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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Finally caught up tonight on Pt. 2 from my DVR. Damn. I love this show.
  2. Your book sucks!
  3. That whole site's articles and news sounds like a 20 year old's wet dreams made reality.
  4. I think you're taking it too personally. While it hardly is the shining example of the military, in fact, the whole point of the goodness behind it is the fact that the characters are so deeply flawed. I identify the same sentiments with the Shield. Excellent acting and stories, though it portrays my line of work in a rather bad light, making law enforcement look bad. Do I agree with how we're portrayed? No. Do I think it represents us as a whole? Nope...it's television entertainment and it's done well and for that I give it props. With BSG, it's the same thing..this story is about arguably the worst of the fleet...as the creators mentioned, this isn't the best ship in the fleet, it's the old one about to retire, with probably all the crappiest personnel manning it, thrust into the role of being humanity's final hope. That said, I've heard nothing but positive reactions from military personnel on BSG unlike some fellow law enforcement people who refuse to watch the Shield for it's portrayal of how we work (fiction based in reality but, taken to the worst extremes). I disagree in that the show shows militray personnel in a bad light. They are the worst of the bunch doing the best they can given the circumstances. In fact, I work with people in my job who ARE like some of those characters , on both BSG, and the Shield, so it's not too far a stretch to say that what the public sees and what goes on behind the scenes are 2 different things. Apollo and Starbuck's actions are child's play compared to things I've seen in "real life". The Shield almost echoes what I've seen people do, though it is "amped" up a bit. What the show is trying to say is that these people are wrong many times, just like the things I've seen in a day to day shift. It can be argued that both military and police put their lives on the line when it counts and civilians will never truly understand what that means, only using TV and movies to guess as to what honor and service means defending or protecting the people that either hate you, or are looking only at the things we do wrong as a whole instead of the things we do correctly. All in all, if it truly bothers you so much on a personal level, there are other shows that have no real flawed people in them (and are the most boring shows in the world)...may I suggest Desperate Housewives, those Star Trek shows, or the Brady Bunch? You are doing a dis-service to yourself if it bothers you so much to continue posting every day on how much a fictional show does things "wrong". I think we get it.
  5. Most of the articles there seem to be based on really old news. Not to mention much of their CES 2006 "news articles" are full of mis-information.
  6. I think she's got a higher agenda.
  7. Not just you.
  8. Well, Kat and Hot Dog are for the most part civilians thrown into combat with very little training. They knew how to fly, they taught them how to fly fighters and said..."you're in the army now!!"
  9. Until it breaks. Can piggyback VCRs and DVD-recorders too, and use AV out to feed their NTSC tuner on channel 3 to a modern set. There's still an upper limit to how long NTSC equipment can be scrounged. 359398[/snapback] Even the modern sets have NTSC tuners still btw. You'll be safe for another decade or so.
  10. But in the next 10 years, the Xbox 360 and PS3 will have come and gone, and their successors will be in their twilight, the Blu-Ray HD-DVD format will have been decided and possibly will be on their way to being phased out for a higher-definition, higher capacity storage medium, and a lot more people will have been on their way to buying HDTVs, especially as the prices for smaller CRT and RP LCD units will come down. Very likely, my "antique" 52" DLP will have been replaced with a something like a shiny 64" 4th-gen LCoS with a native 1080p resolution. In other words, what happens in the next 10 years doesn't have much bearing on what manufacturers should be doing with first-gen Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players, the PS3, or the Xbox 360. (And certainly not the Revolution. Kudos to Nintendo for really going off and doing their own thing). And even at that, that 10-15 year estimate still assumes that the FCC doesn't delay the rollout of mandatory digital, HD broadcasting as it has two or three times already. 359334[/snapback] Actually, in 10 years, we'll prob see Ultra High Def with again higher res displays. There are already 1080p displays reaching the markets now to take advantage of the upcoming programming that will support 1080p as well as Blu Ray players which allow 1080p as well. Yes, the first BD discs are 1080p and can be used with the sets that support 1080p now. The myth that there are no 1080p displays is gone as the new sets appearing are 1080p capable and in a couple of years, every single new HDTV will be which is about right for the masses to start purchasing. HD DVD can provide 1080p as well, but has not chosen to do so in their first batch of players(which is yet another reason many in the home theater community are scratching their heads as 1080p sets are already reality...it's similar to DVD in that the first few players didn't provide 480p output for a couple of years). While the cry there was small, this time around, since more people know what they should be getting right off the bat, no 1080p from HD DVD is disappointing. One can argue very few people have those new sets but, if they do, why shouldn't they get 1080p from their brand spanking new future players if it's possible already? The FCC regs only refer to digital signals and have nothing to do with HD...no HD is or will be mandatory. Whether the stations broadcast digitally in HD or ED is up to them. They just can't do it over analog when it goes into effect. What happens in the next 10 years matters greatly to the 360, PS3, and the High Def players. Not at the end, but how the world and industry moves along during those years. MS wants High Def streaming and downloading to your living room in a couple years...nice plan but most people don't have the bandwith nor storage to do that. Sony wants BD in your living room to tide you over and the PS3 in a few years will do that for them. Toshiba wants DVD all over again but is in the worst position to sell that to people.
  11. Is that what is was? I honestly didn't know either, just listing the things I hear on here.
  12. I'm sure you can keep a nice 20" SD TV for that around. I do.
  13. Mike, you are wise to have a wait and see attitude, though your posts before come across sounding like otherwise. As I stated, it isn't up to "HD DVD" or "Blu Ray" to really decide on the HD over component..it's AACS actually and even if the final AACS licensing allows HD over component (allowing either HD DVD or Blu Ray players to do it), the studios get the final say if they are given the go ahead to do so. The early announcement specs over Toshiba's players doing only HDMI HD output is based on the fact that they prob won't allow it (and a foolish one since if it does allow it, no one will want those players). And if you speak to anyone in the industry who actually knows things (retail level game stores doesn't count yet, I'm sorry), Toshiba knew they lost...what gives them hope is the fact that MS wants the war....people wonder why MS "all of a sudden" decided to start convincing HP that they should support HD DVD and it's because MS will do anything to prevent the delay of the PS3...since BD is crucial to PS3, MS convinced HP (which sits on the BDA) to propose BDA should have MMC and iHD. They got MC but a big no on iHD. MS actually could care less if they got it or not, what they did was postpone the BDA a bit which is their intentions. They also approached Dell to do the same but got a "take a hike" attitude. The optical war would have been over before it started but yes, Microsoft is behind the HD DVD scenes just to fuel it enough to make things hard for Sony. And that is my real beef with the format war. The unification talks actually almost went over well back last year, however Toshiba's pride was hurt in that everyone wanted BD's technologies. They responded by cutting off their heads in trying to get China to make HD DVD players off the bat for the Wal Mart specials. Eating the loss on a product you spent years and billions on is one thing....throwing it to the lowest priced manufacturers out the gate has NEVER worked(don't confuse cheap assembly or labor with licensing the tech out to crap manufacturers as the way to launch a new product). The war should be over but Toshiba limps along and MS sees the whole optical disc war as a way to try and stop Sony if only to postpone Blu Ray thus delaying PS3. They actually don't want ANY optical discs but instead want to stream HD content through Media Center PC's and 360's. Fine and dandy but, it's not going to happen for the mass market yet and that infrastructure isn't feasible yet. We'll go through one at least more generation of discs before that becomes a reality for everyone. Then there is the fact that every film studio except Universal (rumored to be just waiting until after King Kong is released in homes since they have the obligation to Toshiba with the promotional tie ins) is backing BD and only half HD DVD. While this could change if PS3 tanks and stand alone HD DVD players take off in droves (which is pretty darn unlikely that both of these 2 will happen), it's almost certain that this is the road we'll be going down. Toshiba would be wise to concentrate on their SED line up of TV's(they are onto something here) instead of prolonging a war that everyone in the industry doesn't want, and will ultimately lose confusing consumers in the meantime. The pride is the reason they are continuing and MS is using that pride to their advantage. Everyone in the industry said Toshiba should have gave it up many months ago. Edit: But since you will wait and see and buy whatever wins you'll have no problems anyways. Out of curiosity, I know you mentioned a DLP 52" with HDMI...what are you using the HDMI port for? Since you want HD over component I was curious, or is it just a matter of principal thing (like me).
  14. Since this is MW, I expect to see every film ever made listed in this thread by the time it hits 20 pages.
  15. They haven't planned a "long term plan" yet. Right now, to keep from getting their asses handed to them they have to run. Their plan is to find Earth and repopulate. If they had the means to fight and win, I think they'd do so. At this particular moment in time, they cannot. They take shots when they can...Hand of God episode ring a bell? Ressurection Ship Pt 2? There is nothing wrong with regrouping and living to fight when they have a chance (might take a century or two, looking at the current circumstances). Or ya can Leeeroy Jenkins the Cylons if you want. ( I finally learned what the hell that meant the other day). Good luck. And...you're taking this show far too seriously. It's only been a few months since their 12 planets got cashiered and they've been on the run to keep from getting exterminated. They lost the war. If the uber bad guy kicks you in the nuts and breaks all your limbs so you can't fight at all, you do crawl away (Bad example because I'd be doing the limb breaking)...and heal and come back and rip them new ones. But that takes time. Whoever said they are going to run away forever and never plan to come back someday? They'd do it when they were ready.
  16. Difference is my "assumptions" are based in much more plausible situations than yours. You're arguing against BD why? Because it's in the PS3? I'll even give you that if the 360 launched a $99 HD DVD add on, it will not sell anywhere near a $499 PS3. People are lemmings. The difference is that Joe six pack will shell out for something he believes is new like people did for 360's. If the 360's had HD DVD drives (no need to "explain" to me why MS chose not to...I know a bit more about the optical disc wars than you'd believe in fact, I sat more with HD DVD until studio support changed which was done long before the "unification" talks were over) then they and you included would be quite happy to have one of those "new High Def" players. Most of J6P prob won't even have the means to display it but they'll like it if it's in something they bought already just like backwards compatibility. My argument is that HD DVD, will not penetrate as quickly, as BD will because as you mentioned, Avg Joe doesn't want to shell out extra for something they think they already have..but if they get it with something they probably already want? Win for BD. Yes. Look at UMD's. It's overpriced and sorta stupid but the public is buying them in droves. They aren't counting on the same numbers...but IMO, it's better numbers than stand alone HD DVD players, add on Drives, and less and less support from the studios and companies. Joe doesn't have to "buy into it". It will be included in a product that will have a large installed user base very quickly. It makes sense actually if you think about it. And that is the main reason companies are banking on the PS3 and BD. Are they going to sell a whole lotta BD discs? Maybe not...but they'll sell more BD movies than if a $199 HD DVD player showed up tomorrow would sell HD DVD discs. I am being realistic. I even said neither will take off like DVD. But of the two, one has a much stronger chance of infiltrating homes. Neither "format" has a real "choice" in allowing HD over component since AACS licensing looks against it. In fact, that was a lot of the reason behind the licensing delays...some studios want to allow HD over component, others want it downres to 480i/p. Guess which companies want which? The ironic factor in your closing statement is that the big 2 of the Hollywood studios that support BD want to allow it, while the ones that don't are your friends at the DVD forum(HD DVD). If you want to bring in the porn argument (since that's the other famous whoever has it wins), even though Sony actively discouraged it, the porn companies are looking to Bluray for it's releases and it's BD-J interactive layers rather than HD DVD's IHD( I never saw the articles but I guess the porn people are excited about the new "interactive" features. Again, look at what happened to UMD's and porn. Maybe MS's Amir Majidimehr will go to the porn companies next, trying to buy them off with Vista and iHD deals like HP and convince them they need MMC too. I'm just saying, future of HD DVD not looking too shiny right now. Look in the right places (not googling whatever press releases you can find) and you'll see the same. One more thing: if a PS3 at $499 is an "insane" price than what is a 360 at $399 with a $99 Add on HD DVD drive? Genius? $800 PS3? That would be insanity I agree....(do you honestly believe they'd do that? seriously...do you? Because if that's your argument your Gamestop memos second week of May or so will be pretty darn interesting)...then I'll say that Sony just commited harakiri in front of the world to see. Remember, the BD players you see at CES are all high end units hardly indicative of a game console's builds. The $499 Toshiba at CES was a very "bare bones" one. Plus...the HD DVD demo of it STILL crashed during CES. So did iHD on Vista (which is HD DVD's interactive layer). And HDTV's took off big time this year, and are expected to of course take off more next year. Check the sales ( I was surprised too, since somehow, people everywhere are shelling out $2-3K for large screen HDTV's and not just lil 30" LCD's). EDIT: Final thing: Though it may appear I'm BluRay pro to the extreme (and yes, I have "vested interests" in it), I admit there are a lot of things wrong with it that still need to be taken care of. But come this summer, it should be clear.
  17. My thoughts exactly...the only way to survive for now is to hide and re-populate.
  18. Yup, basically HDMI backwards compatible with DVI, DVI not as forward compatible with HDMI...but the whole HDCP thing is kinda screwy...since most TV's with DVI are "supposed" to be HDCP compliant (unlike PC monitors), it hasn't been the case with all sorts of weird problems when using HDMI to DVI adapters(no picture...green fuzzy picture like Macrovision on crack...colored snow). Depends on the display device or the set top box too...methinks the HDCP standard is like DVD "standards". To be safe, make sure your new TV has HDMI since DVI is vanishing from Consumer electronics with the exception being computer monitors. No worries about the price of HDMI cables too everybody....the markup on every one in a retail store is so absurdly high, don't ever buy one from there. Unless you buy a 50 ft long one from ebay you would served fine with a cheaper one online. I bought 2 HDMI cables (one 3ft and one 6ft) for $10 a piece awhile back...nice thick shielded ones too. Unlike analog signal cables, as long as they're made even halfway decent you should be fine (at least until some company in Budapest starts cranking them out incorrectly or something).
  19. Correct, though by that time, the "winner" will already be established. I'm guessing here-HDMI and DVI are identical, save for the fact that HDMI carries audio signals, where DVI only carries video. Video cards would only have a DVI port because they handle nothing but video signals. I assume that some televisions only have a DVI port because their audio signals are relegated to some other device... 359066[/snapback] Yup, though HDMI can carry up to 12 bit video signals and DVI is maxxed at 8bit. Not that most people know the difference anyways. It's very safe to say that if you buy a new HDTV, make sure it has HDMI instead of DVI...though some people say you can just get an adapter, check any of the AV forums...people everywhere are finding the HDCP handshake screwing them whether it be an upconverting player, or set top HD cable box.
  20. That was my question many a time a few pages ago. The people who complain about the show tend to watch it even more than people who do. But then again, this is MW, where bitching about things is job one. For Example: "They ripped off Macross Plus!!" "I hate buying DVD's I already bought 5 years ago! Now they are forcing me to buy it again" "They've ruined Cain! He's supposed to be likable!" "iPods suck! I like the (insert POS mp3 player name here)" "Macross dubbed...blasphemy!!" "the hands are too small!! " and so forth...........
  21. But they'll get them. Unlike HD DVD in which...the average person won't go out and buy an HD DVD player at $500 nor would they at $300, nor $250, nor $199 if they have their $39 DVD player from China that's basically a drive in a plastic box. But tell them they get a new High Definition disc player in addition to the game console they just bought included that they can use if they get an HDTV? That is the way to win over the public. I don't think the 2 new formats would ever take off like DVD did, but one has a way of becoming the new format in a way the other wishes it could. Stand alones and add ons for something the average joe won't see as a major step up from DVD? Nope. Trojan horse it into something average Joe is gonna buy anyways? Yep.
  22. And that is the entire point of a well done show. They let you decide on factors you may or may not agree with...is one side wrong? Is the other? People will see both sides with different views and that's the intent.
  23. HD DVD players that have only 50% of the movie studios support won't go anywhere far, regardles of their price. As mentioned, most people are satisfied with DVD (and likely will be until they upgrade their TV), and even a $500 player won't attract avg joe. But if they get one in the form of a game console, they are more likely to purchase HD discs than going out and purchasing a HD player and the discs to go with it(speaking of the average consumer here). HDMI cables aren't expensive if you know where to look...try one from ebay at $10-$14 a pop and you'll change your tune...they aren't like analog cables...it's a digital signal and I've yet to see a "poor" HDMI cable. HD DVD was supopsed to launch last year (AACS sorta screwed them in that sense, though Toshiba still had problems with players crashing). They'll launch in a couple months with BD a couple months after that...not the lead they were hoping for which is why I doubt HD DVD has a real chance especially since you'll be unlikely to see any studio support from Fox or Sony unless BD truly crashes and burns...and that would take a couple years. Whereas, Universal is the only studio that hasn't announced BD. HD DVD camp has about 50% of the studios and let's see...Toshiba, Sanyo and LG making players (no recorders yet announced). BD has all movie studios save Universal, and ...Sony, Panasonic, Phillips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sharp, LG, Mitsubishi,Zenith, Hitachi, JVC, and Yamaha making players and recorders. HD DVD has HP....though it also sits with BD, who has Apple and Dell also. Support for HD DVD has been poor in the last few months, with the movie studios that did back HD DVD exclusively change their tune and cut their release schedule. The only big push they got was when one of MS's corporate VP's good ol' Amir convinced HP they need MMC and iHD in BD. Ask me if HP really understood why they did because no one else bought into that. Sony displays MPEG 2 BD demos because they will release their first BD titles that way at first (no one is sure why since Fox and Warner, and everyone else is using H.264 and VC1). Pretty sure the PS3 will play them fine(at least it better, but then again....). I'll agree with anyone who knows anything that having Sony titles on BD in MPEG2 while still looking good, would pretty much negate the whole higher 25GB storage factors anyways(bastards). Haven't seen any BD players that aren't backwards compatible with DVD. And the hybrid discs from both camps are flippers. They for some reason aren't too popular with the studios (prob since they think they can gain more cash from 2 separate SKU's).
  24. And ultimately, that won't work. The PS2 was supposed to revolutionize home entertainment, and all we got was a shitty DVD player with an underpowered game system. The PSX was supposed to be the next ultimate home entertainment box and it sold horribly. Video game consoles are like cell phones, you can cram a lot of features into one package but ultimately all those features will be sub-par compared to stand alone units. 358877[/snapback] Agreed...but they are getting closer, and people's expectations of quality electronics are dropping faster than Paris Hilton's IQ...witness the $30 DVD players, $99 DVD recorders at Wal Mart, the massive increase insales of cell phones with cameras and MP3 players and streaming video, and such. It will happen...not tomorrow, but they are getting closer and most of joe six pack out there thinks it's great.
  25. Nowadays carpet never matches the drapes, true. Though, even though, I'm just not that into blondes....must be where I live.
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