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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Still hopeful this will be a success. I'll be there day one in the theater with my fingers crossed.
  2. I can't believe I watched the whole clip.
  3. 2 Blu-rays?
  4. Mouse? Umm...ok. Seems like an odd character choice when there literally dozens of Joes to choose from. Hope on this one is dwindling.
  5. Well, there was Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV, and the one that was just released (and available as DLC upgrade), SFIV Arcade Edition. The Turbo threw me off, thought you were just poking fun at Capcom. Which would be justified. Ultimate MVC3 while compelling enough an upgrade, with 12 new characters and 8 stages, new netcode, etc, to be released the a few months later after the first (Nov release) is rather jarring to most people. Myself included. Oh well...wait 10 years for a sequel, get two in less than a year.
  6. I presume that was just sarcasm.
  7. More like..."the fight scene on the way to the dragon." I know they had to cut for time, but that entire sequence lopped out made the whole dragon scene in the theater seem weird. You could tell something was missing. I liked the club sequence that was cut, but...I do agree with Snyder's decision about it. It did seem to remove a bit of danger about the asylym/brothel, and made it seem like it's a "fun place".
  8. Bought the extended cut Blu-ray, the SteelBook Canada Blu-ray too. MIght pick up the Japan Angel Wars set as well. Also got one of the signed by Snyder limited edition art books too when they were released. I like this film.
  9. Went with a friend today. This was a very boring film for me. That last act just kept dragging on and on. Liked the first one that everyone here hated, liked the action of the second film but, hated the plot. This final one....was just weird and boring. Not a TF fan though, so perhaps thats why I dislike the one that people like. Edit: The 3D was a turn off for me (no 2d version where I was) so that probably added to my dislike.
  10. I don't agree with it but, to be fair, people I know who don't play Ace Combat shy away from it for precisely that reason. They want in your face action. Makes sense to attract newcomers to the series. It's inevitable. Look at what happened to SOCOM.
  11. Warhawk did vehicles well. You could still play without one, and at times it was better not to be in one.
  12. Yes. Avoid any spoilers...this show deserves your undivided shock and wtf moments. It's awesome.
  13. At that price, it's a no-brainer for me. In fact, I just pre-ordered the 3G one from Amazon.
  14. Good way to intro some new fans...and I'll take a revamped ZOE2 in HD prior to ZOE3.
  15. It's never bothered me honestly.
  16. I wouldn't even bother trying the first day millions of people are downloading games all at the same time. I'd wait a couple days at least.
  17. I never finished VIII because of the drawing spells.
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