. They had it hooked up to an LCD screen though, and that made the clips look nicer. The controller feels really nice in the hands, and all the buttons are well placed. It felt smaller then the Controller S. You can also make your way through the different blades of the system functionality, although a lot of stuff doesn't have links to it. I was pretty impressed by the interface of the system. Honestly, the clip that blew me away the most was the Need for Speed Clip. It looked really good on that big of a screen. It makes me wonder if that is what actual gameplay will look like, or if it was pre-rendered. PGR3 was pretty good as well. Kameo looked really good, as did NBA 2k6. Top Spin 2 made my jaw drop when it zoomed in on the players face (I could see the pores on the guys face), but then not so much when it showed the actual game play. It needs more graphical polish overall. The call of duty demo is pretty fun to play. I died a lot though due to not knowing the controls, and not having an inverted axis (I use these as standard on FPS). It is intense. NHL2k6 looked okay on the screen, but it is the same clip from back at E3. Honestly though it didn't look as bad as we have been made to believe from the small clips. It makes me hold out hope that perhaps they have really been massaging the game and just have not unveiled it yet. It definetly doesn't hold a candle to NBA2k6 though. Full Auto to me will be one of those games that just hits the stores and I will go and buy it, even if I don't plan too. It looks fun, and looks like a good way to showcase the hardware. I didn't watch Ghost Recon, King Kong or Test Drive due to a cramped neck and lack of time. As I think more about the first impression in person, I was pretty sold on the stuff I saw. Everything was a substantial jump over current gen stuff, but I will also say that it isn't going to make me forget about some of the games this gen, or make me not want to play them due to less graphical flair. I was disapointed to find several no-shows on the video clips. I was expecting at the very least to see: Saints Row, The Outfit, Perfect Dark 0 Madden 06 Fifa Dead or Alive Oblivion At least they are beginning to appear.
  22. LCD PT50-LC14...I love it.
  23. I have a Panasonic up converting player through HDMI to a Panasonic LCD...the HDMI will lock whatever the correct aspect ratio is being sent and is unchangeable through the TV...however, my player will allow you change the aspect ratio as well, so you can have 4:3 stretched or zoomed even through the HDMI. And I too, notice with a good mastered DVD, upconverting does make an improvement on many titles...not a night and day difference but noticably cleaner. Chalk it up to faroudja's chip in the Panasonic player. The subs with my Panasonic aren't jaggy except for certain films and a couple of anime titles.
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