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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I think the masses of MW are with you in that instance.
  2. And they returned it to the 20 GB version along with a new $430 price tag in Japan. Expect the HDMI in the US on the 20 GB one...price drop may happen but prob not.
  3. They "forced" you to buy a DVD player with the PS2. And honestly...you don't need to buy a PS3 if it bothers you that much. The space will be needed later. Just because they don't need it now doesn't mean they never will. Resistance is somewhere at 18 Gigs (mostly due to audio). Sure they might be wasting the space...but I'd rather have them include more or better saples of audio/music than not have it.
  4. And it starts. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...63&Itemid=2
  5. Building AR's are fun.
  6. Hmmm...Fatal Inertia looked pretty crappy at E3. New screens from the latest version look much improved. If these show up as is at TGS I'll be impressed with the turn around on this one.:
  7. More VF3 PS3 pics:
  8. Virtua Fighter 5 playable and perfect? I'm there. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3153688 The new PS3 Virtua Stick :
  9. Anyone going to the Tomcat Sunset event next week? I ordered my stuff awhile back but can't make the event.
  10. I have a GC already.
  11. A PS3 will be mine on launch day.
  12. Saw it today...I enjoyed it for what it was.
  13. Congrats. You have many sleepless nights ahead of you.
  14. Meh. A good tube will show the issues just as well as a good panel. But yeah... does Manga do ANY of their releases right? 420774[/snapback] Most people won't see it or are too used to seeing them anyways.
  15. Even the transfer itself isn't that great (invisible to a tube but a fixed panel will reveal the flaws). I will only watch this one on my older TV's. If it were anamorphic, they'd satisfy both sides of the coin...as for the transfer, well, being an old title, I wasn't expecting them to do much to it. It's fine on a regular TV...a slap in the face otherwise.
  16. I'll have to dis-agree with the "looks great" comment...A more complete or normal DVD would be an anamorphic one...not this 4:3 letterboxed crap. In-excusable for a DVD released in 2006. Fine if you have a 4:3 TV...downright horrid if you have a widescreen one since you either have to watch it in a 4:3 ratio yet letterboxed, basically reducing the picture to a small rectangle within a huge rectangle or stretching it so it becomes distorted. I curse Manga for this poor excuse of "widescreen".
  17. Non Anamorphic? WTF?!!
  18. I would like a PS3 version with the abiity to play any song on your hard drive.
  19. I definitely don't have the time to get to expert.
  20. "Privile d ges?" You'd think such a glaring error would be caught.
  21. I'd take him on. But when I win, I'd want him to promise to give me back that hour plus of my life I saw of House of the Dead on TV.
  22. Soundtracks for all the Gradius games are on the collection...at least it appears so, I didn't sample every single track.
  23. Whoa, whoa, hey! Is that the Japanese or U.S. Gradius collection? Does that thing have the music tracks to Gradius Gaiden? 408109[/snapback] US Gradius Collection released. Good question on the music...I never checked...I'll check later on today.
  24. Just picked up Field Commander, Gradius Collection, & the MGS Digital Graphic Novel. Haven't touched the MGS or Field Commander yet...busy with Gradius IV.
  25. Why do sites put up weird translated interviews? Here's a slightly less literal translation: Kutaragi Speaks
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