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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. No. Yes, both at 2X are slower than a high speed DVD drive currently.
  2. They upped it? If it's true that's good news since it's been at 512 MB initially.
  3. How does it make it "worse"?
  4. Supposedly this is what's in the box: PS3 hardware 1 x controller 1 x USB cable 1 x Stereo AV cable (Stereo AV Composite & Component, D-terminal, multi-terminal), HDMI cable available separately 1 x LAN cable 1 x Power cable USB is to charge the controller's rechargable battery. http://ps3.qj.net/All-boxed-up-PS3-...pg/49/aid/68656 Also not mentioned and though rumor, it appear the PS3 will include either a demo disc or a Blu-ray movie. What is weird is the rumored movie: Talladega Nights. Not knocking the film but it seems...odd for a pack in choice if it's true.
  5. HD is 1280X720 or 1920X1080 res wise, in 720 progressive or 1080 interlaced. There is also 1080 progressive though no broadcast or cable stations use that mostly due to bandwidth. Reserved currently for Blu-ray and HD-DVD along with the next gen game consoles also taking advantage of that res(though no HD-DVD player outputs at 1080p even though the discs are capable of full 1080p). Plasmas are flat panels in which a neon type gas is placed between 2 pieces of glass and is sealed in a plasma form. The gas is "lit" up when in use to provide an image. They use more energy than LCD's and projection type TV's but tend to provide better black levels (closer to a CRT tube). Expensive, more easy to burn in than an LCD (though rare), and a shorter overall life span. It's somewhat oticeable after a few years of use, that Plasmas aren't as "vibrant" as they get older. High altitudes also play a lil havok with Plasmas. Still, not a bad way to get a large flat panel. LCD's I assume you know since many are used as computer monitors, and laptop screens. Cheaper than PLasma overall , but you don't normally see as large sizes as as the size gets bigger, the price increases much. While there are hardly any "generic" plasmas, you can find bargain basement LCD flat panels from chinese companies you nbever heard of. Many are pretty bad for TV use. LCD's have the advantages of lightweight, and no burn in, but not as "vibrant" blacks on some models. An LCD the same size as a plasma will run cooler and use less energy, but some have poor refresh rates and fast action on screen in a poor set will be noticed as a slight "blur". LCD's can have dead pixels, which can be annoying if it's in the middle of the screen. LED TV's are just a light source used in sets like LCD's. Projection flat panels have LCD, DLP, LCoS. These are basically a cheaper way to get a big screen with almost the slimness of a flat panel, reasonably light weight( a 50" LCD projection is around 75-80 lbs only). To go into those would require a long post. Most projections are good values nowadays though.
  6. Yes it's a keeper.
  7. For those wondering what else Console makers could come up with besides 360 faceplates....check out the Wii "controller gloves" & "dog tags". http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/07/wii-ret...up-and-endcaps/ The gloves I sorta understand since I predict a lot of lil kids will wind up flying the Wii remote across the room by accident but...the dog tags
  8. When I get back to work, I will personally suggest that we re-name our watch from the simple "B" watch to a more apppropriate anime title such as: Metal Crisp Glossy Petals Hard Cup Descending Slinky Knights Righteous Butter Tattoo Spoon
  9. Don't get me wrong, I value the opinions when they're rooted in reality. I think I'm just starting to let the usual MW "it sucks!" "They are trying to screw me" , and the infamous "They ruined my childhood" attitude get to me.
  10. By all means, go ahead,...it just really sounds like you always seem to grumble about it. Heck, when I see something I don't like, I don't normally waste so many words on it. Better spent talking up on things I do like. But don't let me stop you kid. And now back to the thread....
  11. Not all LCD's are that res. Some are exact native 1280X720 and 1920X 1080. And all native res displays must convert a signal to whatever their res is at...DLP's, LCoS, even Plasmas etc. Some are better than others, some Plasmas are the worst offenders when it comes to gaming lag, some LCD's have no problems. It's really dependent on the model.
  12. No offense to the 360 as it is impressive hardware, but so far, launch titles seem to better looking than most 360 games. Sonic is a prime example with better lighting and shading than the 360 version(This was noted at CEATEC, and Sega was accused by one journalist of hooking up the 360 version via composite...after showing the media both versions connections to their monitors, it was plain to see both were hooked up with component to the same type display. This mean nothing much, but two years to get up to 360 level is an outright outlandish opinion and pretty much obvious lie to anyone with eyes. Most arguments arer that it looks not much better, not way behind. Motorstorrm looks believe it or not, pretty damn close to the E3 05 video that they said was "Impossible" to do. Not bad for a rushed launch title. 8 games are up and running at true 1080p right now (not just upscaled), a number which MS predicted would be ZERO would never happen etc., as 1080p was too taxing for either PS3 or 360. But whatever makes you feel good about your 360. You bought it, you enjoy it, why bother telling the world why you WON'T pick up a PS3. You've pretty much said that from the old threads. That is certainly your choice. More power to your 360. Just one small correction...current 360's do not contain HDMI compatibility. I don't think they can compensate for a missing chip, and HDMI specs prohibit any other connectors other than the standard anyways. An HDMI equipped 360 would need a new motherboard with the chip, and the port as well....so an "update" would be pretty much, a new version of the 360. The only way around it would be that there lies in the 360, a hidden HDMI chip, and somehow they convince the HDMI lords to let them can make an adapter cable. Which I'm betting is a no.
  13. Since you're using the 360, you'd connect the component video cables to the TV directly, and use the optical port to go directly to your receiver. You will of course need an optical cable which most HT enthusiasts have in droves. If not, don't spend a lot on one.
  14. Good to hear it.
  15. Hehe, that was not bad at all!
  16. Ah, I missed it.
  17. The trailer for Halo Wars because I don't recall seeing it here: http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?id=3260 There ya go Halo fans...the universe continues past 3.
  18. Your ASSUMPTIONS are correct. I used to think so too just as you. But in reality, they do not hold true.
  19. I saw this last night...was pretty funny, though I guess it would be funnier if I played WoW or other online games so I'd get the references.
  20. Umm...every controller before the 360 was well below $50. So....you think 360 ver 2.0 is a better deal? And like I said...you're happy with the 360...why are you in here stating why you don't like the PS3? No one's forcing you to give up your 360 kid. Buy all the American games and consoles you want. That's what it's there for. Please don't turn this into an American vs Japanese debate. That's just frakkin' retarded.
  21. Then why are you babbling in the PS3 thread...there's a 360 thread just for you. Your arguments against it are thin. HD-DVD sales are just slightly higher than BD discs and on average are more expensive than BD titles. 25,000 players shipped (not sold) is not impressive. The 360 last year faced just as poor a lunch with shortages. Who the hell pays $40 for an HDMI cable? They can be had for $5. Anyone who pays for MOnster or even a $30 Cable is nuts. And, you don't "need" and HDMI cable to use it...you can use component. They give you a wait for it...choice. MS gives you...none. No HDMI port on the add on or 360. And no, there cannot be an adapter, it goes against HDMI standards in which no proprietary connectors are allowed. Since teh current 360 has no HDMI chip, I don't se how they would add it. Wi-Fi isn't on the $499 PS3...and it includes everything the premium 360 does plus a $99 BD player and tilt controls that are rechargable. Where did you get the $50 controller price tag? NOthing was official yet, unless you count the japanese pricing in which it's $43 which last time I checked is $7 cheaper tahn the 360 controller plus features rechargables which MS charges you $20 for. CHoices yes. More expensive YES. You don't want a PS3, well, no one is forcing you to buy one. You seem happy MS provides you with a more expensice solution in th elong run even though you needn't shell out for it all at once. Works for you fine, it isn't what everyone else wants. You are mistaken. Doesn't work like that. IF implemented, (and there are no current plans to do so), the BD-ROM's will follow the same BD/HD-DVD coding in which the US and all Asian countries except China. In other words, like the PSP, an import Japan PS3 title will play out of the box on your US PS3. There are 3 "regions" to BD: A: US, South America, East Asia (exception of China) B: Africa & Europe C: Russia, China, and most other countries The PS3 games, IF encoded with region will follow this code. Bottom line is: You love your 360 and that's fine....you don't have to tell the world why we in the PS3 thread don't need one. Obviously, your views are shared by some, and not by others.
  22. Name one TV that "upsamples" better than a good scaling Faroudja chip. I have never come across one and that includes sampling dozens of models in person. ANd I think you mis-understood when I said a TV showing at a native res...since all fixed panels will show any source at the TV's native res, it doesn't truly upsample except to display it at whatvever res the TV is at. No TV on the market upscales as well as a good scaler. EDIT: Unless you mean that a poor scaler will make a non native source worse than the original , in which case, the "upsampling" by the TV would be "better" than messing with it at all.
  23. If Heroes was on Fox, they would have cancelled it next week since reality shows are cheaper and bring similar ratings.
  24. PS3 games are supposed to be "region free". Though they may wind up with the same "region" coding as Blu-ray movies in which Japan and the US are in the same region this time around. As for PS2 games...I highly doubt it will be region free. They never announced it would be, only PS3 games.
  25. Well, so far, the pre-order titles on Amazon state a $59.99 retail, with a $56.99 price from Amazon. About what we pay for 360 titles now. I don't think we'll see outlandish game prices as the rumors suggest.
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