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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. And on this whole issue...new DVD's don't have new security formats. The whole DVD "standard" is an oxymoron. Heck, some of the chinese players out there don't even pay the fees for there players...they manufacture a bunch, then the "factory" closes up and that company doesn't exist anymore..DVD forum suffers and is out cash.
  2. It will up to each movie studio for each title...nothing to do with neither HD DVD or BDA decisions on the matter. If a disc is "down rezzed" through ICT it must state so on the packaging as well. Most studios will not set the flag for many years. They do realize that there are a lot of component only TV's out there. Only Warner and Paramount were really set on setting the flag (though Warner's first HD DVD releases do not have the flag set). On the slight upside it won't down res to 480p but 960x540 so while not HD res, it will still be higher than a DVD. So again, just avoid titles that set the flag if you have component only.
  3. There was an Airforce Delta Strike thread when the game came out. Yes, a lot of people liked it including myself. I like how the new Battlestar Galactica series pilot's have flight suits that really look like those of the flight suits in that game.
  4. Don't think they'll re-design the system.
  5. If 4 makes you feel like a hero, 5 will make you feel like a legendary immortal one with a hint of good demon thrown in.
  6. They did that with complaints to MS about the original XBox...no dice.
  7. The display one at my local Wal-Mart is so loud it sounds like a broken one...I can hear it through the display case at times when I pass by that way on my way to the paper towels and Gatorade.
  8. Yes, but they're pride is causing them millions in a war even they were prepared to give up behind closed doors...MS and Intel convinced them otherwise(no big investment for MS...they want the format war and it will cost them next to nothing to take stabs at Sony through the next gen optical war). For those who complain about black levels on rear projection LCD'd and DLP's...there are ways to "fix" that and give your display near tube quality blacks with none of the drawbacks.
  9. Slightly confusing but at least no Minmay of death.
  10. Mike, your TV has a native res of 720p. Most all fixed panels do nowadays with the odd 768p LCD every once in awhile and the brief flirtation with 480p EDTV's. Most CRT ones display at 1080i or 480p or both...some won't accept 720p too. Even some of the "1080p" displays out there aren't "true" 1080p in that they will display all signals received at 1080p but won't accept a 1080p source believe it or not. Those looking for 1080p sets caveat emptor and make sure you get one that will accept it. On a totally un-related note, as I was walking in Sears today, I browsed past the electrmics and noticed an elderly couple looking at an older EDTV LCD display and asking the salesperson what the real difference was...he said, oh, that's just like HDTV but it's 420p (yes four twenty...maybe he's a pothead) and it's almost just as good...it's "as sharp as DVD is". The woman looked at me as I laughed and then said..."he doesn't know what he's saying does he?". The Tosh DLP's are good but have too few inputs for me. My Panny has 4 component inputs (yup, 4 though the new models have 3), one HDMI, 2 VGA, and 3 additional S-video/composite sets. Like Mike, no lag with any system. The ones with lag are usually DLP's (Samsungs are the major offender) but technically even a CRT HDTV can lag. Average lag is 6 frames, or 1/10th of a sec...some people won't notice but for games that are timing imperative (2D fighting is the quickest most noticeable of all and a good way to see if your TV lags) it can be bothersome to some degree. There are even timing/audio sync with some DVD players and some HDTV's...
  11. My PS2 is just connected through one of the S-Video inputs... I know my TV is capable of upconverting to 1080i, but isn't that only through the component video inputs? In any case, I honestly haven't play much Megaman on it yet... but I didn't notice any lag with Gundam vs. Z Gundam, We Love Katamari, Guitar Hero, or Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, A.C.E 2, or Climax UC. which were the last few non-RPG games in my PS2. I'll play some Megaman later tonight and get back to you for sure. 389439[/snapback] Your TV converts whatever signal it receives to it's native res (720p prob) no matter what input you use. It will accept 1080i signal but even if you feed it a 1080i source like from a cable box through component or HDMI it will take the signal and display it whatever your TV's native res is. A 480i, 480p, signal will be "converted" (for lack of a better term) to 720p on your set.
  12. HDMI 1.3 is backwards/downwards compatible with older ports. 1.3 is mainly for new audio codecs being passed through the cable much like 5.1 DTS and DD on current HDMI. No real biggie. It does add 36 bit RGB so color depth on games and computer software...no benefit for video though, not even Blu-ray or HD-DVD. HDMI issues are usually from people using DVI/adapters (their display is usually non HDCP compliant), or certain cable boxes which have outdated firmware. Lots of the HDMI issues from those cable boxes are from ports that aren't even supposed to be active yet but "slip by" thus the weird handshake issues. Edit: I see you're pretty set on a tube David...no way to get a Sears in your area to bring in one you wanted? Ordering what you want yet they still need to service/replace a defecto unit would be great.
  13. These are some old shots of some DVD on a Panasonic rear proj LCD I did back in 2004...they were taken with a crappy camera and before I had better lighting installed so forgive the cracker ass pics...they were taken to just illustrate the size of the screen for someone and were posted to Amazon since I had 'em. These are only SD DVD shots. DVD on 50" LCD And here's one taken with a crappy camera phone. LCD TV taken with 1.3mp RAZR V3C
  14. Truth is, any fixed panel display will make 480i and SD TV look sub standard compared to a CRT. Honestly though, if you are planning to hook up your 360 and PS3 to it, you'll be happy later. DLP and LCoS have their advantages and disadvantages but they are for large rear-projection so I don't know why they still come up as you want to stay in the 26-30" range. For that you are pretty much stuck with LCD and CRT. The 360 demo kiosks have Sammy 26" LCD's and they are not bad. Plasmas (besides being too big) have burn in issues with 4:3 material that isn't stretched. Certain CRT's too. DLP, LCD, and LCoS do not, but they are all large rear projection with the exception of LCD's which you can buy flat. An LCD will never look like a CRT in black level but once you start going HD, it's hard to look back...gaming and TV programming wise. Good HD programming picture quality literally looks like you are watching something outside a window. The absolute worst (if you get a satellite HD package, or some cable companies that starve bit rates on their stations) still looks better than a stunning DVD. Sure your PS2 won't shine like on a tube but your 360 and PS3 with Bluray will show their true potential.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega_Genesis 388467[/snapback] Yes, along with Turbo games.
  16. Ok, we've heard an accurate translation of the interview now...he doesn't actually even mention a price, only repeats what media and publications in Europe speculating the price could be. Edit: He even issued a statement to the press debunking what they took out of context. Wait till May 8th. You'll all feel better.
  17. Actually, it's rainbows with DLP's and screen doors with LCD's. Lag is a non issue with some, and somewhat noticeable on others. Best case for you would be to see how it is in store...heck, take a PS2 with you to try if you have to. I've seen the Tosh 30's but never had any experience with the 26 inchers. Lots of people like the Samsung slim-fits but I've only seen a store demo one and it was not calibrated at all and running a DVD player through composite with stretched 4:3 material. The Tosh 85 you mentioned got a lot of bad rap...not sure how the new one would stack up. Panny LCD's: no lag with PS2 or any current consoles btw, at least no game that I have ever seen, including 2D fighting.
  18. I know nothing of Wonder Woman other than watching Super Friends when I was 4. I could care less who is cast in the role as long as she can act the part Whedon writes. That said, I had no interest in this character until I learned Whedon was writing it...if he wasn't I could care less about this movie. With Joss behind it, it's probably worth watching.
  19. You'll know for sure on Monday May 8 since that's Sony's pre-E3 conference (Or Wednesday if they decide to hold price until after MS and Nintendo's conferences, though so far that hasn't come up).
  20. Whedon is famous for finding unknowns. I think he'll look for someone who can act the part he's writing more than the looks.
  21. Think about that one for a sec. The answer should appear. 5 isn't a storyline continuation from 4 anyways.
  22. Lurked on AFM until early 2001 or so I think. I lurked on MW for awhile until sometime in 2001.
  23. Hey Kimber has a re-designed site...much better than the old one. I can actually find a model I'm looking for now.
  24. Looks too much like a Diablo/Murc clone.
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