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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Better at being campy than SMG....that I can give you.
  2. Of course, you're a friggin' cartoon man Mr. Togo. Animated people don't watch TV and they find humans un appealing. On a side note, I don't like blondes either.
  3. Hmm...question. Will I be returning the entire unit, cables and all? Or just the console and it's brick? I broke my faceplate accidentally weeks ago, and had it replaced. Instructions? Composite video cable? I think I.....hee hee.....tossed all of that stuff... 358857[/snapback] Don't send everything..just what they need to replace/fix.
  4. Exactly! No, wait... If a game as massive and detailed as Oblivion is can fit on a single DVD, I'm thinking that games that would spill over onto two DVDs would be rare (you'd be suprised how much space you can save by having cutscenes in-engine instead of pre-rendered). So while I'm all for a new HD format for movies, I really think that criticism of the Xbox 360 for not using one of the next-gen formats doesn't hold water. 358845[/snapback] Right now, no. And no I'm not surprised about the cut scenes...I agree totally...but that isn't the only reason developers want the increased storage. I believe the main earlier argument for DVD was not that we will never need the space, but it was, the cost of the console...360 will be so and so, and PS3 will be loads more expensive. Which is true to a point but the cost diminishes every day. If PS3 launches at $499, it would be cheaper than a 360 with an HD DVD add on. Remember, Sony wants the black box, not a pure gaming system in your living room, same as MS...they are just both doing it differently.
  5. They should just get all the ones that didn't sell in Japan and bring 'em here.
  6. Not Oblivion.
  7. What happened to yours?
  8. Scroll down to my first post on this page. I gave a nice little rundown already for data transfer rates, and how they affect load times. 358606[/snapback] Not sure how I missed that post. You are correct for the most part...however, I doubt you'll see every single title released for PS3 only on BD(haven't been keeping up really so I could be wrong), much as many PS2 and Xbox games came on CD. Most BD Rom drives have also 12-16X DVD read speeds.
  9. Most DVD drives today aren't CLV anymore. "Officially" and what is out there now are two different things. 358655[/snapback] I thought we were speaking in terms of game consoles. PS2 is CLV, and XBox is PROBABLY the same. 358772[/snapback] I thought the question about the drives were about the new ones(360 and PS3). Not sure about the Xbox (so many different drives). The whole point about my original post was that drive speed isn't the only thing to determine load times and the BD's 2X would be nearly equivalent in reading as a 12X for about half the disc. But then again, this was just in the numbers race for people interested, where context of other factors don't matter as well.
  10. Funniest thing I've heard tonight.
  11. Most DVD drives today aren't CLV anymore. "Officially" and what is out there now are two different things.
  12. The Pioneer is a high end unit, like a $3500 Denon DVD player...not the mass market player. Like mentioned, the actual drive is much cheaper. First BD specs were 1X at 36mbps...I believe it's either at 40 or 46 mbps now. DVD is 11 or 12 mbps max or something. While I doubt you'll see a 4X BD ROM drive in the PS3, you might see a 2X. I don't think you'll see too major a difference in load times. One reason is DVD's read at CAV (Constant Angular Velocity)rates and BD uses CLV(constant linear velocity); to make it simple, DVD's read at different speeds depending on where the data is on the disc spinning...BD reads at the same speed no matter what...and DVD drives never hardly ever reach their max outside track speeds unless the disc is stuffed to the brim. Looking at the face numbers you'd think that a 12X DVD drive would out perform a 1X BD one...and it would, but a 2X BD drive would read a disc as fast as a DVD's minimum speed and so forth... If you have a full DVD disc it reads the outside info at the fastest rate (the inside tracks read at about half the speed). In other words: numbers are deceiving without knowing or understanding the context behind them. Or: I don't think you'll really notice the difference between the new system's loading speeds. EDIT: I think the BD ROM speed is still at 36 mbps, not 40.
  13. Get it off iTunes and support the show.
  14. I wouldn't say it's out of character for her...remember the elections for VP? She's learning how to survive in this world faster than anyone gives her credit for.
  15. This reminds me of something else... WELCO METOT HENEX TLEVEL ... From a software point of view, it actually seems more like a 32x, but I had the SCD pic already. SCD actually DID bring a logical and high-demand advancement(though as an accessory, and an expensive one to boot, its market was severely limited). The leap from cartridge to CD drove publication costs down massively, while at the same time vastly increasing the space available for home games(since arcades were less concerned with cost, they could and did stuff a CD's worth of ROM on the boards sometimes). DVD came after games had started going multi-CD on a routine basis. There was a clear demand for more space. Games now are still coming almost exclusively on single-layer 4.smth GB DVDs DESPITE the availability of multi-disk and dual-layer options. I don't see how there's a demand for a quantum-leap in space at this point. Which brings us to the other side of expansions... the 32x was unwanted fluff that not even Sega took seriously(the damn thing didn't even have software available for the first week after launch). 357811[/snapback] 360's drive would be for films only...if they release games on HD DVD, then I say the 32X reference is spot on.
  16. *Dodges spoilers like Lara Flynn Boyle does food* Tomorrow
  17. MS announces HD DVD drive add on. http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-6018529.html Might be the article, but right after the drive mention, they talk about HD games like they don't have them now. Wonder if somehow an HDMI port will be included, since HD over component for HD DVD is a big no no from the movie studios.
  18. PS3 will launch Japan first. No worldwide launch thing for Sony. Wise, in a sense..very little software anyways besides the movies.
  19. Stealth (yes)
  20. To "juice" it up so it looks more "action packed!!" . See the standees in stores? All pics of gun toting cast. Figures.
  21. I'm pretty sure it was an old percussion revolver they dressed up...like this Rogers and Spencer: 356156[/snapback] Mal's pistol is a custom job done by the practical FX company (don't remember their name) Its a cast body with a cheapo Taurus revolver hidden inside. The resemblence to the Rogers & Spencer isn't accidental, since Whedon wanted Mal's pistol to resemble a civil war handgun. 356526[/snapback] OK, it makes sense now....wonder why they didn't just use an old cast percussion one in the first place.
  22. Nope, your going to hear it again, and again and again for 36 episodes. And I'm being very serious. 356059[/snapback] Wantd to support Mari...but Muh cross....tough one. Edit: The new trailer says Macross correctly. Keith? What do they say on the discs? 356282[/snapback] Nope, so far it's "muk-ross"....what the hell were they thinking? 356388[/snapback] Well, I know what I'm not purchasing. That's just too stupid.
  23. Hypernauts. Never saw it but I remember the commericals or the TGIF thing.... http://epguides.com/Hypernauts/
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