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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Well, Japanese gamers have no reason to buy the 360 now...DOA4 was the only title most gamers there wanted...sales will pick up a bit when it releases but, I doubt anything enough to make Sony worry about MS on their home turf.
  2. Hrmm... pearl-white, kinda like the Saturn and Dreamcast? 351999[/snapback] The Saturn was silver in prototypes, dark grey in Japan, black in the US, then the redesigned one(with round buttons) was white for NiGHTS, and the US redesign was black again.
  3. I can hear the bitching already. 352029[/snapback]
  4. Link bwoken. It no worky.
  5. Jan 6th fast approaches.
  6. I still have some wicker shoes from the 80's somewhere....
  7. Interesting.
  8. I'll give it a shot when it hits theaters.
  9. I'd download it to my phone just for pure bragging rights...no one else has Brady Bunch Kung Fu on their phone!!!
  10. Um... I don't watch BSG. I watched some episodes of it. Even before BSG started, I heard some things about ron moore's 'glorious reimagined series' that made me dissapointed to be a BSG fan. To have Moore's travesty become first place over Richard Hatch's efforts is, in my opinion? Insulting. Rather than modernize the series for a better audience while remaining true to the mythology and moralistic values, Moore walks all over the franchise's name with the muddy boots of moral indecency and disrespect. I mean, even some of the quotes used in Hatch's first episode on the new BSG seem to ridicule the former Apollo's attempts at reviving Galactica- calling him a 'washout' and a 'has been.' who has 'dissapeared and been forgotten.' The Pegasas is just an excuse to cover for the concept artists' tragic blindness at making the 'Galactica' look like an incomplete warship. As for the PEgasas crew themselves, I'm only thankful that I didn't witness what is said in these reviews... though I probably would have just changed the channel anyway in disghust. Oh, and we might as well safely assume that everybody's a cylon. From Adama to Baltar, Everyone's a Cylon. I mean, how can we tell otherwise? BSG is a conspiracy story now, in addition to some sci-fi space opera (Don't deny it moore, even if you claimed to break this trend). Maybe it's like the matrix, and the cylons in the new BSG are trying to wake everyone else up by killing them and freeing them from their pathetic cybernetic existances. ...wait, you beleived me? LOL! ...This isn't Galactica. 351180[/snapback] Watch your old DVD's and get over it.
  11. Scary no? *PICS REMOVED* crappy phone cam. 350838[/snapback] WOAH! 350854[/snapback] I know. I didn't want to believe it either. 350856[/snapback] Speaking of ALF I dated a girl a few years ago who was from Sophia, Bulgaria and she couldn't stop talking about how ALF was popular there, it was the most popular NEW show... Keep in mind this was like 2001. 350863[/snapback] Think, they'd make you king if you showed up with old TV show DVD sets there....
  12. Tour of Duty immediately comes to mind. Replacing the classic rock with phoned-in studio music turned the DVD release into Tour of Doody. I can't even watch the DVDs with the new music. 350837[/snapback] Yup, I never bought it because of that. The Wonder Years is another show that is just screwed because of the music...you'll prob never see it on DVD.
  13. I bought ALF. 350816[/snapback] I don't believe you! Post screenshots! 350823[/snapback] Scary no? crappy phone cam.
  14. I missed the first so I cannot comment, except to say that I'm sorry that I did.
  15. Na... more like Buffy. It needs Nazis. Needs them BAD! 350813[/snapback] Buffy would imply a good show.
  16. I bought ALF.
  17. Did anyone like the game even?
  18. I saw the trailer for that last night...no way I'm watching that...they raped my childhood, his hands are too small.
  19. I dunno though..if they rehashed the story from the old show with Cain a very "Patton" but happy leader I'd be more dissapointed.
  20. Though it's been pretty high on the list since it was released. It's been in the top 10 numerous times in the past 2 years. Name another TV show DVD set that has appeared past it's initial release. Hasn't happened.
  21. What surprises me most is the people who hate the new show watch it every week just so they can trash it. WTF is up with that? Seriously.
  22. Meanwhile, people with preorders who honestly just want to play with the damn thing can't get one. You buy a ticket to some kind of sporting event or concert, then sell it at an inflated price, and it's scalping. It's illegal. Frankly, I don't see how this is any different. 349347[/snapback] While I don't agree with the ebayers...it is mostly an auction, and people are willingly wanting to bid that amount. There are no laws against that. It's not illegal in this case. This has happened since before the cabbage patch kids. Just not online. And weren't you the one that suggested I do the same with mine?
  23. Meh, more lame people who can't let it go...the new show buries the old one...it was fine in it's day but that day has passed.
  24. The current DVD's are available to watch in progressive scan...do youu mean anamorphic widescreen? I don't think Eva was ever widescreen anyways.
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