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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. AVS forum is good (been there a couple years), but like any other message board is filled with elitists and some hard core people who truly don't know what they are talking about though they make it seem as they do.
  2. What PS3 games are $70-100?
  3. I guess all the HD talk went out of hand? Uncontrolled people posting in the 360 thread!!
  4. I fear this thread will be short lived too.
  5. No TV is better than a proper upscaling chip...most TV's when showing something at the native res, just do that...a scaler will do much more than just "change" the res.
  6. "Pumpkin Scissors" ?
  7. Most people have had 4:3 TV's all their life. 16:9 has only recently been gaining ground. IN other PS3 news: Sega wants to put people in VF5!! http://ps3.ign.com/articles/737/737175p1.html Kinda cool actually.
  8. Not sure what to tell you. I don't like most shows on TV, but I like it so far.
  9. I could care less if it parallels some comic book story...how could it NOT be about people who will save the world...in fact, it was stated they will in the very first episode. I doubt that that makes it some rip off of some comic book since "people saving the world" with "super powers" has been done well before rising blah blah whatever...
  10. It isn't "required". It's just that HD programming is in 16:9 format.
  11. This could be a show I like I didn't expect I would. Still looking forward to 30 Rock too.
  12. It is to a degree...it doesn't "add" detail and it won't magically turn into a HD disc, but if the scaling chip inside (Faroudja =awesome) is good, it will make a good looking DVD a littel better. Keep in mind, that the results aren't eye popping or such, as it's still just a DVD but try a good upscaling player at 720p or 1080i for a few weeks, and then go back to 480p or 480i, and you'll notice the image being much much softer. If there is one bad thing about it, it is that on certain displays ( plasmas being a prime offender, upscaling with a Faroudja chip will introduce some macroblocking in certain scenes of certain DVD's. A famous disc is Star Wars AOTC, with the scene in Palpatine's office with Yoda nad Sam Jackson...at one part, the walls look alive!! Keep in mind, that it is display dependant though...some don't have the problem at all, and on my LCD proj, I don't see the fuss.
  13. Honsetly, I'm not worried about "overheating" (cough cough 360's power brick, cough cough), as so far, all hands on reports have been favorable, with the system having an internal power supply that remained cool to the touch to it being whisper quiet as well. And it's funny, as certain people who attended TGS...they never saw any PS3s being restarted because of overheating, never saw any problems inthe literally hundreds of PS3's on the floor in the hours they stayed there. Not saying it didn't happen, but I think if it did, it's probably being blown out of proportion. Check out PS3 and accessories at CEATEC: PS3 at CEATEC
  14. The Oppo gets decent reviews and is a good one for the price, though personally I never saw one in person. I have the Panny S99 upconverting and I love it. The Sony, as you mentioned gets good reviews as well, though I really couldn't say it was better thanthe Panny, though some prefer Sony overall. Don't fret over the HDMI cable. Mine came with one and even if it didn't, I have a supply from monoprice.com. Their HDMI cables are very high quality and priced in the beer budget range too. Don't spend over $15 for a digital cable...it won't make zero difference.
  15. Huh? I think it (the adapter) just attaches to the PS3 through a USB cord. Though the wireless controllers charge through USB on the PS3 (built in rechagables unlike the 360's we make you pay to recharge deal).
  16. There are 4:3 HDTV's out there (believe it or not) but I'm not sure about any 60" projections, but then again, I never got into projection tubes.
  17. Never heard of it. But I don't read comics so...
  18. And the frivolous suits appear: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stor...16?OpenDocument Ridiculous.
  19. AKA, the TV channels you've been watching for years.
  20. If you have a "square" TV, you can play them in that 4:3 format. You have a 60" 4:3 set?
  21. As JBO pointed out, they will look worse. A tube will mask all the low res stuff so it will be much harder to see flaws. Main problem with tubes are the weight and size once you start going past 30". That said, SD on a plasma or LCD...you kinda get used to it...but when things show in HD, it's certainly a night and day difference, and pic quality is way above SD.
  22. This show is great in HD. Watching the second episode now, and it's good stuff.
  23. Depends on the maker...most of the larger LCD's are actually really good in relation to that...and if you go projection, it really isn't much of an issue unless you're watching at a 90 degree angle.
  24. There are a handful of plasmas that accept 1080p inputs, Panasonic and Pioneer are pretty much the best options when it comes to plasma. Good luck!
  25. The GT HD micro transactions thing is weird. A silver account won't let you do the one thing that Live is truly known for...online play against or with people. PS3 online is basically like Live Gold though certain games like MMO's may require an additional fee though that is a downfall of Live as well. Disclaimer: Remains to be seen if it's done well of course.
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