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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Welcome to TV shows that have longer running plot lines than the "we solve everything in every episode and next week is a whole new story type show".
  2. It was mentioned that the Boxey kid was dropped for a number of reasons. He originally was to be Boomer's "sidekick" and there was going be a family type dynamic with Tyrol and Sharon but then they decided that Sharon would be a Cylon at the end of the mini so he was just to be a "in the background" kind of kid but his scenes from the first season mostly got deleted. You can see them on the DVD set...they are ok but they just seem out of place in the context of where they decided to go. More importantly, while they liked the actor, he by his very nature of growing up from being young looking in the mini series and season one changed as they went into season 2 and since the events from the mini and to present day season 2 only take place over the course of 9 months, and the actual actor as a kid aging nearly 3 years from the mini, they just couldn't justify how this kid they picked up suddenly grew and looked older faster than he should be.
  3. It never bothered me. I never felt or once thought that any "official" whatever have you thread was properly endorsed by the powers that be or anything. But I suppose you could just add that word to the word filter list since it bugs you so, along with mega and super and maybe the phrase, "one and only".
  4. I am honestly curious.
  5. Raptors were used partly for budgetary reasons. They originally wanted to use the Heavy Raider as a plot point in the rescue leading a few Raptors but they according to Ron Moore, were waaaaaay over budget as it is and couldn't afford to build the interior of the heavy Raider. The whole let's go back to Caprica will bring both sides of the argument and that is of course what this show does. Again, if the writing is so poor for those who say so...why are you still watching it then bitching about it?
  6. Yes, that's true but I was mentioning one of the reason why you don't see Japan creating weaponry. And the sale of F-22's and the talk of carriers are largely because if Japan has a stronger military, the US won't need to "look that way" as much (sorta ironic though in the aftermath of what's supposed to be happening and the last sentence is in the context of the whole article 9 thing).
  7. I played the NES game. It sucked. It reminds me of the NES macross game (though suckier).
  8. Do you know nothing of foreign policy? It's forbidden. Japan can only maintain a military for self defense purposes and cannot project militray power otherwise. They would run into all kinds of problems from the postwar constitution, building their own fighters stemming from the infamous article 9; in fact that's why the FS-X (F-2) had strong opposition and problems at the start. As far as Japan getting more advanced fighters, they may soon someday have F-22 Raptors as their are plans in the works to make that happen (prob stripped down some).
  9. I think you mis-understand what the ICT flags in AACS will be. JBO summed it up fairly well.
  10. Some good news: Sony pictures will not set the ICT flag on their Blu Ray releases at least not until 2010. So component over analog from them official. Fox and Disney expected to be the same. Paramount no comment, Warner the same.
  11. You can vote with your money on the HD over analog issue...the AACS ICT flag is up to the studio. So studios that set the flag...no HD over analog...studios that don't...you use component to your heart's content. The discs will be labled as such as well. Actually, both sides wanted to allow HD over analog but, AACS instead left it up to the studio. As of the ending of Feb, it can be taken that Fox and Disney are against setting the flag...Warner Bros is leaning towards making Component owners pissed off, and no one is sure about everyone else. Will be interesting.
  12. You don't have to go out and re-buy anything. Your Blu-ray players (or HD DVD) will play DVD's fine. If you want to purchase an old movie in a high def format you can.
  13. You can say that about all the next gen systems. Would be ironic if Rev is a repeat of N64.
  14. Why? They aren't going to have enough stock shipping regardless of when they launch. It's by design. 374838[/snapback] Other reasons.
  15. Fall won't be too much of a delay (US wise since that's when we would have prob seen it anyways). Though launching in both US and Japan at more or less the same time has me worried.
  16. Karma?
  17. That's friggin' hilarious!
  18. RDM said there would only be the 6 we know. I think he mentioned awhile back that the actor that plays Leoben wasn't going to be available for awhile and that they hoped they could use him again soon.
  19. I saw House of the Dead on TV once. That was enough for me.
  20. Yeah, after what they did...they're sorta screwed. What was on my mind even more was the baby....Roslin is ok with her being raised by a kid in the fleet after saying they don't know what to expect from it? Interesting indeed. The role reversal with Six/Baltar really took me by surprise.
  21. Raptors in JSDF someday? http://www.military.com/features/0,15240,8...C=airforce-a.nl
  22. Season 2 soundtrack will be available in June 2006.
  23. Going to Blockbuster to ask was your first mistake. Even anything remotely outside mainstream North American cinema is best left to the indie stores. 372977[/snapback] No such thing as one of those in my area.
  24. The wha da what from wha?
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