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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Who's telling you to get the larger HDD? If you won't be downloading, then it prob won't be an issue.
  2. a: Yes, and no...upconversion is really a mis-term for a display that displays something at 1080p natively...totally different than what a true scaling chip will do to a signal. b: If it has HDMI that accepts 1080p, you're set and "future proofed" Generally, that number is ideal for screen to viewer...but take into account dimensions of teh room you'll have it in...a 50" deal will just look silly in a small room, even if ift's s full 12 feet away from the viewer. Yes, they all still have an coaxial input for analog cable...though don't be surprised if the pic quality looks worse than a tube if you go that route. Newer Plasmas do have reduced burn in but they are still over priced, use way more electricity, get much hotter, and still are recommended for "gaming". It might be better to ask...what do you really want in an HDTV? A big screen? 1080p will do you no good if you hook up analog cable and a 360 to it.
  3. Craziness?
  4. Anyone want to see the first PS3 kiosk? ANd no it's not in the states.
  5. No Silpheed was ever 3D...it only had 3D graphics...gameplay was always 2D. The PS2 version wasn't a "remake" even though they re-did the original Sega CD intro in CGI.
  6. And it looks like for the rest of the country, Oct. 10th is the day for Pre-orders at EB/GS stores, if they so choose to...I believe the individual stores can opt not to do any pre-orders if they so wish and do a first come first serve thing on launch day. $50 down will secure you a pre-order if they decide to do so, no turn in games like they did here in Hawaii.
  7. To put things into some perspective though...a 360 with all the bells and whistles to match a PS3 in terms of "what you get" would cost more than a $599 PS3. An HD DVD -add on is $199 Wi-Fi is $100 You're already at the $700 mark going the 360 way plus the cost of Live and the cap of a 20GB HDD. Not a convincing argument but you get the point. You are getting a lot for your dough here.
  8. Hehe, I know exactly what you mean.
  9. ZOE 3? Damn...I wasn't expecting that one. I'm there.
  10. What kind of set were you looking at? These are some of the specs for a Sony Grand Wega LCOS Projection 50" : picture settings memory for each video input 7 A/V inputs, including: 3 composite video (2 rear, 1 front) 1 S-video 3 component video (2 rear, 1 front) — accepts 1080i/720p/480p/480i signals 2 HDMI digital audio/video inputs (accepts signals up to 1080p) PC input: analog RGB (D-Sub 15-pin) Most of the newer 1080p sets will accept 1080p signals...some will not and just displays everything at 1080p which isn't the same thing. Ask to see 1080p sets, and then ask if that set will take a true 1080p signal over HDMI. Mind you, no HD programming comes in 1080p, the only thing that will currently show off 1080p are Blu-ray discs (Tears of the Sun is a great one for pic quality) over HDMI and upcoming PS3 and some 360 games (though I am not sure if the 360 games will be rendered at something else and upscaled to 1080p which isn't exactly what we're looking for). ALl in all, if you're in the market for a HDTV, you might as well go the full 1080p route and future proof your purchase.
  11. 1080p is a noticeable difference over 720p and 1080i in console gaming and Blu-ray/HD DVD picture(If you can find an HD DVD player that outputs 1080p since the discs are 1080p but no current HD DVD player outputs 1080p, unlike Blu-ray which is 1080p across the board). It is worth the money IMO. Just make sure you get a set that actually accepts 1080p signals as opposed to the early ones that just displayed everything natively at 1080p. As far as the 360 and 1080p...No games on the 360 use 1080p and the only way to get 1080p out of it is to use VGA since most sets won't take 1080p over component. Blame MS for no HDMI of which your new set will prob have a couple ports.
  12. Living in Hawaii, I lucked out with the test run pre-order deal of turning in used stuff to secure a pre-oreder for PS3 and Wii...I am number 2 on the list for both in my city.
  13. It's been cut to $199, $149, and is now $129 in the US. As far as PS3 price cuts...expect to see it sooner rather than later this time around.
  14. Are you upset also that some 360 games are $5 in Japan since nobody wants them?
  15. With 2D gameplay...the new one is like Wing Commander or Rogue Squadron, with you piloting the cockpit deals...at least that's what the videos looked like that I saw.
  16. I had some hopes of Sylpheed (why the spell change) being decent on the 360 but looks like they went 3D shooter Now I'm not so sure: Looks like this guy will be ok for awhile:
  17. Saqw it...not bad...I'll tune in next week and see how it goes.
  18. Even a million units would be short supply for the holidays.
  19. What feels like crap to one fits another's hand perfectly. I never had a problem with the Dual Shock other than the ridiculous d-pad. The Xbox and even the controller S made my hands hurt, the Gamecube one makes my thumbs numb after 30 mins. All said, I use a Logitech Cordless Action for my PS2 and have never looked back.
  20. Some MGS4 info: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158568.html?...estnews;title;3 Notice anything about this pic of Snake?:
  21. There are TGS videos all over. Her's a crappy one. I'd say the still motion pic above is accurate. http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/713/713809/vid_1679254.html
  22. Looks interesting.
  23. A GT HD shot: Some box art for the 60GB version. The 20 is basically the same though with a "20" instead of 60 in place. HDMI confirmed on the 20GB model in the US. Now the only thing separating the 2 SKUS are the HD size, the media card slots, and Wi-Fi. New 6 minute trailer of MGS4 showing gameplay at TGS from various places, sorry no link.
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