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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Or it can be done in the many threads in this very board, in this very forum, and as of 1310 hrs my time, in the Eva thread that's on the same page as this one. And to cure your lament...if you saw the series, you saw the same basic ending as the show in EOE anyways....think about it.
  2. They are both retired and "living in a van down by the river..."
  3. It's a launch...most launch titles are hurried efforts or ports of last gen games.
  4. RIP Pat...you'll be missed.
  5. Sucks. They never should have advertised the systems...then they could have sold bundles like anywhere else.
  6. Nuking it from orbit: The official solution to all your problems. 347288[/snapback] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a minute here! Clearly, this is an intelligent species that we're dealing with, and I don't think that you or I or anybody has the right to arbitrarily exterminate them... 347295[/snapback] Wrong. Watch us.
  7. Not a good sign. Oh well...landscaping it is then
  8. My question is...how can this franchise really be a film? I don't recall DOA having an interesting storyline. Looks cheesy. Not because of the actors or anything.
  9. Any new hardware launch is bound to have a few lemons. But if this turns outto be more common and widespread than...uh oh. Seen in many new articles already, as well as boards across the States, but is it really a common problem or just the voice of the internet? http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Bu...=1341972&page=1 http://www.forbes.com/business/feed...afx2352925.html http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1892779,00.asp http://news.com.com/Crash+reports+h..._3-5969776.html http://www.ferrago.com/story/6912
  10. Not just best scifi movie, but best movie of the year IMO. Graham 347107[/snapback] For me too.
  11. Or a misprint...might be 1978 scout blah blah...which as Cobywan said, might be the shuttle. Who would want the land ram?
  12. Ok, from now on you are in charge of subs... I am only watching if you did em. I feel like they speak to my soul. 346955[/snapback] I'd buy them as Christmas gifts if they did that!
  13. Nope...seriously, when it comes to most cartoons and comic stuff...I'm lost. I still don't know who the hell Sandman is in the next Spiderman film...he....can control sand or something???
  14. Never heard of it until I saw the trailer. Looks cool.
  15. Carts were a lot more expesive to companies than CD's and DVD's. But development costs are much higher now.
  16. Flashback's winning.
  17. I want s-video on my NES! (I am, in fact, being 100% serious here) 346827[/snapback] You win the hardcore award!
  18. Looks like we just may see $399 PS3 afterall.... http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=13145 Hope so. I want my High Def DVD's already!! And the games in High Def on HDTV's will be cool too. 360 already looks great. Hard to go back to 480i and 480p games.
  19. Be interesting to see the prices on ebay...like those $2000 PS2's back in the day.
  20. Cylons so far: Aaron Doyle Leoben Conroy Number Six (Gina/Shelly Godfrey) Sharon Valerii D'anna Biers (Lucy Lawless reporter) Simon (Doc on Caprica) So that's half.
  21. I know the people there, I'll check this week. Though I actually am still debating on it all....I'm not as excited as I was before. Might just wait to pick one up later. Maybe get a nice LL Katana instead.
  22. I thought that the remainder of the current season was supposed to return next January, thereby concluding the last episode's cliff hanger... same goes for SG1 and Atlantis. 345656[/snapback] Second half of the season returns in Jan.
  23. Either that or wait. I know I don't want to wait at Wally World.
  24. My local Gamestop just called me and said I won't be getting my pre order in the first shipment. So I guess my local store is getting a whopping 3 units? Regardless, I think I'm waiting anyways. Not feeling like dropping quite that much for 360 yet. Maybe after the silly season.
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