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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I asked for it at Blockbuster but the girl looked at me as if I had spinach leaves for ears.
  2. Bah, that's another one that's overpriced and overrated. Unless you own a black or dark-colored car, the results are hardly noticeable compared to other products like Meguiar's NXT Generation Tech Wax. Personally, I use Simply Z-Best Car Wax. It's easy to apply and lasts for up to six months. 372773[/snapback] Tried those. They simply do not last as long. I do live in an environment where we regularly get about 130 inches of rain a year. Zaino lasts the longest after repeated rain. And all my cars are usually black so I do notice.
  3. My launch consoles have no bearing on the numbers (Though they all work flawlessly still), and what you say about the problem isn't outlandish..but the numbers are. 50 million is a LOT. 50 percent defective? I am pretty certain that we would have been called for that one. And yes, you probably have seen the worst of it...I worked in the industry many years ago (and I have some friendly ties still to a few small publishers as well as 2 big names which is why you see me fairly vocal on the BD/HD DVD side of things in this next gen console race..I wish I could really delve more because it's far more interesting a read than what we are debating), and no offense but, the reports from retail employees are generally so one sided and way off, it's hard for me to take anything with any stride. I also worked video game retail as well, many many many years ago. If I used your reasoning, then believe me, I could "prove" nearly every console had a 1 in 3 defect rate based upon people calling to ask if we fixed NES' or was buying another one to replace one. Again, your little part of the pie does not equal the world and you're basing your personal experience to guess insane worldwide numbers. But that is typical with this generation. There were many problems with faulty PS2's. There are many many many faulty PS2's. There were not however 50 million of them. Nor 40, nor 30, nor 20, nor 15, nor 10. 3-5 more likely and maybe even as high as six. But hey, you know what you know.
  4. Meh, Zaino is the best for the buck.
  5. Even 50 million owners is more than double 20 million. 30 million extra consoles isn't exactly close. 50 million people bought 2? Think about that for a sec. I understand your reasoning but it's still way off. Yes, it's still a myth. PS2's have a high number of defects...in relation to the number sold. Even if there were only 50 million of them out there, 3-5 percent is still 1.5-3 million defects. I'm sure they have...just not 50 million of them...not even 40, 30, 25, or 20 million. Even if Gamestop alone found 15 million defects, then it breaks down to what...like...almost 9000 defects per Gamestop store? If you know about the class action lawsuit, then you must know the details regarding it. Why are you adding in stuff? Again, I understand your reasoning..but the numbers are just way off. You are correct in most regards otherwise. I just don't think you can justify those kinds of numbers, class action lawsuits and all. And, the original PSX suffered a much higher defect rate than the PS2, but most young people tend to equate the things fresh in their minds and apply it to such. Another example is Sony promised us Toy Story level graphics with the PS2. They promised the world, but that Toy Story quote was from Bill Gates reagrding the original Xbox. But it forever exists in the minds of today's young gamers as a broken Sony promise.
  6. Because it's more like 50,000 users. From the customers I deal with, I would definately say that Sony has sold an average of two PS2s per customer (yes, I know that some of you are lucky enough to be on your first... but for every person who's on their first, there's someone on their third or even fourth). Mind you, 50,000 is still more than the Xbox or the Gamecube. And, as it's been said, it really comes down to games... there are more games on the PS2 than the Xbox or the Gamecube. And when the dust settles, I'm sure that Sony will come out on top again, but if they keep biting consumers in the ass with shoddy products and empty promises, while Microsoft builds Japanese support and Nintendo continues to innovate, Sony will find themselves winning by smaller margins. Sony must change their attitude and improve QC, or they will be unseated as top dog in the console industry. Maybe not today, maybe not by the 360 or Revolution. But it's going to happen. 372196[/snapback] 50,000? I don't think so. Unless you meant 50,000,000, because I doubt even the most loyal Sony fan boy bought 2000 consoles apiece. And the stories of everyone on their 3rd and 4th system are far the exception rather than the norm. This is just another "video game store" employee myth. You might have seen a lot of defective PS2's but just because you may have, I really doubt your reasoning and numbers. Wishful MS thinking. Are you saying one in two PS2's are faulty? One in three even? I think not.
  7. You gotta be kidding.
  8. That's the Kaiyodo released a few months ago.
  9. Honestly, moreso than the actual PS3 performance, what I'd like info on is the Playstation HUB, the supposed Sony answer to Live. And I actually have confidence that we'll see Sony launch in Sept. in Japan and US.
  10. Don't speculate about us.
  11. I'll see it. Popcorn flick. At first I thought it was that TV show but, I'll see it anyways.
  12. I don't think many people other than TOS fanatics are expecting the show to emulate the old one in many ways. In fact, after the mini, I was pretty sure this wasn't my father's Galactica.
  13. Some interesting news about Cell: Cell ready to go The process of bringing manufacturing of the Cell microprocessor up to speed has been an enormous success so far, according to a senior IBM executive, who said that the new chip's yields are improving faster than any other device the firm has worked on. Speaking to Warren Communication News, IBM senior vice president William Zeittler said that the firm is learning how to improve yields of the chip "faster than on any chip we've done." In effect, this means that the company's output of Cell processors - which is largely defined by the "yield", or how many chips on each silicon platter are actually usable - is progressing ahead of schedule. It's good news for Sony, as it means that one of the main stumbling blocks to producing high volumes of the PlayStation 3 console for launch has been largely removed - with the other key components which could yet cause problems being the NVIDIA graphics part and the Blu-Ray drive, although both of those are based on more mature technologies than Cell. However, it should be noted that IBM was also able to ramp up the volume of the PowerPC processors used in the Xbox 360 very quickly, not least since they were very similar to existing dual-core PowerPC chips. The severe shortages of the Xbox 360 at launch are thought to have been caused more by the firm's over-ambitious target of launching worldwide within a two week window than by any extraordinary manufacturing difficulties - which goes to show that while IBM may be keeping its side of the deal, Sony still has much ground to cover to ensure steady supply of the PS3 at launch.
  14. I actually enjoyed this episode more than I thought I would. Next week's Cylon point of view episode looks interesting.
  15. Merril Lynch has always "forecast" predictions about the videogame industry that never really pan out. Besides their absurd cost guess, they also give themselves a clear window of late this year to next which means, "we have no clue either". I wouldn't lose sleep over it. If E3 comes and no new info is shown, then you can worry.
  16. Rented it the other night. I enjoyed it as I missed it in the theaters.
  17. They mentioned it at last year's E3 though I doubt we'll see many games that would support it. Those specs are the same as E3 '05.
  18. Possible Sept. release for PS3: http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...d=2270&Itemid=2
  19. Don't really need two muscle cars in one garage. I need a lil pickup truck to haul trash and stuff. Thanks!
  20. I saw a kid playing with a die cast F-14 today.
  21. The current Monaro/GTO was only supposed to be run until the new one appeared which was supposed to be based on the new Zeta platform.
  22. I only have some older pics from quite awhile ago alongside with my '99 'Hawk which I sold last year. The car really is great...I like it even more than all the F Bodies I've owned. Interior is solid...very un-GM like in it's feel. Seats are prob the best I've had in a muscle car. Only thing is the bolsters get in the way when I'm working (with duty belt, it's a lil uncomfortable but I've managed). This was a few weeks ago with my camera phone: I'm not sure why but I always take pics of cars before I wash them and never when they're nice and shiny after a good Zaino polish.
  23. I love my '04. I call her 'Ada'.
  24. They drive faster than they can handle. They take turns like they see on TV or drifting videos. Or they are just idiots. The ones with high performance cars are usually new and never had anything stronger than a V6. We had this one guy with a Viper....it was not a good match as the torque must've shocked his brain because he sideswiped several poles saying the car just "was outta control!!" I've also had a lot of WRX accidents, by kids who think they can drive like a race king. Most popular cars trashed in an accident that I've seen: Civic, Eclipse, RX-8, WRX. Always some late teen or early 20 something kid trying to impress no one by revving his 4 banger through coffee can sized exhaust (The RX-8 guys at least spare us this), and going through a neighborhood right into the drainage ditch. Then they come up and tell me (if they aren't stuck bleeding to death)..."Officer...I was only going 20 miles an hour around that turn...something's wrong with my car." Yup...when your car is upside down in a ditch or now resembles modern art sculpture around a utility pole, it sure wasn't your fault.
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