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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Where'd you get the TF V one? Is it the "Lost Technology" album? I missed that one. I also missed the special limited Saturn version of TFV with the music CD from other games. I would give anything for that CD. I just have been too busy to get one off ebay. The TF VI soundtrack is "Broken Thunder" Project Thunder Force VI. PM me for the details.
  2. They gave him the nuke...he even mentioned that they were all arguing around it in Ep 9 of season one, "Tigh Me Up, Tigh me Down" in his lab.
  3. Thunder Force series hands down. I actually just picked up the Thunder Force VI soundtrack last week. Nice tracks from the unfinished DC game, and some stuff from the others. Hope the rumors about TechnoSoft are true and they are actually planning on returning with TF-VI. And TFIV was my overall fave in the series...long, looked beautiful, and music was killer.
  4. I have the mp3 of that whole thing somewhere. Well, not the whole thing but it was funny at the time.
  5. Too many. Can't say of all time...but the closest goes to SF2 Turbo. Second is Combat on the 2600. Those 2 prob sucked the most out of my lifetime. Some bold statements: Digital Bits interview What is of interest is what he says about Sony shipping 4-7 million PS3's this year. I highly doubt that unless the Kutaragi Cell Testicle thing is a reality. On a serious note, if they actually come close to even half that, there will be rejoicing in console land.
  6. I bet it was an internal prank. BTW, this photo is a mock up and no, you can't see anything.
  7. Blade Runner 362412[/snapback] Never saw it. Well, I saw a couple of mins of it a few times...I don't remember any of it. So replicants were bio created people...ok. On that note: I saw an episode of Seinfeld once that had people talking on a couch making funnies about a friend. I swear I've seen that before HUNDREDS of times on other sitcoms.
  8. What's a "replicant"? From another show or film I assume.
  9. Epiphanies tonight.
  10. You are both younger than me.
  11. Still don't remember that one. Name sounds familiar but, I can't recall anything that stood out. What did he/she usually do? Or was it just the name?
  12. I don't remember that one...
  13. I think you guys need to take it to PM already. This now has nothing to do with the thread itself.
  14. Looks interesting for you model and toy people out there. http://www.tfaw.com/toys/profile.html?cart...b=ALL&sku=13420
  15. Lee lost faith in his father and Laura for ordering the assasination...along with Kara for agreeing to it. 3 of his "ties" to life, and then he crashes and isn't even able to back up Kara...he felt like everything was gone and just let go. Poor kid. He really does need some Dualla to cheer him up.
  16. Some console humor: Kutaragi Connects Cell to Testicles; PS3 Mass Production to Begin Soon In a stunning move, Playstation guru Ken Kutaragi has announced that with the power of the Cell, he has found a way to manufacture Sony's next gen system the PS3 along with his body's sperm. "By connecting the Cell to my testicles, I am now able to produce more potent sperm, as well as a more potent console," explained Kutaragi. "I can produce them both anytime, even as we speak." According to inside sources, Kutaragi is currently producing more than 1,000 PS3s a day. "It's really an amazing sight to see in person," said Drinky Cow, a GAF official who actually was invited to Kutaragi's estate to see the process in action. "Kutaragi just stands there, real calm, and before you know it there are 10 PS3s flying through the sky. Luckily this is all done behind bullet proof glass, because it could get dangerous." Many analysists believe this is the main reason Sony feels they can meet their Spring 2006 launch goal for the PS3. When asked, a Sony official said that Kutaragi's PS3s work perfectly, while many of the ones produced in Sony's Research and Development labs are riddled with technical problems. "The PS3s Kutaragi makes don't have any bugs whatsoever." With Kutaragi producing a constant stream of PS3s, Sony is confident that they will avoid the shipment problems that caused the Xbox 360 to severely underpreform in the US. "Sony is in a position where they can create an amazing amount of PS3 hardware at anytime, not to mention the fact that this cuts production costs, at least in terms of money, by 100%," Cow explained. "Microsoft cannot match this sheer speed, and Nintendo has no chance whatsover. This pretty much seals Sony's place as next gen leader."  Above: At a recent press conference, Kutaragi demonstrates the true power of the Cell by squeezing his nuts.
  17. That's why I mentioned that HDTV's tend to only accept certain resolutions through certain inputs regarding PC usage (DVI, VGA, and HDMI). Some will accept a 4:3 aspect ratio resolution through VGA and DVI and the TV itself will stretch the signal (if you opt it, otherwise it just shows in a 4:3 window on the screen) after it's diaplayed without any funky happenings other than the stretched at the ends look. Some will not.
  18. I'm not PC savvy but I do know that HDTV monitors used as PC displays sometimes run into problems because they usually only accept certain resolutions through VGA or DVI from a PC (maybe you're using DVI to HDMI which poses a problem that some people have). I couldn't tell you exactly why though.
  19. Not exactly. But as I expected, they're made with PCs in mind. I don't think they'd play at all on a standard DVD player. 360874[/snapback] Haha, nice try. You took my quote out of context. That is WMV HD and it won't play on any standard player. Different codec. You can store any type of information on DVD but a WMV file isn't "DVD" standard video. Your 360 will only output DVD video at 480i or 480p. My statement is correct concerning that you won't get any DVD to output anything higher from your 360. The 480i is a given. Guess my wording was too strong..I meant you won't get any MPEG 2 video out at anything higher than that res from the 360 or any other standard DVD player...unless you have an upscaling one and even that isn't "true HD" though it may play at that res.
  20. You'd be surprised. Lots of times some great sequences are left out. If possible they are recycled and used in the future but there's always tons of work done that never see the light of day. Especially if it's left out due to story changes. 360715[/snapback] That is true, but in the podcast, RDM mentioned that the story wasn't about the battle, and you didn't need to see all of that. You get enough to know what's going on in the background. So, I think it's safe to say we prob got everything he wanted us to see. That said, I'll say that that this season has the most impressive CGI I've seen on TV. The Galactica's flak barrier in Ep 1. The ccene of Kat avoiding the exploding asteroid. And the battle between the Battlestars and the Base Ships. Zoic is truly amazing.
  21. Yes, the AACS specs allow manufacturers to let the hardware output HD over analog. But what JBO mentioned was that if maybe some players find a flagged disc maybe some of them will "ignore" the flag and let the disc output full HD over analog. This won't be the case. It will be up to the studios to set the ICT flag (which will down-res discs to what I mentioned earlier over analog). So, it is up to the studios to set the flag on the disc, and if the disc has the flag, the player has no choice but to down res it. Native 720p support in games. DVD films are 480p period. Unless the player has a scaler (like those "up converting" players with an expensive scaling faroudja chip), the ouput will always be 480p. In the case of upscaling players, the player will "upscale" the source material to 720p or 1080i. It won't give you any "added" detail, but it will appear slightly sharper. Some people don't notice the difference much but with a good upscaling player it makes DVD's on an HDTV look a little better. The difference isn't night and day at first (it isn't magic) but, if you do upscale DVD's and watch them that way for a few weeks, then switch back to 480p (on the same monitor), you'll likely find a 480p picture "soft". BTW, most upconverting players will only up scale through HDMI. The 360 has no upscaling for regular DVD movies even if the games are output in that res. It's just like the original PS2's had no progressive scan playback but you could play a PS2 DVD game in progressive scan. One thing to note is that most of the HD DVD players will upscale regular DVD's to 720p or 1080i, and Blu Ray players will upscale DVD's to 720p, 1080i and 1080p. That's for players. Not sure if the 360 add on or the PS3 will but it's almost a given. Since 360 has no current digital output the add on will probably have an HDMI or HDCP DVI out. HDMI would require a separate port (The whole HDMI spec is that no manufacturer proprietary connectors) whereas if it's in the hardware , an HDCP compliant DVI cable could be made to use the 360's current out.
  22. It's not likely. The manufacturer will lose the AACS license and this time around, it seems every manufacturer and studio is being veeeeeeery careful on things like that. At least, in the case of HD DVD, there is only Toshiba and LG manufacturing players (not counting PC drives from HP) since Sanyo had delayed theirs indefinitely (taking a wait and see), and the RCA one is simply a rebadged Toshiba. So if Toshiba does it, they lose their AACS license and they wouldn't do that. LG...well, they might but I doubt it. As for Blu Ray, you got Sony, Samsung, Pioneer, LG, Panasonic, Yamaha, JVC, Phillips, Zenith, and Mitsubishi making players and recorders so take your pic as to who might try to tempt the fates. Don't think it will happen here either. You might see some China stuff down the road but, the best way is that the studios realize that pirating doesn't happen from some guy getting stuff on the disc through component outputs. Warner Bros( releasing for both formats) is the worst offender here since most of the other studios actually understand that and don't want to leave the early adopters out in the cold.
  23. It will be at 960x540. 540p (I'm pretty sure prog and not interlaced). I just got back from my flight tonight so I'm a lil fuzzy on stuff. So it should look slightly better than DVD but, if you have an HDTV, you'd want at least 720p anyways...though it would be interesting to see just how much of a difference it would be with certain displays and whatnot. 720p would be a full HD output so "no soup for you!" if you only have Component on your HDTV. Officially, HD is 720p (1280X720), and 1080i and 1080p (1920X1080) DVD is standard Def at 720 X480(thougth you can't buy any SD TV only that allows 480p oddly)...they are all HD capable. Other thing I forgot is that AACS also brings us new region codes.... (No region free needed for importing anime on HD DVD and Blu Ray, people!) Region 1 Discs : North America, South America, East Asia(excluding China): India, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia etc.) Region 2 Discs : Africa, Europe Region 3 Discs : China, Russia and other countries
  24. I thought I had posted that already but, I guess I forgot to. Thanks for letting everyone know.
  25. This is somewhat related.... For those worried about "downrezzed" output over component on the new BD and HD DVD players (including the PS3 and HD DVD add on for 360)..some news: AACS will allow HD content over component outputs (so any Blu Ray or HD DVD player can display HD over component). Bad News: the ICT (Image Constraint token) flag on the discs will prevent the player from doing so and downres the output through the player. Soo.....it will be up to the studio whether to set the flag or not. The ones that do, no HD component. The ones that don't will allow it. The discs with the flag are supposed to be marked on the outside of the packaging to do so. So, you can vote against it by not purchasing said disc if you wish. The other good news is that instead of downcenverting to 480i (yes they wanted it down to 480i), if it is a disc that downconverts over analog, it will be at a slightly higher res than standard DVD. Most of the studios don't want downres over analog (Fox and Disney fought against it strongly), but of the main studios, it seems Warner is the one that wants it most.
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