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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Yup, in the old thread.
  2. I've never watched this show.
  3. Honestly, at least to me, the new icons make the board look really cluttered and cheap.
  4. Yep, save the minmay for that. It takes up way too much space and makes it look really cluttered as well.
  5. Ironically Sony was pitching to studios about including both UMD and DVD packs but in the first few months, people actually did buy UMD's at the high prices and studios said, why should we...they're buying them anyways. UMD isn't a total failure...it still is PSP's media for games like a Gameboy Advance cartridge is (those gameboy videos for kids didn't last long either). It is failing as a storage format for films in which again, is too expensive and for some reason, Joe six pack wants to play their UMD's from their shiny new PSP on their TV. There will be a "video out" solution soon (too late though) though, and some people will be happy watching their more expensive lower res UMD movie on their TV. Another thing of interest...Sony knew that sooner or later memory sticks with ripped video would happen and also knew that people would want to copy video to there. With DVD, it is possible but not something "approved" of course. With the new HD formats, things like MMC and MC are to allow users to "legally" download a lower res version to a portable device....like a PSP with a memory stick. Not sure if the implementation will be as was originally planned but this was something they did bring up at several times.
  6. The last generation is still going and is entering year 6 for the PS2 and 5 for the GC and XBox(though MS pulled first party support for the XBox when 360 was released) and you'll see major support for the next couple of years...the PSX had games coming out for close to it's 10 year life total and can still buy the hardware (only recently stopped manufacturing). When they say "10 year lifespan" they actually are pretty close in that respect. Sony hasn't dropped the ball there and Nintendo has been fairly decent in that respect as well. It wouldn't be as profitable if it were less than that anyways (well, maybe for the big N it would).
  7. Officer Price $1850 Our Dept. would have cows if we put in orders with letterhead for those. 386524[/snapback] haha, that's why we have stacks of letterhead where we can get to them, only problem is the signature. our last chief (he was actually the 1st, he was chief for 50 years), I could hand him anything and he'd just sign it. ahhh, the good old days....that Glock 18 sure was fun. 386579[/snapback] Yup, same here. No way they'd approve it.
  8. What's the flight game that looks like it's on speed? 386653[/snapback] That's the Warhawk demo b ut the video has been sped up quite a bit, like someone's "fast forwarding" it. I saw the original one...very smooth and awesome water effects.
  9. Officer Price $1850 Our Dept. would have cows if we put in orders with letterhead for those.
  10. Yeah I read about that one time. Always wanted to see it just because.
  11. It was a 44 meg WMV higher quality video. I have it if someone can host.
  12. Someone sneaked a video of the Warhawk Demo at GDC: Get it before it's gone. http://studentweb.uwstout.edu/kapsz...warhawk_GDC.zip Some "video" pulled from GDC...you kinda get the idea though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7CNYSbOVxU...dc%202006%20ps3
  13. UMD's main problem is not so much the fact that people don't want portable video but more to the fact that they are horribly overpriced. The other factor is mass market wants to view them (the UMD's) on their TV as well (this was actually the number one complaint) even if they had the DVD.
  14. Those new icons are rather...large.
  15. See, therein lies the problem. I'm really not a fan of the series. I played the first Solid on the PSX, and I liked it, sure. I played the second one, too, when Substance hit the Xbox. And again, I did enjoy it, but I really didn't dwell on the story (especially the ending). As a prequel, I really never cared about what Snake Eater brought the story. As far as gameplay goes, I might check it out. I just finished Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, and I need something to play until Ace Combat Zero. Something besides Burnout Revenge, anyway. 385508[/snapback] If you didn't like MGS's story than yeah I guess it wouldn't appeal to you as much...or it could change your opinion of it. I loved teh series but I skipped Snake Eater as the whole prequel thing never really appeals to me. Then I heard the reviews and almost picked it up but just waited since Subsistence was coming. I'm glad I did because the ending made me appreciate the whole series that much more. And having the original Metal Gears on there is great as JBO mentioned. I never had the chance to play them so it's a nice addition.
  16. Yeah it is pretty good for a budget title.
  17. You should at least rent 3, as it's one of the all-time greatest gaming experiences...ever! 385291[/snapback] I agreed 385434[/snapback] I will third that. It really was great and gave us a lot of insight for a pre-quel. Unlike the SW Ep III approach, this prequel told us things we didn't truly know and boosts the series into truly legendary for me.
  18. That's why I added it...I think Nintendo will get a few more votes this time around. 384839[/snapback] Yeah I was way too distracted by AgentOne last time. So is there ANY videos or demo at GDC for upcoming Revolution games?! 385180[/snapback] Nope. We'll see something at E3 since they too are launching this year. No one seems interested in the fact that Nintendo still showed nothing yet other than a slightly revised rev controller; instead people are harping on Sony being close to launch this year and when we'll get playable demos. Go figure. 385187[/snapback] Problem with Sony is they're really pushing the graphics angle, but they pull so much bullshit that no one can't tell if it's real PS3 graphics or not without actually playing. Nintendo isn't pushing the graphics angle. They're pushing control. And they HAVE run playable demos of that(the Rev hack of Prime 2, and several minigames). 385195[/snapback] Saw the old ones. The question was at this past GDC were there anything for upcoming Rev games. If there were videos and demos I must've blinked. Unless you count the Prime 2 footage as placeholder for the Rev Metroid? From before GDC.
  19. That's why I added it...I think Nintendo will get a few more votes this time around. 384839[/snapback] Yeah I was way too distracted by AgentOne last time. So is there ANY videos or demo at GDC for upcoming Revolution games?! 385180[/snapback] Nope. We'll see something at E3 since they too are launching this year. No one seems interested in the fact that Nintendo still showed nothing yet other than a slightly revised rev controller; instead people are harping on Sony being close to launch this year and when we'll get playable demos. Go figure.
  20. I'll second that. Last thing I want to see is some dude showing starfish up to his eyetoy.
  21. I don't see a problem...old threads had links...follow link...lightbulb goes off, new thread made, everyone lives happily ever after.
  22. You know...this may be this year's blockbuster!
  23. That's why I added it...I think Nintendo will get a few more votes this time around.
  24. Continued from the old thread. Some more shots from GDC of PS3: Motorstorm Menu: Lair from Factor5 (Rogue Squadron on Gamecube fame ): Car Demo from upcoming PS3 game unk title: The Getaway: PS3 User interface shot: Formula 1 with Video menu Online:
  25. Black '04 GTO "Ada"
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