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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Season 3 is coming...I just posted that for the people who didn't catch it at the end of the other broadcasts that didn't air it. The video clips end with returns in October.
  2. Some people I guess either got the iTunes download of the second airing of the finale and the voice over after the credits did not appear. It will appear below so if you haven't seen the finale you might want to skip it. AKA SPOILERY if you missed the finale. "Humanity has surrendered, the war is finally over. We must now fulfill our true destiny -- so we will love them, and take care of them. Show them the glory of peace. And, like God, our infinite mercy will be matched only by our power. And complete control."
  3. It was the final Galactica 1980 episode. It featured Dirk Benedict returning as Starbuck in a story told by Adama. It was the only half decent episode of '80. Basically Starbuck crashes on a planet with a Centurion who becomes his "pal". Think Enemy Mine. Lots of people say You Can't Go Home Again was the homage to that episode but it was never the intention and the writers of that episode never saw the 1980 episode. 380018[/snapback] I was just about to bring that point up. So....Starbuck was to be forever stranded on this planet, then? Also, the Cylons in that series were still "toaster" style, right? Must've been an odd pairing to be sure... 380031[/snapback] In that episode, yeah that was his fate and it was the old school toaster he made his bitch. Yeah, the DVD's are only anamorphic widescreen...it has never been shown otherwise...well, Sci -Fi shows it in a 4:3 letterbox. There is no 4:3 "full screen" version.
  4. It was the final Galactica 1980 episode. It featured Dirk Benedict returning as Starbuck in a story told by Adama. It was the only half decent episode of '80. Basically Starbuck crashes on a planet with a Centurion who becomes his "pal". Think Enemy Mine. Lots of people say You Can't Go Home Again was the homage to that episode but it was never the intention and the writers of that episode never saw the 1980 episode.
  5. More from Ron Moore about the future of BSG...and his thoughts on homage plots like The Ship of Lights and the Return of Starbuck episode: http://www.nowplayingmag.com/content/view/3301/2/
  6. You gotta be kidding me. I'm not taking offense as to being part chinese...I'm taking offense as to what this really has to do with the forum. If you want to know what people living in China eat for breakfast than eggs and rice or fish is common, as are friggin' cereal and fruits for those who want it... as far as people of Chinese descent...pretty much whatever we feel like. And all of this is moot if you live in Hawaii...be you japanese, haole, chinese, filipino, whatever...everyone eats friggin' everything. And Hawaii is SPAM's capital.
  7. We eat frakkin' food.
  8. The only odd thing that struck me in the whole 30 mins of the leap was...the baby is still a "baby"..after a year, shouldn't lil kid be toddling around a bit...
  9. Just as Roslin told Gaius. So he's basically screwed humanity not once (the mini), not twice (the nuke), but three times!!
  10. Holllleeeee Crap. They really weren't kidding when they said things would be different. Risky but I loved it.
  11. Why would getting the second half of the season with the extended cut of Pegasus be bad for people who bought the first half? It's not as if you would have only bought half the season and stopped there if you were buying the DVD's. Those waiting for a "complete" season...the "complete" set will just be the 2 sets combined nothing more. Besides this won't be a problem for the 3rd season as the full 20 will run with no break starting in October. They asked for more production time and they got it.
  12. Never heard that one.
  13. My bad, I forgot that Nintendo never promised us an apple orchard. Hmm...maybe it is bad,i n that I often forget the GC even though it ranks high on my list. I tend to not take them seriously anymore.
  14. Has any system in recent years? 378311[/snapback] The Dreamcast actually surpassed them. 378326[/snapback] Thinking post DC. Nothing released this decade really has.
  15. Has any system in recent years?
  16. I used to use this nickname just to throw off the people in a Japanese chat room into thinking I was some stupid white dude.
  17. I honestly haven't seen one film that was nominated this year (though I admit wanting to see Walk The Line).
  18. Yes I'm sure no one here ever ever ever heard about that!!!!! OK, I'm done. Have at it.
  19. Snoopy could take out Voltron plus all the other anime fighter planes except for :
  20. I love Japan's commercials with yankee stars. Or seeing Froosted Flakes commercials from Japan. "They'rrrrre Great-O!!!"
  21. Huh? She's been dying from the mini. How long was she supposed to stay on a deathbed too...more than a few eps? So...if a long plot resolves finally in a single episode than it is poor...and if they aren't resolved in a couple of episodes then they fizzle out? So Cain should still be here, the Pegasus itself should be gone, the Blackbird should not have been destroyed, they should be harping on what Tigh did while in command, and the baby who was born one episode ago you think is going nowhere because one episode of a 2 parter didn't mention it? The Pegasus crew chief actor is returning later, I believe it was mentioned the actor wasn't available just like the actors for Stinger and Leoben. Can't do anything intersting with the character if the actor isn't there.
  22. Probably. Will another mod see the official and raise us a super-mega-hyper?
  23. SKS's are great for the money.
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