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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Some shots from the GDC real time demo of PS3 Ratchet and Clank. Not too shabby.
  2. The stick is well worth it. It's hard to go back to a DualShock after having the ability to keep your speed constant with the throttle.
  3. I wouldn't go that far.
  4. Yeah, Sam Jackson loves purple. He has a purple '04 Goat.
  5. Ironically, I would pay just to see Sam Mother F'n Jackson taser a snake on a mother f'n plane. I heard he signed on just because of the title and wouldn't do it if they changed it.
  6. No kidding.
  7. If they were also adding Sega CD and TG CD games, I'd definitely add the Rev to my purchases this year.
  8. The GDC sheds some light on PS3 (realtime gameplay footage!): Rollout in early November 2006 in Japan, the US, Europe, and even Australia. (Hmmm...I dunno) PS3 will be the highest production product ever put out by Sony. Expect to see them by the boatloads at launch (again though, I dunno about that) Wireless networking and ethernet integrated Final controller design to be shown at E3 '06 PS3 game software will be 'region free'...import those Japanese games with no mods to the system. Multiple soundtracks (Japanese, english, etc. expected to become more the norm in PS3 games as release dates between countries should shrink). All PS3's will support every display standard including PAL and NTSC along with ATSC/HD standards. Full backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2 (old news but now absolutely confirmed..no half ass 360 backwards compat). PS Network Hub online similar to Live but free with gameplay features (vague here) Games can be downloaded to and run from HDD (unsure if this means what many of you are thinking) Final Dev kits go out in June Sony will launch an e-Distribution intitiative, which is to attract developers and programmers interested in innovative games, who will then be contacted by Sony. Games created through this will be distributed online for download. PS network tests in July..expected to be "ready to go" by September Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, I-8 (name changed to Resistance), Motorstorm, a singing game, and Ratchet and Clank were shown and in realtime demos. There were more tech demos including a new duck one and one similar to the gas station one at E3 this time with a car that was torn to pieces by gunfire.
  9. Oy. I know what BD+ is...I believe you were the one that said Blu-Ray works exactly like CSS which is true with AACS but adds things in the form of the ROM mark and BD+. I think you're taking the whole copy definition a lil too close to heart. We do know what is going into BD-ROM's btw.
  10. How is the military channel nerdy?
  11. Never heard that one. I highly doubt it. He could doctor the scripts when they're done if they actually want a good script though. If it did have Joss writing it, I'd probably watch it.
  12. CSS never prevented disk copying. A complete disk image contained all the CSS data, and when you burned the disk image, the decryption keys were intact. It's sort of like password-protecting your computer, then writing the password on the monitor so you don't forget it. The closest DVD had to an actual copy-protection mechanism was dual-layer(unless we count the short-lived, ill-concieved Divx market). Once dual-layer writers came down in price, that was dead. But it doesn't matter. If you copy the disk, you copy all of it. Your copies are identical to the original source disk. As I said, that doesn't matter. The only people it affects are the ones doing something BESIDES just copying the disk. 381780[/snapback] It matters this time because you can't make an exact disk image with production movie BD-ROM's anymore. The disk will be exact but with an additional surprise! Most people who copy DVD's do not use dual layer writers and media...they do not copy the whole disc iamge...they take the movie portion. Yes, again you are trying to sound correct in which you are but that has nothing to do with why these steps are being implemented. The ones who copy the entire disc are also just as wrong ( very few people make an honest "back up copy" and the ones that spout that's what they do and that it's their right to take clips and such are always the ones we raid and find hundreds of illegal copies with nary an original in sight but netflix rental envelopes everywhere). You're saying basically why bother with any type of protection because it harms the legal right of the user...that's why this time around there's MMC (which I doubt will work like they expect). Again, perhaps my wording is in-correct for you. I don't mean exact disc image copies..I mean the average person that steals them from rentals. The dropped sales we've trace back to not mass copied discs (which the ROM mark and BD+ prevents in Blu-ray and I cannot say how you won't be able to make a disk image that will now no longer be exactly like the original), but to the people buying programs to strip the menus, extras, compress the discs onto single layer etc and overide CSS whenever it may intrude. That is what I meant when I say copy. Again, it is what studios wanted...not saying it's the correct solution. I'm telling you what they wanted and did about it...you're telling me why it won't work...you don't have to...they were told what it would and would not do...it was acceptable to them. You'e stretching exact words out of the context I mean and maybe I should be presenting you with reports instead but since this is an anime board I'd prefer not to. CSS cracked meant any and all DVD-ROM was broken Open to anything. BD+ is upgradeable. If cracked, can be simply changed so no more ripping of discs or using a program that stripped a broken BD+ code like the multitude of programs that do CSS. AACS works like you mentioned for the most part. Disk image copying from a BD ROM will net you a surprise and without going into details, it is not the same this time around. Again though, if it's a managed copy (which both HD DVD and BD will support though I'm doubting the first releases will show up with it) then it is marked as such as well and should make people who legally want a back up, clips, or streaming to their media center or portable happy.
  13. Looks like ML's analyst now says their estimate is $630 for cost of PS3. I swear these people just have no clue...first it was $900 but $800 if you added their own costs estimates up, and a couple weeks later he's saying $630. Same analyst that came out with the earlier this month report changes his estimate quite a bit. Also they estimate 44,800 yen retail....sounding familiar. Oh No! Maybe they actually did some research or read the internal memos!!
  14. 86%...cute lil test.
  15. Still waitingto find an issue.
  16. Well, I never said it would. My point was that while Blu-ray uses AACS protection, it also adds something which HD DVD does not share. Truthfully, how many people are renting DVD's and copying them? Quite a bit. Much more than a few years ago. DVD sales are slowing and rentals are rising. With CSS, once that was cracked..that was it..any DVD can be copied...with BD+, it's more re-assurance for the studios so that if it is cracked, they just dial up a new scheme so future releases would not be privy to the exact same defeated code at least until it gets cracked again. Not so with DVD and CSS. This is what the studios want. They know it will be cracked. BD+ in the BD specs gives those studio execs a little more piece of mind. That is all. Well, it also opens the door to them interfering with MMC but that's another topic that will be OT. Maybe I should not have used the word pirated because you went off on a tangent about it. Perhaps I should have used, "the dumb bloke who copies DVD's he rents from netflix won't be able to do it every single time because he bought one program that broke AACS and the first wave of BD+ and he'll need to wait until the next one is broken.
  17. I'd put my SXRD (Sony's LCOS) against any CRT out there. I was hardcore CRT for years and swore I'd never go rear projection... Plasma might be vivid and have a small footprint, but the power consumption, crushed blacks were complemented by loud fans and enormous power consumption to go with the high price. SED? Delayed yet again. I really wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be vaporware... 380884[/snapback] Toshiba should concentrate on SED...but pride won't go away since they want the high def DVD market and DVD Forum to continue in their favor. This could have ended months ago if MS hadn't stepped in. Now we have Toshiba spreading resources thin (a whopping 10,000 HD DVD players at launch window) and though now not exactly dead, is kinda just throwing away millions in the next gen battle for movies when they are sitting on what could actually replace most flat panel TV's today. Heck, they're using the Cell in their TV's soon anyways.
  18. Some more info appears: All games require HDD Only one SKU for PS3 (unless Sony wants people to buy a console unable to play games without an add on...that would be extreme suicide) so looks like HDD might be standard after all. HDD is standard laptop 2.5" SATA type Developers were told to assume all PS3's will have the HDD Final PS3 specs got a RAM upgrade...whether more or faster RAM is unkknown. Kutaragi said he feels the Blu Ray player in PS3 will be the best quality when it is launched( take that one with a very large grain of salt) All regions to launch before Thanksgiving in the US E3 final price reveal... $450 US my guess with BD, HDD, and demo disc with Blu Ray movie samples or possibly a movie pack in like the Spiderman 2 UMD at launch
  19. Not as I understand it. What I've heard is it works JUST like modern CSS does. There's X number of decryption keys defined. All manufacturers are issued one. The key has to be on the disk AND player to work. If a device is found to not comply with the Blu-Ray Disk... group-thingie's rules, they can revoke that company's decryption key. Future disks won't contain that key on them, and thus those disks won't work on offending hardware. That's acutally how CSS was cracked. They shipped ... I believe it was a player with both sets of keys in the ROM. Once they had keys, it was easier for the hackers to work out the algorythm. More relvantly, no one's CSS keys were ever revoked. They were THREATENED, but never actualyl revoked. 380852[/snapback] For AACS schemes and HD DVD yes, what you mentioned. BD+ adds more security for Blu Ray which was what Fox really pushed for and got. And BD+ is implemented in Blu Ray movies in which it adds dynamic encryption to prevent what happened with CSS. Blu-ray also adds a ROM mark on production ROM discs to prevent mass piracy. Yes, no one had revocation during the DVD era...this time around, the stakes are a little higher.
  20. The whole thing with Blu-ray is that if it is cracked, the encryption can be updated. That's what BD+ is there for. So any new discs won't be able to be pirated.
  21. Just remember, the PS and Saturn were both around 800 at Japanese launch. 380717[/snapback] My launch Saturn was just under 35,000 yen 2 days after launch in Japan back in '94. I don't recall the PSX launch price but I don't recall it was that much in Japan either. 380739[/snapback] Maybe I have bad information. I don't recall any of the retarded shenanigans that've marked the current generation's launches. Could be wrong. 380769[/snapback] Yeah there was no dealing with all of that back then...the problem was seeing hundreds of gamers in Akihabara lined up the nights before. Where did you get the $425 price? I know the main numbers going around has been the alleged $700-$900 manufacturing cost for the system. My guess is that the version with the hard drive will be sold at $499 or higher. I just wonder how big of a hit Sony is willing to take during the PS3's first few years of life to get it out to as big of a market possible? 380780[/snapback] I can't remember where I saw that one..it was in one of the releases somewhere. 50,000 yen at least in Japan...so roughly $425 US( not won't go higher than...won't go lesser than). The ML report was so far off base, it's laughable...they even got their own math wrong adding the costs of their guess of the components wrong by $100...they said $900, their own math said $800...and a BD ROM drive costs $350 etc...they really have no clue. So far, it has HDMI(1.3 to boot) but it also has the familiar Playstation connector that has been around since the PS1...so you can use that if you bought S Video cables for SD or component cables for High Def gaming..the only hang up with that solution is Blu Ray Movie disc playback in High Def...some films will be downrezzed through the analog component depending on the studio. Sony, Fox, Disney will not down rez discs at least not for many many years until the demand for analog component is no longer as much of an issue....Warner may, Universal and Paramount unknown but probably will (Uni on HD DVD releases).
  22. Just remember, the PS and Saturn were both around 800 at Japanese launch. 380717[/snapback] My launch Saturn was just under 35,000 yen 2 days after launch in Japan back in '94. I don't recall the PSX launch price but I don't recall it was that much in Japan either.
  23. HDD required for all games. Ok, this is actually something we didn't expect. As for price...- Price will not be less than 50,000YEN (~$425.00 USD) at least in Japan. So at least $425...question is how high could it go with BD, HDMI 1.3 and possibly a 60 GB HDD. Interesting indeed.
  24. Yowza. Nice collector's item for the phone collector though.
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